Wrath of the Ages (Rodia | Bimmisaari)
  • Posted On: Aug 12 2003 8:22pm
The remote hovered, mere meters away. It moved through the air with a swish sound. It dropped a bit in the air, then rotated slightly, a small disk in the center glowed red.

Joren could only hear it, he was completely blindfolded. He could smell it, a faint matalic scent mixed in with the smell of burning thruster propellant.

As a human, his chief sense was his sight. But he knew that as a soldier, he could not always rely on sight. He had been standing on the surface of Kessel when he had almost been killed, due to his not hearing the assassins sneaking up. He was determined not to let that happen again.

He heard another swishing sound, and he brought his hands up to his face, prepared to ward off the small, laser stinger that the sphericle remote came equipped with.

No stinging bolt came.

He heard another swish, but this time it was slightly different. Instinct took over and he started to roll to his right when he felt the stink on his left thigh. He grunted in pain.

"Halt." Came a voice to his right.

Joren took the blindfold off and looked up at Olus Kejan.

The teras kasi master smiled. The man was not human, but he looked close enough for Joren to never ask any questions. Kejan was aging, perhaps in his sixties, although you would never be able to tell that. He was among the fastest people alive, using his teras kasi skills as a method of defense. He had known teras kasi all his life, and worked hard to keep the almost-extinct martial art alive.

The droid froze in mid air as Olus Kejan helped the Supreme Commander to his feet.

"Good, very good Joren. But you a little too slow, I think." The old man said, smiling.

Joren grimaced, placing a hand over the sore spot on his thigh, "No kidding."

They were in a large training arena, located in Foamwander City, on the planet Mon Calamari. Kejan helped him to the sidelines of the training room. Joren found that he could walk fine, it wasn't an actual blaster bolt.

"You see, in teras kasi, both fighters are moving impossibly fast. You don't always have time to look over your shoulder, or keep your opponent in your line of sight. Hearing, touch, and smell play as much importance in teras kasi as does sight." Kejan said.

"But how are you able to develop these skills?" Joren asked.

"By training. You see-"

"Admiral Arden, this is Controller Johk, at High Command. Please respond." A voice said from Joren's nearby comlink, interuppting them. Joren sighed and reached for it.

"Go ahead." He said into it as Kejan stood and walked into the circular ring, strapping a blind to his face. Joren's eyes followed the old Master's movements as he spoke.

"Sir, there are several higher-ups requesting your presence at Headquarters." Controller Johk said.

"Any particular reason?" Joren asked as Kejan activated the remote. The sphere instantly began moving around. Kejin moved slowly, his steps and movements precise. He was apparently in the begining steps of a teras kasi kata.

"No sir," Johk said, "But they wanted to speak with you. I beleive General Ragabag is there, as is High Lord Regrad."

Joren barely heard the controller, as he was so intent on the remote and the old teras kasi master. The thing fired three times in succession. Joren realized Kejan must have put the thing on level three or four, which was high difficulty. Olus moved deftly, almost to fast for the eye to follow as he jumped, fliped, and then rolled. None of the stingers hit him.

"Sir?" He heard Johk say, which made him force his eyes away from the mock battle.

"Yes. Inform them I am on my way." He said and signed off as Olus executed a deft backflip over four more blasts. Joren watched in awe.


"This is the Stopper." Admiral Amer said, pointing to a hologram of an Interdictor-class Cruiser.

Joren took his seat quietly at the round conference table, looking around at the ones already seated. High Lord Regrad sat across from him, decked out in his usuall....colorful attire. The gray Azgaurd gave him a brief glance and a nod and turned back to Amer's briefing. Next to Regrad was Jan Dondana, formerly of the New Rebellion. The tactician gave him a respectful nod as well.

Another person present was Master General Jesmin Ragabag, a female Mon Calamari ground tactician, and had been in line for the title of Chief of State as well as Joren. She had actually held thirty-eight of the votes to Joren's fifty-one.

