Posted On:
Mar 25 2002 4:20am
<font face="Times New Roman" size="4">Official RJO Document[Classified]</font>
Operation MaelstromRogue Jedi Order retaliation at Etti IVBackground:Following the Rogue Jedi Order strike at Aargau, the Corporate Sector Authority has begun the anticipated backlash against the faction. Numerous minor confrontations have occured, focussed primarily in the Aargau region. Death tolls have begun to mount into the ten thousands, primarily on the Corporate Sector Authority's side. The CSA doesn't seem to be against a grinding war of attrition, throwing anything and everything they have in suicidal efforts at the disciplined RJO forces.
Etti IV is one of the Corporate Sector Authority's trade worlds, a seat of power of immensely wealthy executives. It is from here that the CSA now wields it's power, since Aargau's fall, supported covertly by the criminal underground. The crime lords of the world deal not only in theft of currency, but slaves- enemies of the Corporate Sector Authority are conveniently eliminated, and the criminals are paid off. Etti IV's once-prosperous environment has been largely ruined since the Emperor's fall, overrun by continuing urban expansion, and the planet is now guarded by a mine field.
Some of the ships taken captive, destroyed, or lost in the Rogue Jedi Order abolisher fields have been identified as crminal vessels. Etti IV's fall should not only unseat more of the corporate powers of CSA, but a good deal of their criminal support.
Objectives:1) The Hytvel system is occupied lightly by criminal forces. It will be invaded by Division 1 (Tachyon Flotilla), and as many criminal craft as is possible will be captured.
2) Intelligence forces will form an alliance with several key non-CSA corporations, to sustain the economy in the event of Etti IV's capture, and to fund an assault on the mine field's communications generator.
3) Division 2 (Pride Flotilla) will arrive following the system's capture, and will use it as a staging area for a fast strike at Etti IV's outlying defences, drawing off some forces, and returning to Hytvel.
4) The captured enemy vessels will enter the system after a probe left behind confirms that some portion of the CSA forces have followed the feint assault.
5) The forces which follow the Division 2 forces will be engaged by Divisions 1 and 2 at Hytvel.
6) Once the captured enemy vessels have reached the mine field surrounding Etti IV, and have entered the deactivated field, they will deploy all of their fighters.
7) Intel forces will designate the mine field communications tower, and transmit it's position to the fighters.
8) When the forces lead to Hytvel have been defeated, Divisions 1 and 2 will proceed to Etti IV.
9) Division 1 will engage the remaining enemy forces, while Division 2 joins the assault on the minefield.
10) Both divisions will land ground forces. The Capitol City will be sieged and taken, with as few civilian losses as possible.
Results:Etti IV should be captured at minimal loss of life to RJO. The mine field ruse should effectively disable our largest obstacle in the assault.
The criminal underworld should be effectively disabled as an ally of the CSA.
Gash glanced down at the two reports, side by side, on his desk. On one, the weekly losses report. While the initial document regarding the Aargau assault plans had listed a retaliation from the Corporate Sector Authority as a definite possibility.
What Gash had not expected, was that the Battle of Aargau had never trully ended. Even then, as Gash surveyed the battlefield from his place in his private command room on the Tachyon, laser and turbolaser fire errupted in the system. Battle had become the norm, rather than an exhileration. Charred hulks of fighters, Imperial Star Destroyers, Marauder Corvettes, and more, literred the battlfield. In the distance, two Skipray Blastobats were engaged in a dogfight with a squadron of fighters, and two Corellian Corvettes battled a Marauder.
It was a war, to be sure. Gash signed the second document, the one ordering the strike on Etti IV. The war of attrition was grinding on the people of the Corporate Sector- the sooner it ended, the better."Mobilize the fleet, Captain Tellien."
'You're approving it?'
"You thought I wouldn't?"
'It is risky, sir.'
"As is allowing such brutal and pointless losses to continue on both sides."
