Uprising Part II: Building a Foundation (Abridon)
Posts: 15
  • Posted On: Sep 26 2007 2:03am
Continued from Uprising Part I: Seeds of Rebellion

Uprising Part II:

Building a Foundation (Abridon)

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves."

Yavin IV - The Office of Marin Faulker

"Abridon?" The confused voice of Marin Faulker was echoed by his expression.

"Yes, Abridon." Vance Taesch replied, seated at the desk of the Commander-in-Chief of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

"You've given me a list of dozens of planets that are interested in joining our cause, and you want to make Abridon our initial priority?" Marin said, as he stood there leaning on his desk.

"Not a priority exactly, but Hamman Flatt is the first meeting I wish to take."

Marin's eyes narrowed. He stood up from his leaning position and grasped at a sheet of flimsi. He read the names of planets to himself silently.

"Why don't you send Anna to Abridon, there are other places where I could use your expertise." Marin said, his lip pursed, still staring at the sheet of flimsi.

"My assistant?" Vance replied, feigning shock, "We might as well send a droid with a pre-recorded message." Vance Taesch paused and then stood up slowly.

"Abridon is as good a place to start as any, Marin." Vance said, as he began to pace back and forth.

"We're already consolidating our forces here in the Yavin system. The terraforming efforts on the Yavin moons will only help to solidify our strength within this system.

"Admiral Kre'fey will provide provide us with a location with which to begin our Naval Academy.

"Marcus Atakri will soon be able to provide details on his findings, and we'll be able to provide our.. Special Forces with a hidden base of operations.

"What I am saying in a round about manner, Marin; is that things are finally starting to come together. Abridon is not the solution, but it is a vital peice of the puzzle.

"Abridon has been a supporter of Rebellion for as long as there has been need for such a cause. Abridon was opressed by the Empire, and fought to gain its own independence through the aide of the Alliance. These people are sympathetic to our cause. These people need our cause.

"Today, Abridon stands an independent nation. Tomorrow, the Empire may sink its dirty claws into yet another independent state. The outcome? The death of millions of Abridonians who would rather die at the hands of an oppresive Emperor than submit to his rule.

"Abridon embodies everything that is our cause. To expose Abridon to Imperial rule would be to allow Abridon to fall into shadow."

Marin Faulker sighed as he pondered Vancenti Taesch's moving words. He raised an eyebrow as he locked eyes with the politician.

"And I suppose I'd be remiss if I neglected to mention Sayan."

"Sayan?" Marin said, a confused look returning to his face.

"Yes, Sayan: The industrial capital of Abridon. Did I fail to mention Abridon's state of the art shipyards?" Vance said, letting a small smile escape his lips.

Marin shook his head, smiling.

"Now, you're speaking my language."

"I thought that would pique your interest." Vance said, allowing his smile to widen.
Posts: 15
  • Posted On: Sep 26 2007 10:48pm
A Few Days Later - Aboard the Illustrious Dream

The small holographic image of Hamman Flatt appeared on the table before Vance Taesch and his assistant Anna.

"Greeting Mr. Taesch." Hamman Flatt, the Nationalist leader of Abridon said.

"Hello Mr. Flatt, I am pleased that you have welcomed my delegates and I with such open arms."

"Of course, Mr. Taesch. The Government Council is eager to hear what you have to say."

Vance Taesch was taken aback by Flatt's comments, he assumed that he would be meeting with a small delegation of Abridonians. It sounded like that would not be the case.

"I'm sorry Mr. Flatt, did you say the Government Council?"

"Yes, sir. I spoke with the Council about our previous discussions and they requested a meeting with you in person."

Vance Taesch's eyes narrowed, he was somewhat frustrated to learn of these details so late in the process. "Sounds excellent, Mr. Flatt. I look forward to meeting with your Council." Taesch said, hiding his frustration skillfully.

"This is the reason I contact you at such a late hour, Mr. Taesch."

Vance Taesch couldn't help but hide his quizzical expression. His silence was a queue for the Abridonian leader to continue.

"Due to scheduling conflicts, we will need to move our meeting up to this evening. If that is at all possible of course."

Vance Taesch hesitated but only ever-so-slightly. He knew that if he did not accept, no if he did not <i>embrace</i> this meeting, then his chance to persuade the Abridonians to join the Alliance would be all but meaningless. "That should work out perfectly, Mr. Flatt. We should arrive in Abridon within the hour, that will give me more than enough time to prepare for our meeting."

