Just stopping for a drink (Open)
Posts: 98
  • Posted On: Jun 20 2005 9:48pm
Vash listened to the bounty hunters story inetnely. Obviously there was more than meets the eye. He was hiding something. But Vash didn't particularly care what it was at the moment. He was with the guy to get help, not to be buddies.

"And what brings a Gen'Dai here, mate?" the Mandalorian said, putting the glove back over his cybernetic hand. Vash cracked his knuckles and sat back.

"I didn't really intend on coming here, it was just kind of in the way. I'm actually heading to Nal Hutta to meet some..friends of mine. I've been away for a long time and need to get back in contact with my old partners. Maybe if you get another break you could come with, i'm sure my friends would love to meet you." Vash said smiling.
Posts: 27
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2005 7:14pm
"That sounds good, mate." He smiled. "But once this vacation is done with, I won't be on another for a long time."

He wondered if the Gen'Dai knew how to play pazaak.

"How bout a game of pazaak?"
Posts: 5
  • Posted On: Jun 22 2005 7:34pm
(all posts by Zair in this forum are a direct continuation of Wanted dead or alive )

BEEP BEEP BEEP "R6, put us on track for the nearest maintenance area" "Blip bloop". Zairs ship struglled to stay stabilized he lurched out of hyperspace and headed for the landing dock of the Astral Astoria...

As the ship touched down Zair realised this station was probably a bounty hunter nest. "Damn, we lost the cargo R6." he walked out into the docking bay and was approached by a maintenance officer "Would you like me to fix that stabilizer sir?" "Yeah, can you get me a room too?" "ok, what do you want?" "Gimme the best room you got." "Alright it's on the 245th floor, the droid'll get you to it." Zair walked to what he thought was an elevator and got in " Deck 245" He felt a weird floaty feeling and then he saw a bright flash, the doors opened in front of him he walked out and wondered how the elevator got him there so fast he walked to his room and gave the doordroid his credits a key slid out of it's chest, Zair took the key and looked into his room "Nice'' he commented, he put his things down and went back to the elevator "Medical Deck" the float, the flash, and the doors opened, he walked out and saw the meddroid "I have a broken arm, what can you do for" the droid activated "A few minutes in a bacta tank should get that perfect. Zair walked into the bacta tank and fell asleep as he was healing.

Zair woke up and stepped out of the tank, he put his cloths on and walked into the casino and sat down at a pazzaak table, hoping no hunters would see him...