Posted On:
Mar 27 2002 12:54am
Cairo Solo stood in Docking Bay 15 of the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Scoundrel's Way<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> in her civilan clothes. She still retained her crisp officers-stance and aire, but her clothes gave the aura of a smuggler or blue-collar. Her eerie Bormean eyes gazed out at the stars and ships streaking past the bay. She sighed boredly...Mr. Delph was late...as usual.
She had met, conversed, and allied with 3 major corporations from Etti IV---Mr. Delph's being the biggest and most wealthy. The other company owners were older than Delph, more mature and more experienced in how to handle a company. Delph was only a few years older then Cairo and as wild as a SandPanther.
Blair Delph was the owner of the Delph Corporation. A major network of extremily wealthy companies that were located on Etti IV, but were not allied with CSA...in fact Mr. Delph was very much agianst CSA, and Cairo planned to use that to RJO's advantage.
"Admiral?", an officer called out. "<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Delph's Pride<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> is asking permission to land. Where shall I direct them, Ma'am?"
"Right here, Corporal."
The young officer spoke something into the com-station in front of him and Cairo watched as a extravagent, garish transport slipped into Docking Bay 15.
The ramp lowered a few minutes later and a well-dressed man stepped out, accompanied by two scantily-clad woman---one to a arm. Cairo rolled her eyes...did he have to show off so?
"Miss Solo!...excuse me ladies...Cairo Solo, how are you today? Your looking well. No uniform? Ah, no bother, those duds show off your figure better, my dear." He winked and shooed the two women away as she walked down the ramp and stood in front of Cairo. The women somehow pulled themselves away from Blair and retreated back into his ship...but not before giggling and makeing a spectacle of themselves.
Cairo groaned. Why did Gash pick her to be ambassador to this creap? "I am well, thank you, Mr. De-"
"No no no...Blair.", He flashed a cheesy, suppose-to-be-sexy-but-wasnt-at-all grin and fowled up at attempting a gentalmanly bow.
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Oh give me a break!!!<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, Cairo thought. "Ahem, excuse me...<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Blair<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->." She motioned for him to follow her, "Shall we?"
"By all means, my dear."
Cairo turned and led the way out of Bay 15. She gave a help!-save-me-from-this-freak look to the guard at the bay's door, who then had a hard time keeping a straight face as Delph strutted out behind her.
Cairo lead Blair to a barrack in the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Scoundrel's Way<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> that she had redone and turned into a meeting hall. It contained ornate, Corellian-styled decor that Blair seemed to like better then the bridge (where the other company owners had signed there alligences to RJO).
She motioned to two chairs that were pulled out...Blair, of course, took the most comfy of the two. Cairo sighed and sat down as well. "Mr. De..er..Blair, lets cut to the chase, shall we?" She pushed a piece of paper towards him and a pen. "You still agree to the conditions we drew out?"
"Uh, I think so, doll...After you and ya guys take the planet me and the other big-wheels help you make sure the economy doesnt go under."
Cairo nodded, but had to control her Solo temper to keep from punching him for calling her 'doll'.
"That's correct...and your corporation---or you, I should say---has agreed to solely fund the assult on the mine field as well."
"Correctamundo, doll."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Ugh, he did it agian!<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Then he added sharply, "Do I really have to sign this?"
"It's just prodedure, Mr. Delph....it states everything we went over, just in legal jargon."
"Well.....ok then. I trust you, Miss Solo." He winked, scooped the pen up, and signed....rather sloppily.
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> How did this creep become a trillionaire? He MUST have inherited the company.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Cairo forced a smile and took the paper and pen as she stood up. "Well, Mr. Delph, that's about it. You will be contacted when needed."
"Hopefully by you, doll...I'm sure that figure looks even better in a dress. Ya know, I think the girls might have a spare ya can slip into re-"
By now Cairo was ushering him out the door, down the hall, and back to Docking Bay 15, "No thank you, Mr. Delph...my uniform and civilan clothes suit me just fine."
"Well...if ya change ya mind, doll..."
"No no, quite alright. Thank you Mr. Delph. We'll be in touch." With that, Cairo slipped her hand in the ship and slapped the button to shut the ramp. She pulled her hand out quickly as the ramp lifted and closed in Blair's face. She gave a sigh of relief and gave the coporal the signal to tell Delph's ship to lift and leave.