"I thank you for your flexibility, Mr. Taesch. And I look forward to seeing you in person this evening."

"As do I, Mr. Flatt." Vance said, as the holographic image faded into the receptor.

Vance Taesch slumped into his leather seat, and let out a deep sigh.

"Kind of threw that at us at the last minute eh?" Ann, the Chief of States's assistant said.


"Well you appeared more than willing to change your schedule." She said.

"Well, I had no choice, they had me in the corner."

"You could have simply said 'no'."

"Yes. I could have. But then how receptive would those council members have been to our cause had I not been willing to meet with them. This may turn out to be to our benefit. If the Abridonians were not willing to join the Alliance they would not have been so eager to speak with us in person."

"Every problem is a solution in disguise?" Ann said, with a smile.

"You HAVE been listening. All this time, who knew?"
Posts: 15
  • Posted On: Sep 30 2007 7:21pm
Vance Taesch stood before the Abridon Government, prepared to plead his case. He stood there for a few moments with a rather large smile on his face before speaking.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlement - members of the Abridon Government Council.

"More than two years ago, I made a decision that changed my life." He paused.

"I made the choice to stop sitting back and watching what was going on in the Galaxy. I made the choice to actually <i>do</i> something about it. But, I thought to myself - Vance, you're just one man. By no means, a soldier. Hardly a politician. What I was, was a man with a voice, and a <I>desire</i>. A desire to make a difference.

"That, is when I joined Marin Faulker. Unlike myself, Marin Faulker <b>is</b> a soldier, and a damn fine one at that. Also unlike Marin Faulker, I hesitated to integrate myself into the Galactic turmoil. Marin Faulker was a good man, that was doing something to restore freedom to this Galaxy. I was a man standing idly by, hoping he succeeded, but doing nothing to insure that he did.

"More than two years ago, I changed that. I decided to <b>do</b> something. The Empire thinks itself infallible. We know this not to be the case. In fact, we know much to the contrary." Just as Vance Taesch paused, a member of the crowd interjected.

"What would you have us do, Mr. Taesch? Trade one tyrant for another? As it stands now we are free from Imperial rule. Why join your Alliance to Restore the Republic?" A rotund Governor said, which immediately sparked conversations throughout the crowd.

Vance Taesch paused at the podium for a moment before answering, allowing the commotion to come to an end.

"You are correct sir. Today, you are an independent state, free to govern your citizens as you wish. This is not what the Alliance wants to take from you.

"How long sir, do you think your freedom will last? How long do you think it will be before the Empire, eager to expand its borders sets its sights on Abridon? Then the rest of the Galaxy.

"I stand before you, not to enlist you as subjects under my rule. No, I stand before you pleading with you, asking for your help to restore the once-great Republic of old.

"Are we so quick to forget our roots? Are we so quick to forget the Republic which stood for over twenty-five <i>thousand</i> years?

"The rule of the Empire is far-reaching, but the Empire has been alive for less than a blink-of-the-eye in the history of this Galaxy.

"Make no mistake ladies and gentlemen, if we stand idly by and allow the oppressive Empire to march across the Galaxy, then the Republic <i>will</i> be forgotten. For good.

"<b>Now</b> is the time to act, <b>now</b> is the time to take up arms and ally ourselves with those who would see freedom prosper. We once stood arm-and-arm as allies in the benevolent Republic, then in the Rebellion to rid the Galaxy of the Empire, then in the New Republic.

"Do not tell me that your stance has changed, do not tell me that you support the tyrannical rule of Daemon Hyfe. You know as well as I that this Empire is evil. You also know as well as I that as soon as the Empire decides so, they will return to Abridon and place their claim on the planet.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen. Now, is the time to stop standing idly by. Now, is the time to actually <b>do</b> something."
Posts: 15
  • Posted On: Dec 13 2007 6:10pm
Vance Taesch stood there, <i>waiting</i>. He had to let them absorb his message. He had to let it sink in.

The fact was, this meeting was more or less a formality. Vance Taesch had been in discussions with Abridon for quite some time, and any necessary information about any proposed allegiance between the two had been exchanged months ago.

Vance Taesch's presence here was merely the icing on the proverbial cake. He was here to answer any last minute questions the representatives from Abridon might have and allay any fears they might have. No planetary government in their right mind would commit to this type of allegiance without meeting those they would be alligned with.

