The Return (Open, Serendivus)
Posts: 896
  • Posted On: May 28 2010 9:40pm
Kashyyyk System, near Trandosha

Roughly eleven months since the start of Cata

Space erupted as a ship punched out of hyperspace and entered orbit above the planet of Kashyyyk. The ship was of a battleship class, and was roughly six thousand seven hundred feet long.

The ship glittered in space, it's hull rippled with energy as a strange field covered it. Seconds passed before the field dissipated. Within the ships concealed bridge, a young girl sporting a jedi robe stared at a set of displays.

"Been awhile huh?" she muttered to someone off to her left.

"Almost eleven months, but at least we've taken care of the problems within the organization and can get back to fighting against the empire," this person who was taller than her said as he strob ahead of her and tapped one of the displays. "I'm surprised to find that this system has remained relatively untouched, a few pirate bands here and there. I guess leaving a token force was alright," he smiled.

"What are orders Grand Admiral Lavality?" the man turned toward the young girl.

Lavality tapped her shoulder thoughtfully and made a hand gesture to one of her officers. One of the displays showed a force composition, she looked it over. "I wanna see what we've been missing, since we had to take our unscheduled departure from the galactic theater. Send three squads of shadows out and have them poke their noses in a few areas," she ordered and turned on the ball of her foot and began to head toward the door.

When she first arrived in the system, some time ago when the Trandoshans and Wookies were at each others throats, they had never expected to actually be able ot bring the two forces together. She hadn't heard from Tiosk, Asri or Trazu but the letters she had gotten spoke that things on Trandosha were progressing 'very' well and that there had been very little problems.

Even Tzhali, the wookie that she knew and could trust, had told her that everything was fine. Serving board her ship, called the 'Cynax' was more people than most other ships held, of course for a battleship it was actually rather light considering that three fourths of the ships population were entirely droids.

She passed through the tall double-doors and into a communications room where she stood behind one of her officers. They watched a display as eight Shadow class corvette's flew out of the Cynax's large hanger bay and then jumped into hyperspace. Their destinations known only to the ship captains, as part of secrecy.

While she waited for a response she glanced up at the ceiling and thought about the past eleven months.

Though I had taken some brief excerions back out here, for the most part I kept the organization outside of the lime-light and away from the Empire. We were so fractured due to infighting that there was a risk of even further fracturing. Though Asri did help a bit in curving some of the problems, eventually I had to take care of them myself,[i] she rubbed her forehead. [i]Though most stood down on their own, some had to be arrested or... dealt with..

She glanced down at her lightsabre and was glad that she didn't have to use it. The last thing she desired was be brought down into the darkside and thus end up an enemy of the rebellion or anyone else for that matter. After all, she still had her loyaltie's to other groups out there, such as the Trandosha's and the other groups they had alliances with.

"Ma'am?" her communications officer, who was a Trandoshan female, pointed at a list of communications logs. "I was able to tap into the communications grid and pull some logs out, seems there's been a lot that has gone on since our departure," she said and pushed herself out of the way so Lavality could investigate them.

She saw mentions of the empire and how the rebellion had been growing in streangth, despite their absence her spies had still been keeping track of the movements of their alliances and potential ones along with the Empire. "I'm impressed," she said and noticed a mention of a planet buried under layers of encryption code. "Grab all information on this and pass it into the computers decryption program, call me when it's done," she said and the officer nodded.

Leaving the communications room; she headed into the main hallway and down to the recreational room where she decided to train with her lightsabres. Her skills had rusted a bit, and she wanted to get them back.

"Once we've gotten things settled with intelligence, I guess I'll go pay the Rebellion a visit and see if they don't mind having my support again," she smiled and ignited both of her lightsabres and started practicing.
Posts: 896
  • Posted On: Jul 29 2010 10:53pm
Lavality pushed off the ground, her eyes staring down at the marble flooring. She was doing push ups, and counting each one, but her attention was somewhat divided between the sound of the ships engine and the sound of the others in the gym chatting away.

It would've been considered strange for an officer to be practicing in a gym full of people not of an officer rank, but the Serendivus didn't segregate their personnel that way. There were reasons for this, such as the reason that officers should always demonstrate that they care about their people, and one of Lavality's ways of showing that care was to exercise each morning before eating and each night before heading to bed.