Cairo exited to give the paper Blair Delph had signed to Captain Tellien, so he could give it to Gash. She gave a glance over her shoulder at the exiting craft and smirked softly. Solo turned to the left and went down the hallway shakeing her head, "Ha!...Men."
Posted On:
Mar 27 2002 4:56am
Rusty stepped off a transport in the docking bay, admittedly shocked that he'd gotten through the barrage of fire with his life in tow. He saw Cairo and approached her, winking at her.
"Cairo, do you by any chance know where Gash is? It's imperative that I speak with him immediately."
Posted On:
Mar 27 2002 5:50am
Cairo was shocked than an officer address her so informally. Then she saw it was Rusty and, almost immedatly, her austere admiral-aires dropped and a soft smile hit her face.
"Well..Rus, your on the completly wrong ship. This is <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> my<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> flagship, remember? The <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Scoundrel's Way<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->? Gash is on his ship, the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Tachyon<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->...but...I have a vid-holo open with Tellien. Once I give him a fax of this document, I'm sure he can tell Gash whatever it is that your so desperate about."
Posted On:
Mar 27 2002 7:13am
Rusty pointed to his beat up YT transport, The Defender
"Sorry for my rudeness, but it is a matter of great importance. I know he's not here, but the Tachyon isn't appearing anywhere on this old girl's sensors. I think they're gonna be the next thing to go. Anyhow, I sensed your presence, and figured you might know where I can find him. I do need to speak to him. Can you offer assistance, m'lady?"
Posted On:
Mar 27 2002 4:14pm
Cairo smirked at being called a lady, that was something new.
"Of course, Rusty...but just for you." She returned his wink from earlier and then motioned for him to follow. They made their way to the Com-Center, where, indeed, a holo-vid was open with Captain Tellien...the computer-projected image of him inquired about the documents Blair Delph's signature on them.
Cairo lifted them up and show them to him; he could, of course, see them as well she could him. He nodded approval and asked them to be sent to the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Tachyon<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> on the double. Cairo handed off the documents to a com-officer so they could be faxed to the captain. Then she motioned to Rusty, "Also Captain, seems our Jedi Knight needs to talk to Gash; on-the-double, and rightfully so."
The image of Tellien inclined his head to the Admiral and then dissapered from view, showing that the captain had stepped away from the holo-vid on his ship to go find Gash. "There you are, Rusty."
She stepped off the holo-vid pad so Rusty could step up and talk to Gash when he appeared.
Posted On:
Mar 29 2002 2:39am
The Tachyon entered the Hytvel system with swift, brutal majesty. Flanked gracefully by the organized force of chaos that was the fleet of the same name, the arrowhead of massive, durasteel vessels drove into the proverbial heart of the system. Gash, undisturbed by the diligent officers on the bridge of the Alleigance-Class Star Destroyer, gazed out upon the scattered forces before him.
In front of the Tachyon lay five large, red, gas giant planets, followed by two rocky planets. Closest to the twin stars- possibly the oddest pair in the galaxy, a disproportionately small main sequence star paired with a disproportionately large star, also main sequence. While such odd, gravitically fluctuating pairs often produced dangerous, unstable, vacant systems, this one was quite teeming with life- the two rocky planets with enough water to sustain life on thirty similarly sized planets, with seasons ranging from Hoth's cold to Tatooine's blazing summers. One of the gas giants, Kytvel, contained majestic, flying creatures which resembled dolphins.
But the natural life never exceeded the intelligence of primates, and did not concern Gash. The issue at hand was the life which had immigrated to the system- the criminal organizations which called the floating, repulsorlift city in the sky of Kytvel home. Fighters swarmed towards them like angry moths as the Tachyon passed another gas giant world, and approached Kytvel.
"Identify incoming fighter make, model, and transponder signal."
'They seem to be cobbled together, sir... Y-wings, mostly. Repaired with second hand parts.'
"Deploy the Skipray Patrols. Have them loose one salvo of proton towards the incoming fighters."