So this was the part that Vance hated the most, the <i>waiting</i>, the uncertainty. Will they say yes? Will they say no? Or would they make him wait there uncomfortably forever? Each moment passed seemed like an eternity standing there in front of a myriad of unknown faces, whispering and pointing.

<i>Hathrox III</i>... Vance couldn't shake the memory from his mind, and this wasn't the best time to reminisce on that particular event. Now now, not when he was waiting to hear whether Abridon would accept or reject his proposal..

<b><i>About a Year Ago...</i></b>

"So.. ladies and gentlemen, the choice is clear. Join the Rebellion and help forge a path of democracy and freedom. Or sit idly by and hope that the opressive Empire chooses not to look in your direction." Vance concluded, everything seemed to have gone extremely well.

"Thanks you, Mr. Taesch." Jacques Kermeen the Twi'lek Prime Minister of Hathrox III said. "We will convene briefly and meet with you momentarily.

"Thank you, Prime Minister Kermeen." Vance replied as he turned and made his way to the Prime Minister's chambers.

<i>That went well.</I> He thought to himself, trademark smile stretching ear to ear.

He had a seat on a plush couch, finally allowing himself to relax. Just a moment later the five representatives from the Hathrox III council entered the spacious room which served as the Prime Minister's office.

<i>They came to a decision quickly, <b>good</b></i>.

The Prime Minister lead the procession of delegates, there was a Weequay, a Wroonian, two humans, and the Twi'lek Prime Minister.

They all wore somewhat blank expressions. Vance immediately shifted his mood from relaxed and carefree to concerned and attentive. He sat up and leaned forward in his seat.

The Prime Minister took a shallow breath before speaking, <i>pausing</i>. "We would like to thank you for making the trip to Hathrox III, Mr. Taesch."

<i>But...?</i> He knew it was coming. His eyes narrowed as he focused on the twitching Lekku of the Twi'lek.

"Well... let me just first of all say that we wish you and Marin Faulker all the luck in the Universe. We truly hope you succeed in your goals." The Prime Minister said, sheepishly not looking Vance in the eyes.

Immediately Vance's face went pale. He was counting on the full support of Hathrox III. This came as a complete shock, everything was going so well.

"We cannot... at this time join the Rebellion..." The Prime Minster paused, he seemed truly upset that he had to be the bearer of this bad news.

"We would, however, like to offer our support in the form of a large monetary donation." One of the human men conceded.

This was a mighty blow against the Rebellion, one of many in recent months.

<b><i>The Present</i></b>

<i>This is not Hathrox III</i>. Vance thought to himself.

<i>They will join us</i>.

The truth was, Vance only hoped that Abridon would join the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He couldn't be sure. He'd made enough of these visits that ended up like Hathrox III to know that he couldn't be sure the outcome until there <b>was</b> an outcome.

Either way, Vance would know the fate of Abridon's future soon, <i>very soon</i>.
Posts: 15
  • Posted On: Dec 20 2007 12:27am
Vance stood there, staring out into the crowd composed of the Abridon Government Council as he took a deep breath still taking care to show off his best smile. The council members turned to each other, all whispering amongst one another.

Hamman Flatt, sat in the middle of the delegates. His head was down as he listened to the thoughts or concerns of the other members of the Council, as he sat there nodding.

A smile came across Hamman Flatt's lips, and in that moment Vance Taesch relaxed. Hamman Flatt stood, and walked up to the podium where Vance was speaking.

"Mr. Taesch, on behalf of the Abridon Government Council, I would like to thank you for your time and energy."

Vance nearly deflated as Hamman Flatt spoke.

"And I would like to inform you, that it is the wish of the Government Council to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic." With that, Hamman Flatt extended his hand to embrace Vance's own. For a moment Vance sunk his head into his chest, exhaling seemingly for the first time before gripping Flatt's hand firmly.

"Thank you, Mr. Flatt. I can assure you, and the people of Abridon that you won't regret it. Years from now when the Galactic history books are re-written, they will speak of this moment as an integral point when the scales began to tip towards justice, and <i>democracy</i>." Vance said, now the smile he wore was more out of excitement than anything else. He'd planned this visit to Abridon for months, and now that it had gone successful he could finally relax.