As she finished up the count, stopping at two hundred, she got up and wiped her face with a small towel. She walked over to a hamper and tossed it in then exited the gym and headed down the corridor. This part of the ship was ringed with hazard lables and lights, it was close the marine barracks and right beneath them were the drop chutes, or the 'pods' used to drop the marines into a planets atmosphere. She had ridden in them a few times, but not during combat inserations of anything.

She entered one of the observation lounges; beneath the thick layer of glass she saw technicians servicing some of the drop pods, replacing components with recently upgraded ones. Though she noticed that one pod had been completed stripped and that some of it's wiring was being replaced. Lavality didn't talk to the men on the deck, as her mind was more inline with what was going on 'outside' of the ship.

The few reports she had gotten back from her recon squad were somewhat.... troubling. She had heard that things had changed throughout the galaxy but she wasn't at all expecting the kind of changes that took place, she wondered if there was a place for her organization, but figured that there would always be someone in need of their services.

Exiting the observation bay she headed back to her quarters; a good twenty minute walk through various corridors and up an elevator. Inside she had a message, it was a more comprehensive report.

The report detailed some of the stuff that was happenining around the galaxy, such as Steller Enterprise and their dealings. There was other details, some of which were troubling. "To bad I can't talk to Tiosk, or the others, the Trandoshans have been busy as of late and I don't want to disturb moth..... err.... I don't want to disturb her clan," she glanced off and walked over to a mirror and look into it. Laying down on her side were two lightsabres, she hadn't used them in quite a number of months. "Perhap's it's time I rekindle what I have learned, and get back to training. Who knows, my skills may be needed at some point," with that she grabbed her Jedi Robe and started heading to an area of the ship where she could practice her Jedi training in secret.
Posts: 896
  • Posted On: Dec 17 2010 12:37am
Weeks had passed since Lavality had given the order to investigate what had been going on in the universe, and during this time her ship had moved out from the openness of space and into the confines of a nearby asteriod belt. Occasionally venturing away to retrieve data from incoming freighters and civilian cargo haulers, before disappearing right back into the asteriod belt.

With artificial gravity disengaged, she floated freely and watched the many status screens. Most displaying bridge readouts on various systems, though a few were connected into the many newscasts going on around the universe. Some of these casts were old, having been recorded by their agents for them to view at a later date. Others were very recent.

"More data ma'am," said an officer on the bridge as she handed her a clipboard. Lavality sifted through the pages, reading on the various happenings of the universe. "Hmm... the Cree'ar want peace but to accomplish this they want to kill all force users... hypocrits. You won't attain peace by killing all force users, as force users will always be around, just not out in open - but they will still be around," she said and flung the clipboard away and continued to watch the screens.

Her officers all seemed to be getting antsy, without there hadn't been any battles for months now, not since the purging in their organization. "So we have the Coalition perhaps, or the Commonwealth," she tapped her lower chin in thought and looked down at her lightsabre which dangled briefly off her belt, without gravity, it floated a bit in the air.

"The Commonwealth appears to be the new New Republic, and if this information is right, is where most force users are gathering," said another officer, a male who appeared to be around thirty five years of age. He was clean shaven, but wore a mohawk, something Lavality didn't care to much about but as long as it didn't interfere with his duties she wouldn't get after him for it.

"Anyway for us to get in touch with them?" Lavality floated down to the communications station, but the officer shook her head.

"Afraid not ma'am, I don't know if it has to do with the net or if it's something else, only that we can't really establish any form of a signal to their bases. Or even their government for that matter, plus most of agents that were in Commonwealth territory are still dark, so we can't get any messages out anyway," said the officer.

"Then perhaps the only option we have is to pay them a visit," this worried her however, technically the Serendivus haven't been seen in practically a year and most of their ships were only just now coming back out from the outer-rim to ply their trade and get money back into the organization. But from Lavality's standpoint, the universe looked to be more dangerous now than before.

She looked back at the clipboard, which had floated a few feet away, she snatched it out of the air and looked some of the details from Trandosha. "Tiosk seems to be doing well, Asri as well," she looked away and recalled how her DNA had returned as a match to Asri. It was an odd thing, to discover that though you are human who have a Trandoshan mother. She shook her head, it was a past she would rather forget or at the very least not cause her trouble. "Very well, let's see if we can reach out and talk to someone, start sending out feelers via some of our agents about the possibility of a force sensitive group wanting to join the fight," with that her communications officer nodded and started up typing up the messages to their agents.