In sequence with the order, Skipray Blastboats, grouped in squads of four, shot forth from the hangar bay beneath the craft, accompanied and passed by some 300 proton torpedoes and concussion missiles, blazing out toward the pirate fighters, most of whom began to scatter in response to the stingning caskets bearing death out towards them. Crimson fire signified the striking of the missiles on their targets. Unrelenting, the Tachyon fleet continued to bear down on Kytvel, beginning to tear out turbolaser blasts.
From around the planet, several shadowy figures began to make quick pace towards the RJO forces, their hulls sleek, slender, and powerful. Kytvel cast a red hued demi-shadow upon the capital ships, identifying them for the visual scans of Gash and his crew.
"Target contacts one through six."
'Done, sir. Scans indicate modified Marauder Corvettes.'
"Sold to these scum by CSA and the Empire, no doubt..." A subtle malice in Gash's tone indicated that no response was needed. "Have the Hapes Novas, Corellian Corvettes, and Liberator Cruisers close to short range and lock them in mass-tractor-beams. The rest of the capital vessels should bombard the Corvettes from this distance."
'Yes, Admiral.'
The blue ion fire errupted from the gunnery stations of the vessels, as faster ships shot forth towards the opposing capital vessels. Brief shots were exchanged between the smaller ships, with the swarm of hammer-headed Corellian Corvettes, sleek Liberator Cruisers, and graceful, fast Hapes Novas quickly demonstrating surperiority. The blue ion bolts danced across the slender hulls of the Marauder Corvettes as the Tachyon fleet continued to close slowly, fearsomely. The electrical fires shorted the systems of the craft, quickly and easily disabling the six ships, as the invisible magnetic forces of the RJO tractor beams held them in secure, undegrading orbit.
'The pirates are hailing, sir.'
"On main display, Commander."
A gruff, mustached face flashed onto the screen, red with sheer rage. Gash motioned to his comm officer to cut off the audio feed from the Rogue Order Naval forces to them, but to allow the pirate's rant to continue unobscured. 'God damn you Rogue Jeedi numbskulls, you come in here and kriff up our-'
"Please digitize that face, Captain Tellien."
'May I ask why, sir?'
Tellien sighed. 'Why, sir?'
"Because we're going to use a digital projection of our good pirate to fool the CSA on Etti IV."
'-and now, you come here and kriff my fleet! Well, you can expect no sympathy from me when the CSA trashes you and your idiotic, imbescilic-'
"Resume audio feed."
'-group of meddling Jedi bantha kriffers!'
Gash smiled a charismatic politician's smile. "Can I consider that I surrender?"
'You son of a @#%$, I'll get you for this-'
"End transmission."
The holographic display at the forefront of the bridge disengaged, and Gash chuckled mildly. "Has the system been swept and secured?"
'Yes, sir.'
"Good. Board those ships, and bring their systems back online."
'Sir? There is a transmission from Rusty Metropolis, here. He would like to inform you that he has secured an alliance with Omega Industries, a large distributor of fightercraft on Etti IV.'
Posted On:
Mar 29 2002 3:37am
The whole Pride Flotilla had followed Gash and the Tachyon Fleet into the Hytvel System. Cario had positioned them a fair distance away, just wanting to scout a little.
"Admiral Solo. Com-center had received the go-ahead signal from Jiren. Objective 3."
Cairo sighed and looked out the viewport at Kytvel, the red hue of the whole system illuminating her facial features. She was deep in thought and barely heard the officer relay Gash's orders...she was thinking about the next objective. It would mean death, but it was death to bad people, however. That was the only way Solo could jutify it...she had always been taught never to kill, injure, or etc unless you were about to receive unavoidable harm. Her sister words kept ringing in her ears...but she had to. It was an order. It was for the betterment of Etti IV. It was a fight agianst evil...Jaina would understand that. Jaina wouldn't mind once she explained...yes....she would'nt mind at all...
The officer's voice broke through her thoughts, "<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Admiral Solo?<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> Shall we begin Objective 3?"
"What? Object---Oh yes, of course. Signal the flotilla."