Another was Senator Agail Milova, also another failed prospect for the old Chief if State title. Joren didn't trust the Mon Calamari, and he had Intelligence uncover the fact that Milova had connections to the galactic underworld, which may have helped him attain and retain his title as Senator of the Mon Calamari Republic and then as a member of the Galactic Coalition Senate.

Joren turned his attention to the briefing.

"The Stopper and it's escort, the Victory-class Star Destroyer Tears of the Gods were investigating a smuggling operation on our border with the Outer-Rim Sovereignty, near Rodia. Smugglers and slave traders, actually. They reported finding something and then we lost contact." Amer said.

Joren spoke up, "Yes. The Tears of the Gods was one of our prime recon vessels in that area. We should probably speak to the Sovereignty about this, perhaps they have lost some ships too." Joren said.

Amer turned to him, "Actually, we already have. And they did lose contact with one of their prime ships, a 'Bird of Prey', in that area. They have sent an ambassador to greet us at Rodia."

Joren spoke again, "What about the Rodians?"

"The dimlomatics corps have been speaking to the Rodian government for months. You see, the Rodians have been troubled for at least a year by slavers. Every year, at an unspecified time, a large ship and smaller escorts drop out of hyperspace, send parties to the ground, capture a bunch of Rodians and then dissapear." Amer said.

"Sounds like Tanaab."

"Yes, it does. I had hoped that our mission to find our missing ships and the situation on Rodia could coincide." Amer said, glancing around the table.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Aug 13 2003 1:42am
Jan was in space above Foamwander City on Mon Calamari. Due to the merger involving the Azguardian Galactic Military, the New Rebellion and the Mon Calamari Republic, his office had been moved to Mon Calamari, the capital of the Galactic Coalition. He was flying Rover, with all his equipment inside.

"This is Jan Dondana flying the YT-1300 Freighter Rover requesting permission to land. Come in Foamwander City Control."

"This is Foamwander City Control to YT-1300 Freighter Rover. Section three in the shield is open. What is your destination?"

"The government buildings, docking bay 32, licensed to Jan Dondana, for his private use or his friends or business associates use."

"I see. We are transmitting a course to your nav computer now."

"I copy. The course has been loaded into the nav computer."

"Excellent. I hope you have an excellent day sir. Foamwater City Control out."

Jan piloted Rover down to the docking bay. When he landed, he walked into the cargo hold. He immediately activated the hover sleds that his equipment was on. He quickly pushed the sleds onto the docking platform. Once they were on the docking platform, he linked them together, before starting to pull them to his office. He quickly took the maintance turbolift that took him up to his office level, before he walked there. If he hadn't needed to use the maintance turbolift he would have been able to go to the waiting room right outside of his office. as it was he just had to walk a few minutes, to get to the lift, and then a few minutes to get back to his office. When he arrived he saw Mirax there. She had transfered her desk here earlier, and had been busy organising matters inside the building.

"Hello Jan, I wasn't aware you had entired the building. The people at the front were supposed to notify me to your arrival."

"I landed at my private docking bay, which doesn't have any security guards."

"Really? I'll have to notify security to change that. Your private turbolift hasn't been equiped with thumbpass scanners yet, so anyone could have used it, and bypassed all our security measures, which are quite numerous."

She went on to discuss the various security measures that the building had in place. Jan hadn't remebered Mirax being so interested with security measures before, but he put it down as stress due to moving offices. Eventually she realized that he had a string of hover sleds behind him.

"Do you need anyone to help you with the equipment?"

"Thanks Mirax, but I'll be fine."

Jan knew that these were specialized hover sleds, which were now attached to the equipment, and it would require a lot of effort to take the equipment of the hover sleds. These hover sleds however were designed to turn of their hover units, and settle on the ground. When they did this, stabilizers would extend out, and secure them to the ground. The hover sleds under the filing cabinets did not have the stabilizers, and they were not designed to stay on the floor. Instead they were designed to stay hovering for long periods of time. Jan could also control them with a remote, so that he could bring them to him, without him having to get up. While this would probably lead to him being more lazy, it would also mean that he would be able to type on his datapad, hit a button, and then continue to type, until the cabinet arrived. This would hopefully save more time. After Jan had entered the office, he quickly positioned the various equipment to where he wanted it. At this point Erisi walked in.