"Chief of State Taesch, on behalf of the Abridon Government Council I would like to invite you and your wife, Cylla to join us in celebrating this monumental event. Tomorrow night, we will gather and celebrate the membership of Abridon into the Alliance." Flatt said, smiling as brightly as Taesch himself. "We also have a <i>surprise</i> for you."

Vance smiled, taken aback a bit. He wasn't sure what this surprise could be, but whatever it was it would only serve to sweeten the trip for sure. "Thank you, Mr. Flatt. I'm sure Cylla would love a night out, I'll let her know right away."

As the meeting began to come to a close and Vance exchanged pleasantries with the other Abridonian council members, Anna came over and whispered into Vance's ear.

"Gentlemen, if you will excuse me for just a moment." Vance said, as he pulled Anna to the side.

"What is it, Anna?"

"You received an urgent message from the office of Marin Faulker."

"Hmm... can it wait?"

"No, sir. I was told it requires your immediate attention."

"OK, just a moment." Vance said, as he returned to the huddle of council members. "Mr. Flatt, I thank you again for your commitment to the Alliance, and I look forward to enjoying your company tomorrow evening. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to call it a night, I just received an urgent message from Marin Faulker that requires my immediate attention."

"Sure, no problem Vance. Is everything OK?" Flatt replied.

"Yes, of course. I'm sure everything's fine. I'll be in touch with you tomorrow." Vance said, extending a hand to Hamman Flatt.

With that, Vance Taesch departed swiftly to his room to find out exactly what it was that Marin Faulker wanted.

"Here you go, sir. This is the file received just moments ago." Anna said, handing Vance the dossier.

"Thank you, Anna."

Vance looked over the dossier which contained detailed information on the planet Arkanis. It appeared that Bandor Kre'fey had selected Arkanis to be the home of the Alliance Naval Academy. Through the information that Bandor provided, it seemed like an excellent choice. There was only one problem, they needed Vance to finalize the deal. And they needed him <i>in</i> Arkanis, by the end of the week.

"Anna, get in touch with Morgan and see if we can push this meeting back by a week or two... I told Cylla I was going to be spending some time here on Abridon with her and the kids." Vance said, as he continued to read the information.

"Sorry sir, I already relayed that you were on vacation, but they said Arkanis is of the utmost importance." Anna said, frowning.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhenanigans!" He said, punching his fist through the air. "OK... get Cylla on the line. Is there anything else I need to know about Arkanis?"

"Not yet, sir. Morgan said Accounting will be sending over another file with information on the Academy's financial situation."


"I'm patching you through to Cylla's number, she hasn't answered yet sir. I'll leave you in privacy."

"Thanks, good night Anna."

"Night, sir." She said as the door slid shut behind her.

"Hello." Cylla Taesch said as she answered the line.

"Hi Honey."

"Hi." She said entusiastically, you could almost hear the large smile she was wearing through the comm line.

Vance sighed audibly before continuing. "Well, I've got good news and I've got bad news."

Cylla was silent for a moment, before sighing herself. "Bad news...?"

"I have to leave Abridon by the end of the week."

"Vance!! You said you were going to spend some time at home with us!!! You need to spend some time with your kids.. You need to spend some time with <b>me</b>! We hardly get to see you these days."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry babe. Something came up last minute and they need me."

"Fine..." She replied, clearly upset. "Good news?"

"Right! Good news.. The Government Council's throwing us a party tomorrow night celebrating their membership in the Alliance."

"Oh!" She yelled excitedly. "They're joining the Alliance? That's great news, sweety."

"Yes, it is. Great news indeed. And I want you to come join me tomorrow evening for the celebration. Dust off that dress you've had sitting in the closet for the last three months and come join me for an evening of drinking, dancing, and socializing with Abridon's elite."

"Sounds exciting!" She said. Vance knew she'd be pleased with that, he knew how she loved a party.

"OK, Babe. I've got to get going, I've got a lot to get caught up on so we can spend the next few days together before I leave."

"Love you." She said, followed with an audible kiss.

"I love you too, tell the kids I miss them and I'll see them soon." He said. "Good night."

"Night, sweety." She said as she ended the transmission.

Vance sighed, there was a lot of work to do and a vacation cut short. He had to prepare for a party he wasn't planning on attending, and research the Arkanis facility in just a few days time while spending as much possible time with his family whom he wouldn't see for who knows how long.
Posts: 15
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2007 9:03am
“Thank you for joining us ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, we celebrate a monumental event in the history of not only, Abridon; but of the entire Galaxy. As Abridonians, we have always prided ourselves on the fact that we have always stood for peace and justice in this Galaxy.” Hamman Flatt said, as he stood at the podium in front of the large crowd all clothed in formal attire.

