The Might of a Nation (TCE)
  • Posted On: Dec 10 2002 4:36pm
Lucitania was a sprawling Empire. No continent was left untouched by it's cultural influence; no continent left untouched by it's vast distribution of resources. Lucitania was considered by some to be the heart of Carpathia, a planet that had come under a great deal of dominance from those that dwelled within the Carpathian Empire, north of Lucitania's continental borders. So corrupt was the Carpathian Empire that it had consumed Lucitanian Senators in previous years, through the promise of power, and wealth. Carpathia's political world was being ripped apart at the seams. Not only had the Carpathian Empire made a bold and daring attempt to force twenty nations to produce resources for a massive space craft to explore the vast recesses of space, they had defied the High Council of the Ancient Kingdom of Astralis, a kingdom renouned for it's religious influence. The power of Astralis was unmatched when it came to bringing the people together to fight for a divine cause, and without the support of Astralis, Lucitania would be left to oppose the Carpathian Empire.

It has become obvious what was to come. The Carpathian Empire had been preparing for it for some time, as had many of the other countries of the planet. Preparation for yet another World War. A war that would determine the outreach of the Planet, beyond it's own bounds, and safe haven. Beyond the bounds of safety. Beyond the Planet of Carpathia. The very thought frightened the High Queen of Lucitania as she stood, observing her magnificent city from the highest tower of her Royal Palace, a palace also used as the Headquarters of the Planetary Senate Halls.

So the Carpathians wanted war? Once again they would thrust the planet into an economic turmoil, forcing it to squable over the resources present in it's vast countries. Hundreds of thousands of years had the people dwelling on the Planet of Carpathia been at odds with one another, and several hundred wars were the reactions. Wars between Lucitania, and Arathoxia. Wars between the Holy Mourningsong Empire, and the Royal Kingdom of Highland, a conflict that still to this very day, has not been resolved.

She sighed as she shifted her weight, leaning patiently on the rail, a soft distant look in her eyes. She could hardly think of the meal that awaited her downstairs. She could hardly think of anything, accept the well being of her people. Three days prior, the Senate of the Lucitanian Commonwealth had voted to reject the Carpathian Empire's Space Doctrine. If she denied the countries of the Commonwealth a political voice, a Civil War would result. A war that would once again rip Lucitania into conflict.

Her choices were slim. A war with the might of the Carpathian Empire, or a war against her own people?

The thoughts ran rampant through her head as her chief military advisor slowly stepped out onto the patio behind her, the usual ever-graceful bow following.

"Your Majesty," he started as he arose from his bow, the Queen remaining in her position. "Our border troops report that the Carpathian Empire has amassed a large invasionary force along our northern borders in an attempt to pressure our vote in there favor. Not only have they taken up an aggressive stance on our borders, but naval vessels report that Carpathian Warships were spotted leaving the Carpathian channel, headed for Arathoxian waters. They indicated that the number of transport ships present would no doubt devistate the island, if they are infact shock troopers."

The Queen nodded her head as she turned around. "I understand, Commander. Gather the war council, and meet me my council chambers in one hour...."

The Commander immediatly nodded his head, offering a half bow as he quickly departed to execute his orders, flanked on either side by two Palace guards.

"So it has begun..." the Queen muttered softly as she looked out over the sprawling city before her once more, before retreating into her quarters.

One hour later, the meeting between the military leaders of the Lucitanian Commonwealth had gathered in the Palaces council chambers. The Gathering was no more than fifteen high ranking officers, generals, and military tactical advisors, none-of-the-less if felt like every member of the Lucitanian Commonwealth was present, speaking his or her voice, and making sure that it was heard.

"That's not the point!" one tall man with a grey beard shouted from the back of the room, his impressive display of metals, and honorary badges well displayed on his uniform.

"The point is that the Carpathians are planning to assault the Sovereignty of the Commonwealth!" another shouted. The room was engulfed in arguement, and great displays of power. The Queen merely sat back, a keen watch on the men and women arguing before her as she sat atop a large thrown at the end of a long polished table.

Only one man stood silent at the Queen's side, Sebastian Belmont, her loyal and trusted advisor, and chief science officer of the Lucitanian Commonwealth.

"Silence...." the Queen finally spoke up aw the room decended into silence.

"What say you, Sebastian?" the Queen said as she turned to the young boy standing beside her.

"This is an outrage!" one of the Generals said as he stood, his seat falling over behind him. "Sebastian Belmont is merely a boy. He knows nothing of war. He isn't even a member of this council!"

The Queen nodded her head. "Very well, General. He is now officially my Military Advisor, by my own Royal Decree, and shall hence fourth be your commanding officer." With a smirk as the General sat down with a grunt, she continued.

"What do you think, Sebastian?"
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2002 10:32pm
"What?!" the Emperor bellowed over the war council, deep under the Imperial Palace. Silence lingered for a few moments before anyone dared to repeat the message.

"Lucitanian forces are massing at the border, in responce to our Shock Forces." one man said quietly under his breath as the Emperor looked at him.

"This is an outrage, and will be considered a direct declaration of war. Order the troops into Lucitania at once! Order the landing parties around Arathoxia to begin landing as soon as possible."

"Yes, your Majesty."
Posts: 41
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2002 10:47pm
A message light blinked at the Emperor's desk. Once opened it played.

"Emperor. Should you choose to invade Lucitanian, or any other nation for that matter, I shall be forced to send in my clerics to end your life. I would not want to do such, but you will leave me no choice. Respond at once, my clerics have already left Astralis."
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2002 11:15pm
The Emperor slammed his fist down on his desk, breaking the transmittor in half. "Send your Clerics, damned fool!"

Meanwhile, on the Lucitanian border, Carpathian War tanks, and heavy shock troopers emerged, flanking the Lucitanian Forces.

Posts: 41
  • Posted On: Dec 13 2002 1:50am
What the Emperor did not know was that the High Priest of Astralis was in his palace at that very moment. The message having been sent on time delay.

Slavatio made his way silently into the room which contained the Emperor, having subdued the guards with simple mind tricks.

"I expected this from you, Emperor Jilark."