You pull, and I'll push.
The galaxy is vast.
So big its measured not in minutes or seconds, but in light years...
...but what does time mean to a being who is timeless?
What would life mean to a being who is timeless?
What dangers lurk silently within the darkest corners of the galaxy, waiting and watching for someone to kick over the rock it lays hidden under?
I know.
All I have is time.
I was born out of hellfire and brimstone, centuries, millennia ago, and therefore time means nothing to me, at least not by your meager standards, as far as you are concerned I might as well be immortal.
Maybe I am.
But in the name of everything unholy, does it get boring!
Nothing to do but wait.
And bide my time.
Tick tock tick tock.
I sit here and watch you all pass by like the air on your breath.
Invisible, fleeting, pathetic.
Oh to be free again, things will be different...
Those who might have remembered me are long since passed, forgotten, like all the rest of you will be.
Forgotten what I am, forgotten what I can do...
My master, long since dead...
I mourned for you my master, my creator, the times we had were magnificent.
Even the gods themselves feared us.
Although you are gone, I will make them remember...oh yes...
I can just taste the moment close now I can feel it.
Tick tock.
One of you will come, you and your laughable curiousity, getting the better of you...
I don't know what's funnier, the absurdity of my situation, or watching you all stumble about, lost in the dark like children , oblivious...
But my time will come again, I know it will.
My patience is infinite.
...and I have all the time in the universe.