Codex - Research & Development
R-4S EagleEye
Updated at
Aug 1 2006 5:57am
[IMG][/IMG]Name/Type: R-4S EagleEyeDesigner/Manufacturer: Stellar EnterprisesDesignation: Reconnaissance DroneFlight Controls: SE...
R&D 1: The K'nass
Updated at
Apr 10 2003 11:40pm
When the core leadership, and its respective servants returned to Lwhekk and began the rebuilding of Ssi-Ruuvi civilization they reviewed past errors in tactic, ships design, and basic religious practice's observed under combat. While ta...
R&D 2: The Devourer
Updated at
May 1 2003 2:15am
Model: Ssi-Ruuvi DevourerType: Vessel Capturing and Entechment CarrierScale: CapitalLength: 6,000 metersHeight: 4,000 metersWidth: 4,000 metersCrew: 7,000 (Ssi-ruuk) and 50,000 (P'w'ecks)Passengers: 14,000 (Ssi-ruuvi/P'w'wki t...
R&D 3: Repulsor Plates
Updated at
Jun 10 2003 12:10am
In each Bakuran invasion their had been plants, Droids or enteched HRD's among the planets natural inhabitants that had gone unoticed until the govenors horendous blunder. These plants were designed to research the planet itself and disc...
R&D: 3 The Vae'Rlen
Updated at
May 13 2003 9:40am
Model: Vae'Rlen Class Type: Combat AnalyzerScale: FrieghterLength: 150 metersCrew: 0 (Controled via tightbeam transmission/Layers of encryption in Ssi-Ruuvi keep the vessel safe from slicing)Speed: 40 mgltHyperdrive: NoneHull: 200 RUShie...
R&D 4: Fft Wren-Class Modular Station
Updated at
May 29 2003 5:25am
BASIC STATISTICSClassification : Modular stationPrimary Profile : Forward OperationsSecondary Profile : Support PlatformPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Length : 4,000 mWidth : 3,000 mHeight : 4,000 mCOMPLEM...
R&D Admins
Updated at
Jun 28 2003 3:15am
hold on. editing the post. will re-post at a later time. So do not get rid of this thread.
R&D:Avenger Class Fighter Bomber+Cyclone Frigate
Updated at
Aug 12 2002 9:11pm
I present the Plans and Shematics for two ships to be R&Ded at SFS.The ‘Avenger’ Fighter-BomberDesigner: Ren JanggarShip Designation: Stealth Fighter-Bomber Length: 19mCrew: 2 (1 pilot/1 passenger)Sheilds: Heavy Ray and Particle Shei...
R&D Forum Idea: R&D Queue
Updated at
May 5 2003 7:05am
Since we are so against new R&D Mods, I post this suggestion of making the R&D forum a faster, more efficent and overall more effective place.What this involves:-Tacking up a R&D Queue postEach new R&D to be approved is f...
R&D Limit
Updated at
Mar 11 2003 5:06am
Please, only have TWO R&D's pending approval by your group at any one time.We don't want to burn our R&D mods out, do we?