"Sir, you just got a call from Admiral Amer's office. It appears they need you at Headquarters for a briefing. High Lord Regrad and Master General Jesmin Ragabag are already there. Joren Arden is also summoned."

Something big must be happening, if they want all of the major fleet commanders and army commanders there.

"All right, I guess I have to go to the briefing. If I get any calls, get a message. This briefing could take a while."

Jan quickly took an airspeeder to Headquarters. When he arrived, both High Lord Regrad and Master General Jesmin Ragabag were already there. Admiral Amer was also present. Fleet Admiral Joren Arden showed up soon after that.

"I can have Intelligence look into the disappearance and the slavers. We will look for links between the two groups. I am betting though that the two group are one and the same, and that the slavers and smugglers have either a large fleet, and captured our ship, or they hired a mercenary fleet. When we go in, we will want a large fleet present, to protect the ambasador, and to protect the Rodians. What does the Diplomatic Corps have to say? Do they think the Rodians will join the Galactic Coalition after we get rid of the slavers/smugglers?"
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Aug 22 2003 3:36pm
Azguards were against slavery in all its’ forms. It was a concept nearly totally alien to them in all ways. To force another to do what you tell them, giving them no choice, seemed like a fate worse then death. For it is our choices that make life worth living.

“I am most concerned with the welfare of these slaves. You suggest they may have warships of their own. If so, who would crew them? Slaves, that’s’ who. And I cannot order my men to destroy people that do not want to fight.”

Regrad paused, adjusting his robes as he did so.

“Perhaps there is a better way. We have powerful technology, no? Get a team of beings likely to be on rodia, Arm them with whatever secret technologies available- Tracking devices, knockout gas, skeleton keys,- Then send them into space where the slavers are.

“Once there, they can coordinate with us for an attack to coincide with a slave revolt. Victory will be certain if the enemy’s crews won’t fight. We can board them, help overwhelm the slavers, and retake any lost ship. Problem over.

“Would that work?”
  • Posted On: Aug 22 2003 7:02pm
"Yes, High Lord." Joren said to Regrad, "We could prep some special assault commando teams to board the enemy vessels. But first, we must coordinate with the Outer-Rim Sovereignty. I will speak to our ORS ambassador on Bakura and see if he can arrange a meeting with their President. In the mean time, I will have a ship and some escorts begin a preparation for the journey to Rodia." He said.

"I suggest caution. What if these slavers are... disposed towards our intervention?" A new voice spoke up. Joren winced slightly and turned to Senator Agail Milova, the Defense Council's liasion in the meeting.

"Then we will have to negotiate with them. I could inform them that Rodia is under our protection. I doubt they will want to challenge us." Joren replied calmly.

"And if they do.. 'want to challenge us'? What then." Milova asked.

"They will find that they have made a mistake."

Milova smiled triumphantly, "Joren, my dear friend. I thought you were better than this. I thought we were here to dissuade any violence. We have become like the Empire, parading around with our ships and weapons. We are almost just like them." Milova said, standing up and begining to pace.

"Our soldiers are not brutal, and we are not a brutal government. I am only looking out for the best interests of thise Coalition as a whole." Joren said, watching the Calmarian Senator walk around the table.

"And doing battle with dangerous and angry slavers is in our 'best interests'?" Milova said darkly.

"What would you suggest?" Joren asked, begining to wonder where the firebrand senator would be going with his argument.

"We use the diplomatic approach. We come to them in peace, inquire about our missing ships. We could even make an alliance with them. They could spy on the Empire, gather intelligence for us." Milova said, somewhat eagerly, to Joren's suprise.

"And where would that get us? We do not even know if the Empire is not involved in this. For all we know Stormtroopers could be picking our vessels apart, peice by piece. I suggest that we hurry with this, we do not have much time, and arguing will get us nowhere."