As she looked up and out the bridge windows, she saw two ships appear from the hanger bays, and move off in the distance before their hulls glittered with energy and disappeared. They were cloaked, and they were headed out on exploratory missions.
Posts: 896
  • Posted On: Dec 23 2010 4:49am
"Call it a hunch," Lavality stared at the message that played across the screen on the bridge. "But there's no way to really know unless I go and find out," she looked over her shoulder and at a wookie that was standing in the bridge doorway.

The Wookie, Tzhali being his name, had been spending the majority of his time over the year keeping the Wookie's from killing any Trandoshans that landed and thankfully for the most part no violence had broken out. Though there were small skirmishes here and there, nothing on the scale of what it used to be years ago. "And how do you know this isn't some ploy?" he asked in Shyriiwook.

Lavality tapped her lower chin in thought and shrugged. "I don't, but I can't just stay up here on board this battleship and leave the work to everyone else. What kind of Admiral would I be If I didn't show some willingness to get my hands dirty?" she smiled and pushed off a console and floated backwards. "XO, get me some details on the next available transport to that world, and book me passage. Since no one knows my 'real' name, we'll use that as a disguise,"

Her XO, an older gentlemen nearing his forties, nodded his head. "What do you plan on bringing? Surely not your jedi clothing I hope," he looked her over.

"And yet, just because someone wears a robe doesn't mean they are a Jedi," a grin tugged at the edge of her mouth as she spun around and headed toward the door.

The XO didn't respond to that, instead he went about setting up the proper papers needed to get her to her destination without people noticing. After a few moments, the XO handed her a clipboard and she looked the details over.

Because of her physic, that being of a twelve year old kid despite being nineteen in reality, would allow her to get past any bounty hunters that were actively hunting Jedi. Though she knew a Sith would see right past her disguise, most likely. Though it was no secret amongst those trusted within the organization that Lavality was a Jedi, usually just the officers knew, but some non-officers also had figured it out. Secrecy being a value, and trust being a key, the organization had spent a great deal of time making certain that could be trusted with the details actually knew. Regardless, Lavality wasn't about to risk it, and decided to make her presence as a Jedi less known. She knew of ways to do so, clothing being a good way, but she also knew of particular attitudes. Perhaps one of the best ways for her to combat that was the fact that she looked like a mere child, the fact her growth had been stunted due to a genetic defect made it so that despite her being nineteen, she had the physic of a twelve year old and that, more often than not, squelched any idea's that she was a Jedi. After all, the majority of people think that child Jedi just isn't possible outside the academy, so what better way than to hide her true identity that to do it right out in the open.

She returned to her quarters and packed some stuff, mainly just the basic essentials she'd need on this journey, that being her two light sabres, her vibroblade and a blaster. She disrobed and set it on the bed, then took off her clothing and walked over to a dresser before pulling out a fresh set and setting it onto the bed.

Next, she retrieved a new body suit and slid into it. Then grabbed the cloths she had just taken out and put them on the bed before grabbing a fresh body suit and sliding into it. When she was done getting dressed she clipped her two lightsabres to her belt, the blaster to the back of her belt, and gently slide the vibroblade into it's own shealth on her leg. The robe came next, and it covered her whole body, she was now ready and headed out of her quarters and toward the hanger bay.

The bay had become a bustle of activity, once the announcement came that she was leaving, several Reten starfighters were released from their mooring and launched out into space. Her own starfighter, also a Reten but modified just slightly from the rest, sat waiting for her.

"Ma'am, you'll find the transport here. After you land at the station, set the fighter to auto-pilot and it'll return to the ship. I don't need to tell you that if anything happens, just sent a distress call and we'll come running," said the flight officer as he uploaded the coordinates of her destination and also showed her where she was headed.

"Keep the ship safe, I'm leaving Tzhali in charge while I'm away," she tapped her comm. unit and spoke into it toward the bridge. Her XO sighed, but nodded regardless and accepted her decision.

With that she fired up the engines, red flares belched from the two engine nozzles as she migrated over to the linear launch system. Once connected, she double checked everything, before her fighter launched into space. Her escorts moved up alongside her.

As she gained distance from the Cynax, the two Reten's beside her, both sporting a gold streak across their noses which signified them as the Elite Guard flew ahead and then off to the sides.

"Good luck Ma'am, we'll be waiting in case you call," said the squad leader. Lavality just nodded then hyperspaced out.

Continued in thread Jedi Tranesis