A little while later a MC-95 Star Cruiser, an ISD, and a VSD entered Etti IV airspace. As expected, they were asked to identify themselves...but Cairo just gave a smirk, "Open fire, <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Pride<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->!"
With that, the 3 large ships tore through Etti IV's outlying defences....they werent really trying to hit anything, just trying to upset the ship captains enough to get them all to follow the flotilla back to Kytvel...and they fell for it.
"Haha! They're buying it, everyone. Signal the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Legacy<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> and the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Godsend<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> to get back to Kytvel...we'll bring up the rear."
At her command the ISD and VSD kicked into high-gear and screamed back to Kytvel, which 90% of Etti IV's defences in tow...Cairo and the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Scoundrel's Way<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> lagged behind and tried to coax the rest of the defences away....yes they must of had strict orders to stay put, for they onyl defended and held their ground.
The <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Scoundrel's Way<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> left and headed back to Etti IV...
Meanwhile...back in the Hytvel Syatem:
The <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Legacy<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> and <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Godsend<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> tore past Gash and his fleet with captain's yelling over com's to them, "Tachyon Fleet...looked what followed us home!"....Etti IV's defences were sitting ducks.
The <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Scoundrel's Way<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> wasnt far behind, but stayed a good distance back from the fighting....as priorly advised.
Posted On:
Mar 29 2002 6:56am
Hands clutched against the yokestick that he'd been forced to hold onto for nearly a day now as he and five others from his squadron sped through the cerulean tunnel of hyperspace from the Yavin system to this Corporate Sector. "His" Y-Wings had sped in perfect formation the entire trip, but the look of the blue mist had gotten quite aggrovating, and with the need for radio silence...
But finally it ended, and the view of Etti IV came into view. With Raven at his far right, and Taly directly to his left, he bit back a sigh of worry. She had botched up on two missions, and he was afraid this would be a third. He had briefed them heavily on their objectives. They would sneak into Etti IV with these stolen Y-Wings and false IFF codes...and radio silence would be maintaned until they landed.
Obviously their flying style could not have their Rogue Squadron efficiency, seeing as they were infiltrating a terrorist organization. Just like the Freedom Guard...
It would not be hard to fly with the terrorist clumsiness...Rogue Squadron had just been thrown out of the Republic, and now they had to seek refuge in the Rogue Jedi Order. They're no better than the Empire was...everything we fought for...was for nothing...for leaders like Xylon Hexyra.
"Attention Y-Wing Group Epsilon Rouge, this is Getti Station how may I help you?" suddenly blazed over his comm unit.
"Greetings Getti Station, this is Epsilon Rouge One, requesting permission to land, we have returned from our raid on the Rogue Jedi outpost, our code is..." after a moment, he submitted the proper uplink code, and there was an acknowledging beep.
"Epsilon Rouge Squadron, where's the rest of you guys?" the flight traffic controller asked suddenly and abruptly.
"The Jedi took them down," Daren said almost before the controller could finish.
"Roger....welcome to Getti Station."
Posted On:
Mar 29 2002 8:49am
Atalya stares down at her controls blankly as she, Raven and their commander surge forward in their Y-Wings. Her face is pale, void and emotionless. The young pilot seems not to be paying attention to anything whatsoever, either outside or within her cockpit. She sighs and blinks slowly, her eyes still locked downwards, almost pointed at her feet.
Atalya's hands grip her control stick loosley, without a care given for keeping in formationHer R2 unit begins to bleep and screech noisily, warning Atalya of her deviations, but she quickly mutes the droid's comm line. Atalya then closes her eyes completely, wondering why Daren had saved her life when asll she had wanted was for it to end.
"Why did he save me?" Atalya whispers to herself, still paying no attention to her flight pattern. "I'm not fit for this squadron. He should ahve let me die. Then he and raven can be happy."
Atalya then lifts her head slightly, staring with her emotionless eyes towards her commander's Y-Wing, and seeingRaven's not far off. Tears begin to well in Atalya's eyes as she stares at the two, knowing that Daren will likely never care for her, that he clearly has feelings for Raven and no one else.