He paused and turned to the rest of the people sitting at the table, quietly watching his exchange with the Calmarian senator.

"I am afraid I must go. If you will excuse me all, I must go see about those preparations. High Lord, if you could assign a me team of Mech suits, and a few Azgaurd commanders, and General Ragabag, if you could assign me a engineering team to set up a base on Rodia I would be grateful." He stood, saluted to the General and the High Lord and left.


Joren didn't look up as a knock came to his door.

"Come in." He called, he half-expected it to be Nataile, his romantic interest and aide, to come in and complain about him leaving again. He could not have been more wrong.

"I thought, with your title and all, that you would have more spacious living quarters." Agail Milova remarked as he entered Joren's small room.

Milova was speaking the truth, for once. Joren's living quarters on Foamwander City were indeed small. The room consisted of a bed, desk, and a small kitchenette. He was a simple man and needed no comforts. He had lived his life in hardship, as he climbed the ranks of the Mon Calamari military ranks. He was ued to it and it suited him.

"I am a simple man, Senator." Joren said, stuffing another uniform into his small overnight bag.


"Have you come to continue our earlier debate?" Joren asked.

"No, actually. I came here to warn you." Milova said, still looking around the small, darkened room.

Joren closed the bag and stood to face the Calmarian senator, "Warn me? About what?" He asked.

"I will not lie to you, Admiral Arden. I know you know that I have... certain ties to less than legal organizations." Milova said, smiling.

Joren frowned, as far as he knew, only he and a few intelligence operatives knew about that. He had worked with two operatives to discover Milova's secret ties and he had shared that with no one. Even Milova's seat on the Coalition Defense Counsil did not give him access to top secret Intelligence data.

"Yes, Admiral. Don't deny it and don't bother trying to find out how I know this. The bottom line is, the people you are going after... I have certain... agreements with them. They help me and I help them. It is sort of a mutual gain thing. I cannot allow you to destroy or disrupt their operation. They are not your run-of-the-mill slavers and smugglers. These guys have ties to other influential governments as well. Even that ORS."

Joren stared at Milova, he had one question on his mind.

"Why are you telling me this?" He asked, suspicious.

"Because I think we can help each other. If you agree not to destroy their operation, I can get rid of select officials... allowing you to attain higher status." Milova said.

Political infighting. Joren hated it.

"Milova, I consider you nothing more than a coward." He said, stepping toward the Calmarian.

"If you ever suggest any of those things to me, I'll make sure you get locked up for a very long time. On some direlict asterioid. Now get out of my sight and warn your coward friends that I am coming for them." He said.

Milova smiled, and left.

Joren grabbed his overnight bag and headed for his waiting shuttle.
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Aug 23 2003 12:45am
Jesmin was seated in her office, going over a new idea. The whole Galactic Coalition army was unorganized. The only organisation that they had was that everyone knew that Master General Jesmin Ragabag was in command of the army. Beyond that, units were placed on various planets, but they weren't organised under a good chain of command. She had therefore decided to organise the army into various Planetary Defense Regiments. She had also decided to form and build some Intant Response Divisions. These Divisions would have enough transports to be able to transport all their equipment across the galaxy. The IRDs as she had decided to call them, would be able to respond to any emergancy requiring a lot of ground weapons. She had still been debating the idea when Jan had entered her office a week before.

One week before, in Jesmin's Office.

Jan Dondana walked into Jesmin office.

"Hi. I came here to adress a problem that I noticed while I helped liberate Abregado-rae. While we did it, we had to have contact with the rebels for a long time, because it took them a while to get the wepaons they needed. If we had something that could travel across the galaxy, with transports available to them, and a large force of ground material, we would be able to liberate systems that much faster."

"Jan, you are speaking of thoughts that I have had recently. Unfortunately, our Construction Yards are busy building planetary defenses, and we do not expect to have the credits available to make a large purchase from a commercial company. Also, we don't have available shipyards to build the transports. All current shipyards are preparing for Operation D."