“Since the days of the Old Republic, to the rise of the Galactic Empire; Abridonians stood arm and arm with what was true and just. It has not always been easy, but we have always gone out of our way to ensure that we were doing what was right, not only for us as Abridonians, but for the Galaxy as a whole.

“We watched, and we celebrated as the Rebellion put an end to the Galactic Empire. We celebrated in our streets as they too, celebrated in the streets of Coruscant.

“Well, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for us as Abridonians to once again take up arms and fight for what is right in this Galaxy. The New Order, the Empire incarnate has taken over much of the Galaxy, but they are not the vast Galactic Empire of Palpatine. Yet, if we stand idly by as citizens of this great Galaxy, make no mistake about it; they will forge a path of destruction as did their predecessors.

“So, today we celebrate our membership into the Alliance to Restore the Republic. So that one day, we might celebrate like the days of old when we danced in the streets celebrating the collapse of the Galactic Empire. It is my hope and my goal that one day we will dance in the streets once again friends.

“So I thank Marin Faulker, for assembling this nasty band of ruffians!” Hamman Flatt paused as the gathering crowd laughed. “And I thank our friend, Vance Taesch, who has made his home here on Abridon for so many years with his lovely wife, Cylla.” Hamman Flatt said, smiling as he pointed out the married couple in the crowd.

Vance and Cylla Taesch smiled, raising their hands as the spotlight shone upon them.

“Now, yesterday when the Government Council and I finalized the deal with Vance Taesch to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic, I mentioned to him that we had a surprise for him.”

Cylla looked at Vance, smiling.

“As you all certainly know, Abridon is home to one of the finest starfighter production facilities in the Galaxy. For generations, the Abridon Shipyard located in Sayan has produced A-Wing interceptors for the Rebel Alliance. Our A-Wings were instrumental in helping the Rebels overcome the Galactic Empire at the Battle of Endor.

“To this day, we as Abridonians take great pride in the fine starfighters produced here on our planet. So, just as I had the distinct pleasure of Rebellion with a squadron of A-Wing interceptors before the Battle of Endor, I would like to once again grant that same offer to the Alliance to Restore the Republic!” Hamman Flatt stepped to the side and raised his hand pointing to the viewscreen behind him. Then just a moment later the curtains opened revealing the newest model of A-Wing interceptor.

“This, ladies and gentlemen is the newest in a long line of A-Wing interceptor models designed and manufactured here on Abridon. This, ladies and gentlemen is the NG-1 A-Wing, the latest in a prestigious line of starfighters.”

The 3-D image of the fighter rotated slowly, it was an impressive vessel to behold. It looked nearly identical to previous models of A-Wing but with slight differences. For instance, this model of A-Wing was given a red coat of paint all over the starfighter, making its design look bolder and cutting edge.

“This, ladies and gentlemen is the starfighter of the future. I could go over all of its impressive statistics with you Vance, but I’m sure I’d be talking to the wrong person! I don’t want to bore you to sleep!” Hamman Flatt said, as the collective members of the crowd laughed.

“When you said surprise, I was hoping for a lovely bottle of Chateau Verblanc!! Instead, all I get is this lousy spaceship? I don’t know how to fly one of those!” Vance said smiling from the crowd.

The crowd erupted into laughter as the two old friends exchanged banter.

“Well maybe I should call up Marin Faulker, I’m sure he’d be excited!” Hamman Flatt retorted, smiling.

“I’m sure he would, Hamman. And while you two are gabbing about the future of flight, can someone tell me where I can get a stiff drink around here?” Vance replied, with his arm around his wife Cylla, the whole crowd laughing as they enjoyed the back and forth exchange.

“I would point you in the direction of the open bar, but I’m sure you’re already well acquainted with it.” Hamman Flatt said with a smile as the crowd of onlookers laughed, it seemed that most of them had already made their way to the bar more than a few times.

“In closing, Mr. Taesch I would just like to say thank you for all your hard work in making this happen. I’m sure I speak for every Abridonian in this building, and abroad, when I say thank you for all you do. Not just for us as Abridonians, but for those who are unable or unwilling to fight for themselves. You’ve devoted your life to the service of democracy and freedom throughout the Galaxy, and that’s as noble a cause as there is.”