"True. But you say you have had similar thoughts. We could convince the Senate to start moving funds aside for the production of such a force, in the future. Even a small amount a month would be sufficient."

"True. Unfortunately, we may have a lot of opposition. The Senate wants to take the path of peace for the majority of our conflicts."

"The path of peace? Don't they realise that it is basically impossible to have peace between a lot of different governments. We should try to get people to join us diplomatically yes, but in some cases that is impossible. Wherever there is a tyrannical government, it would not be acceptable for them to join us, even if they wished to do so. What if a dictatorship government wished to join us? If we agreed, current leaders would try to us the military to turn themselves into dictators. Plus, the people on that planet would automatically hope for us to convince that dictator to change his ways. The politicians are fools. Oh well, I guess we will have to delay the start of such a taskforce. I will continue to think about the idea though. Thank you."

Present time.

Jesmin had still not found a solution on how to form such a taskforce, but she had started to decide what forces to place in it. Suddenly her com link beeped.

"Master General Jesmin Ragabag."

"You are need in the Headquarters immediately, for a briefing."

"Yes sir."

Jesmin quickly gathered up a datapad, and some data cards, with information on various troops that were available, and where they were positioned, and then left, to go to Headquarters.

When she arrived, she had to wait for the others to come, but soon the briefing was under way. At the end, she was asked to give Arden an engineering team. She quickly look uo available engineering teams on her datapad.

The 1st Engineering Company is available, that should be enough for him.

She grabbed her com link.

"Alert the 1st Engineering Company that they are needed. They are to take orders from Joren Arden. They will need to set up a base on Rodia. Send the 3rd Infantry Company with them, as escort. Notify Joren Arden that he has command of the troops."

"Yes sir."

Jesmin left, and walked to her office.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Aug 23 2003 1:40am
While Jan had never recieved an answer about if the Rodians would want to join the Galactic Coalition, the way that Joren Arden refered to defending the Galactic Coalition assets made him believe that Joren felt that Rodia would join the Coalition. Jan was gladdened by this. Rodia was very close to Ando, it was nice to have an allied planet near it. Jan quickly left headquarters. He made his way back to his office.

When he arrived, Mirax was there.

"Sir, I didn't have time to show you all the new advantages of this office. I have time now, if you wish to see them all?"

"Yes please."

Mirax walked into the office. When she entered, she hit a keypad beside the door back out. Jan had never looked at this keypad. At the back wall of the office, a door opened.

"Due to the fact that the Mon Calamari designed this office, and they are an aquatic species, they like to swim in pools, in their time off. This is a hall way to the pool. On the right we have a door leading to the mens changeroom. There are swimming trunks there of all sizes, so that you can bring some guests in to swim. On the left we have the door leading to the womens changeroom. In there we have a wide assortment of swimming garments. Once in the pool room, we have the main pool. This is kepted at the same temperature as the Mester Reef. It also has real coral in it, and is designed to resemble the Mester Reef. That is why this area has been blocked off, and has a sandy beach. If various citizens found out about this, they might complain that it wasn't fair that the government was paying so much of their tax money on fancy offices. In truth, these offices were donated to us, for the same price as a not so fancy office. There is also a hot tub, and sauna."

"I doubt I will have a lot of time to go swimming, with Operation..." Jan leaned closer to Mirax, and whispered, "I will have all recorders turned off, for later."

"All recorders and holorecorders have been turned off."

"I see. It is hot in the office today, do you want to cool off by taking a quick swim?"

"Sure. Just give me a moment to change into some swimming garments."

Jan quickly walked into the changeroom and changed into a pair of red swimming trunks. When he walked out, he found Mirax already there, wrapped up in a tool.

"That was fast." commented Jan.

"I had already looked over the selection, when I entered the office, and therefore organised the womens changeroom with various sections, for different sizes. While I was doing that, I found some sets of swimming garments that I really liked, so I just had to pick a one."

"I see. What do you say that we start swimming?"

"That's a great idea."

Mirax let the towel fall off her body. She had chosen a stylish, blue, slutty bikini, as Jan had suspected she would. The cut on the front was quite low, revealing lots of skin. The bottoms were a thong. She walked over to the pool and then dived in. Jan walked over and dived in as well. The water was nice and warm, and relaxing.

"Come over here Jan." called Mirax.


Jan quickly swam to where Mirax was. There was a locker in front of her.

"In here we have organice gills and flippers, so that we can explore the reef."

"Lets do that."

The two of them started to swim, when a voice came over the loud speaker.

"Jan Dondana, you have an urgent message waiting for you in your office. I repeat, this is an urgent message."

"I'm sorry we have to cut this short Mirax."

"Don't worry, we can do it another time."

The two of them swam across the pool. Mirax got out first. When she climbed up the ladder, her ass was just in front of Jan's face, a view that he decided he liked. After she was out, Jan climbed out as well. He quickly walked to the changeroom, and changed into his uniform. Suddenly he heard
Mirax calling him.

"Can you come over here Jan?"

"Sure thing."

Jan walked out of the changeroom, and into the womens changeroom. There Mirax was, her back to him, struggling with a zipper on her skirt. She still hadn't gotten her shirt on yet.

"Can you help me Jan, my skirt zipper is stuck."


Jan walked over and started to work at Mirax's zipper. The zipper was stuck on something. After closer evalutation, Jan found that it was stuck on her underwear.

"Mirax, it's stuck on your underwear, I will have to take them both off."

"That's all right."

Jan tried as hard as he could to get the skirt of, but it wouldn't come down, over her ass.

"Perhpas if you twisted it to the front, it might work better."


Jan brought the zipper around to the front of the skirt. He started to work on it there. Suddenly he felt Mirax's hand grabbing his hands. She pulled them up, and him at the same time. When his head as level with hers, she grabbed him, and started to kiss him. They stood there, just kissing. Then Mirax grabbed Jan's hands, and placed them on her bare breasts. Her hand then went down and started to work at her zipper. Jan finally broke the kiss, and pushed himself away from Mirax.

"I would love to continue, but you know that I need to attend to that urgent message."

"But why can't we continue, for just a few more minutes?" she asked, her voice a plea. Her hands started to move across his chest, and downward.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. Once I deal with the message, I would be happy to continue."

"All right, but just one more kiss. I will be able to deal with my skirt."


Jan leaned in for another kiss. When he broke off the kiss, he left to attend with the call.

"What is the problem?"

"Sir, we just recieved a distress call from Bimmisaari. They request for a fleet to protect them. They also said that they wished to join the Galactic coalition, and once more receive protection."

"Oh right, they were a member of the Mon Calamari Republic, before the Wrath Virus spread across the galaxy. All right, i will deal with the problem. Get Angel, DG-01, DG-02, DG-03, and DG-04 ready for takeoff. Alert Jesmin Ragabag of the problem, we may need assistance from the army. I will handle everything."

Jan quickly walked back into the hallway that lead to the womens changeroom. Mirax was already changed.

"I need to go to Bimmisaari, and I was wondering if you wanted to come along?"

"I would love to."

"Great. Just pack up some things and then we will be off in around one hour. I will pick you up at your house."


Mirax left, and Jan walked back into the office.

"Master General Jesmin Ragabag, this is Jan. I need an Engineering Company and some troops. I am going to Bimmisaari to open up relations with the Bimms again. Also, we may have to deal with some enemies, we received a distress call from there."

"All right. I will bring some troops, vehicles and engineers with me. What ships are we taking?"

"Angel and four Defender Gunships. They are at Military Dokcing Bay Five."

"I see. I will meet you there in one hour."


Jan called his second in command in the Intelligence Division.

"You are in charge of Intelligence for a while, I have to go on a trip."

"Yes sir. I understand."

Jan quickly signed off, and then left. He had to pack quickly, so that he could pick up Mirax on time.
  • Posted On: Aug 23 2003 1:42am
"General Ragabag has approved the mobilization of the 1st Engineering Company. They are boarding the Orcid now as we speak." Joren's aide, Natalie, said.