Hamman Flatt smiled as he stood there at the podium; the large gathering of Abridonians clapped in unison celebrating Hamman’s ringing endorsement of both Vance Taesch and the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

“Speech!” Someone shouted from the middle of the audience.

“Speech, speech, speech!!!” The crowd began to chant.

Vance stood there, smiling. He looked around the audience all clamoring to hear him get up on stage and give a speech. Vance looked around, pointing at himself questioning whether or not they wanted him to get up and give a speech, the audience immediately burst into thundering applause.

Vance leaned over and kissed Cylla on the cheek as he raised his hand, making his way to the podium. As he reached the stairs leading up to the stage he made his way for the podium where Hamman Flatt was standing by. He shook hands with the Nationalist Leader of Abridon, Hamman Flatt as he took the podium.

“Ladies and gentlemen…” Vance said with a glowing smile on his face. “Thank you, thank you very much.” He said, waiting for the applause to die down before he continued.

It took a few moments before the applause stopped, meanwhile Vance stood there smiling waiting for the applause to come to an end.

“Thank you.” He said, the applause still going. “Thank you.”

“First, I would like to thank you all for having me here. Not just today, but for the past twenty-something years. Geez… has it already been that long?” He said, pausing as the crowd laughed. “My three children were born and raised here on Abridon, and my lovely wife Cylla has made quite the home for us here. But, I live for the day when I can return to my true home one day. As many of you know, I emigrated to Abridon after the Empire invaded Coruscant. But my real home, my true home is Chandrila.”

Vance paused before continuing, as he looked down at the podium.

“My parents, my grandparents, my grandparents’ grandparents, and as far back as the line of the Taesch family goes, were all from Chandrila. Looking back, I never had that much pride in my heritage. I was never that proud of my home planet, or my rich ancestry which made their home there for millennia. It’s funny how having your home taken from you puts things into perspective. You see, today my home belongs to the Empire. I can’t visit the graves of my mother and father, of their mother and father, or of Cylla’s family who trace their roots to Chandrila much like my own family.

“Sure, we could resign to Imperial rule and move back to our home. But at what cost? At what point do we draw the line? I’ve seen first hand what the Empire can do to a democratic people. So that is why I fight. No, I don’t fight with a blaster, or with a sword. But I fight. I fight the way that I know how. You see… you don’t need to be a Jedi Knight or a starfighter pilot to fight the Empire. You just need the will to succeed. You need to know in your heart that what you believe in is right.

“I fight so that one day my wife Cylla and I can return to our home, and retire in peace. So that our children can see the land where their ancestors grew up, and hopefully where their children will one day be born and raised themselves. Hope. Hope and faith are what give me the will to fight. Hope for a better tomorrow, and faith that through hard work and diligence, anything is possible.

“The Empire would have you believe that they’re invincible, that they are too massive and wide-reaching to be dealt a deadly blow by such a miniscule force. That, my friends is their fear talking. Their fear that we, the people of this fine Galaxy will rise up and strike a blow against them; a blow against tyranny and oppression. I have lived in freedom, and I know you have as well. Freedom is a funny thing, when you have it you don’t really spend too much time thinking about it. But when you lack it, it consumes your every action. Now, I know Abridon is a free world and for that I am thankful. But some of you, much like my family and I, have come to Abridon from far off worlds. Worlds where the Empire has sunk its cruel teeth.

“So that is why I fight, so that those of you who have made your home on Abridon do not have to lose what is rightfully yours. And I’m confident that together, we will be victorious.

“Look at me! What am I talking about? My wife’s giving me that look.” Vance said, as the crowd laughed in unison. “Honey, am I rambling? I’m sorry folks I have a tendency to ramble when you get me in front of a microphone. Am I just supposed to say thanks for the fighters? Thanks for the A-Wings?” The crowd laughed again, Vance was a natural when it came to public speaking.

“Again, thanks folks. I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done not only for the Alliance, but for my family and I. We truly have made a second home here on Abridon and I don’t think that would have been possible without the hard work of each and every one of you. So thank you, all of you.”

Vance said, as he concluded his speech which was met by thunderous applause. It was an emotional moment for Vance and the Abridonian people. His work on Abridon was complete, and soon his work on Arkanis would begin. Very soon.