Joren nodded and took a sip of his stem tea as he studied the intelligence reports on the Tears of the Gods and the Interidictor Cruiser Stopper They were last seen in sector eight-four-three-zero...

"Why do you do that?" He heard Natalie ask.

"Do what?"

"Study those dreary reports? Shouldn't you be reveiwing the battle status of the Orcid?" Natalie asked with a smile.

"Yeah, sure. Captain Malor will see to that." He said, taking another sip.

As if on cue, the captain of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Orcid, Tolen Malor strode into the room, saluting Joren.

"Speak of the devil." Natalie said under her breath.

"Admiral, the Orcid is fully operational. The 1st Engineering Company is loaded and ready. Our gunship escorts also report ready." Malor said.

"Good. Set course for Rodia, all possible speed." Joren said.

"Yes sir. I do have one question though, sir."

"Go ahead."

"What about those Outer-Rim Sovereignty guys? I inquired about intelligence reports on them...but they said they didn't have anything on them." Malor said.

Joren replied by opening a slim folder on his desk, it is no surprise you don't know anything on them. They are actually a very secretive faction. We know next to nothing about them. We do know of their incursions into Ssi-ruuk territory, and their control of key outer-rim worlds. We do know that they have a democratic government, and they are steadfastly dedicated to defending themselves. Here is a breif dossier of their main line ships, their 'Birds of Prey'." Joren said, handing Malor a thin document.

Malor glanced at it briefly, "They lost one of these vessels near Rodia?"

"At Rodia, actually. The Sovereignty has been trying to open diplomatic ties with Rodia, just as we have. Their Bird of Prey, carrying their special envoy, was last seen fighting off the slavers. It is beleived to be destroyed."

"And our two vessels were missing on their way to Rodia. We hope they haven't been destroyed?"


"Thank you sir. We will be at Rodia in approximately nine hours." Malor said.

"Very good captain. Dismissed."
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Aug 23 2003 6:13pm
Regrad sighed. They were all good people, but they were so very busy, and as an old Azguard Proverb says: "Those who get the least done are those who work the hardest".

So that was why he had started to formulate his own plan to deal with this slaving issue. He had sent ten of his suits to scout the area, and if they found the slavers, he would go ahead with his plan to release the slaves. All this politicking was fine for the humans, but he felt more immeadiet action was needed, action that would not be corrupted.

So his scouts were preparing for take-off. In the mean-time, he tried to keep an eye out for everyone else. The Mon Calamari Senator that had suggested co-operation with slavers, he escpecially must be watched. Had anyone ever dared suggest co-operation with the lowest form of crime to him when he had lead AGM, he would have had that man or woman demoted, perhaps punished further. It was unthinkable!

He was also worried about Dodona and Arden. Both seemed to have... female interests... that could be used to distract them or as weaknesses for the enemy to exploit. Jesmin had no such relation that Regrad knew about, but she seemed to be overwhelemed with the massive task of reorganizing the ground forces of the entire coalition.

Regrad was weary, they were an infighting, politicing mess. None of them, including himself, was fit to lead. And their allies knew that, and grew worried. Patience, he reminded himself. The Empire, the Republic, all major governments have trouble in the early days. Once everything settled down, and they had proven themselves reliable, then they would be ready to face their responsibilities.
  • Posted On: Aug 23 2003 7:19pm
"Rodia..." Malor said as the green-brown planet came into the view of the forward viewscreens

Joren frowned upon seeing the planet, he knew all about the Rodians.

Originally, the Rodian culture was a decendant of lizards, and they retained that greenish scaly skin to this day. They were a race of hunters, to begin with. They prided themselved on the hunt, and preparing themselves to be good hunters. Small children were trained from adolesence by hunters. They were a very prideful race.

During the New Republic and New Alliance days, the Rodian's had kept silent, not bothering anyone and keeping to their own business. No one cared about them, and they likewise. They only focused on the hunt, and bringing home the big prizes. It was not lost on anyone that they were excellent bounty hunters. That was probably the reason why they were desired by the slavers, currently plaguing them.

"Sir, I am receiving a hail." The comm officer said, looking up at Joren.


"It is coming from the planet." The comm ensign said.

Joren turned to the holoprojector, and braced himself. The holographic image of a Rodian dressed in regal-looking robes greeted him.

"I am Grand Protector Lenal Chattza, of the legal Rodian Governement. Are you the Coalition representative...?" The Rodian asked.

Joren instantly memorized the name and did a quick search of his memory. He knew that, years ago, Navik the Red was the leader of the Chattza clan. And Navik was successful in almost completely eliminating the rival (and peaceful) Tetsus clan. It was known to Arden that the bounty hunter Greedo was a surviving member of the Tetsus clan. Joren's first instinct was to be wary.

"Yes. I am Admiral Joren Arden. I bring greetings, Grand Protector." Joren said, putting on a fake smile.

The Rodian Grand Protector nodded, "The Sovereignty ambassador arrived a few hours ago. He claims ORS is searching for a missing ship, last seen in this region. I have some information that you are as well."

Joren lofted a brow, "Actually, yes. You wouldn't know anything about it...?" He asked.

"Nothing. We have made arrangements for your arrival, we have much to speak about." Chattza said.

Joren nodded, "Indeed we do. May I send a shuttle?"

"We will be expecting you." Chattza said.

"I look forward to our meeting." Joren replied, smiling.

The holo winked out and Joren turned the Captain Malor, "Scan the area, and begin the search for the Tears of the Gods and the Stopper. Keep me updated." He ordered, standing up and heading for the turbolift.

Malor saluted and turned to began organizing a search pattern.


"And what about government maters? Will the Coalition enforce a particular government structure on us?"

Joren stared at the Rodian Grand Protector as the green-skinned alien droned on about protecting Rodian interests, should the planet apply for membership within the Coalition.

"No, actually. As long as your hunts do not involve the illegal killing of a sentient, I see no problem." Joren said. He had been instructed by the GC High Command to be extremely carefull about not violating Rodian rights. Thanks to Imperial Propaganda, most of the Galaxy beleived that the Coalition imposed unjust restrictions on the planet Kamino, and forces the native inhabitants to be slaves.

High Command had every right to order him to be careful.

"Good." Chattza said, "As long as my people will be protected, I beleive that Rodia's entrance into the Galactic Coalition will be beneficial for all." He said.

Joren smiled grandly, "That sounds great." He said, untill a quiet beeping told him that someone was trying to contact him on his personal comlink. He excused himself and retreated to the rear of the room.

"This is Arden, go ahead Orcid." He said in a low voice.

Captain Malor's voice greeted him, "Sir, we have found something." The captain said.

"The Tears of the Gods[/i[]?" He asked.

"No, actually. It is the Sto
, and she doesn't look good. You need to see this." Malor said.

"Very well. I will try to get away from here." He said.

He returned to the Grand Protector.

"As I was saying. What kind of information could you give me on economic benefits a member world of the Coalition would receive..."

Joren plastered a fake smile on his face and leaned foward as he began to answer the Grand Protector's question...

Four Hours Later- Orcid

"My god...' Joren breathed as he layed eyes on the Interdictor-class Cruiser Stopper. The ship was originally a pristine white 600 meter-long craft, with a series of three globes, that signified the presence of interdiction gravity wells.

Now it was a scared hulk, with hull ruptures all across the bow.

Joren sighed as he saw the hulk.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Aug 24 2003 1:54am
Jan smiled once he finished packing. He walked outside, activated the security settings on his home, and then walked over to Rover. he quickly flew it to Mirax's house. After he hd nocked, she quickly came to the door.

"Please, come in."

Jan walked in, and shut the door behind him. Mirax lunged into his arms, and started to kiss him. After a moment Jan broke the kiss.

"We can continue this onboard Rover, while in hyperspace. Until then, we have to meet Master General Jesmin Ragabag in five minutes."

"I see."

Jan carried Mirax's bags onto Rover and they flew away.