OOC:The one week prior bit is based before TFE tried to give Bakura/Endor to TJE, since that is under debate.
One week prior.
Jesmin glared at the planet floating in front of her. Farquak, a planet that was covered in lieing, cheating, death wishing Cren. She hated their guts. But now she had a plan. She had met with a Mon Calamari that had ocne been part of her fleet. From Acbar she had learned that Emperor Teebo was injured and that the Mon Calamari Republic was commanded by that recruit Reep Kreegon. Jesmin had never thought highly of him. She also learned that the Republic had been smashed, due to an Imperial assault, and they were just recovering now. She also learned of a Coalition of Lightside Factions, which included the Tholatin Republic and the Jutraalian Empire, as well as the New Rebellion and the Azguardian Galactic Military. The New Rebellion had been formed after the fall of the New Republic. Jesmin wasn't sure that she liked having the Jutraalian Empire on her side, she had a great distrust in them and had a lot of anger built up inside of her because of them. She realized that she hated the Cren more, and that the Jutraalian Republic might just be able to help her defeat them. To accomplish her mission, she needed capital ships. She had told that to her friend and he had set up a meeting with the leader of the New Rebellion, Jan Dondana, on Bakura. She had been promised 2 Victory Star Destroyers and 8 Marauder Corvettes from them to accomplish her task. Also, he had said that he might be able to give her more reinforcements from other members of the Coalition. New Rebellion and Mon Calamari Repbulic Special Forces had been "recruited" into the Farquak Empire's navy. The majority of them were placed on Jesmin's flagship, the Missile Cruiser Fire Bringer, prepared to takeover the ship. Now, she only had to wait a week, and the assault would begin.
Present time, in orbit over Farquak.
Jesmin's sensor officer rushed over to her.
"Sir, we have incoming enemy ships."
"Fine. Sound the battle alarm."
The sound of the alarm raced across the ship. Jesmin quickly grabbed her com and said, Commence Operation Light. Suddenly it was pandemonium on the bridge and ship. The Special Forces personal started firing at the Cren, bringing them down. Jesmin also wiped out a blaster rifle and shot the two nearest Cren. Elsewhere on the ship, things were not looking so good for the Special Forces. In hangar bay five Special Forces personal were trapped between ten Cren, who were glaring at them. As they started to shoot, two Noghri and five humans ran over and took out seven of the Cren in the blink of an eye, and the other three were quickly killed. They banded together, but there were a lot of Cren Troopers in the hangar bay. Another squad of special forces rushed up to save them, but were suddenly pinned down by heavy repeating blaster fire. Two other Special Forces personal, saw the problem and quickly threw a grenade at the repeating blaster, killing Cren maning it. At the end of the fight in the hangar bay, three Special forces personal were wounded. The Special Forces had managed to kill the pilot of one of the Saber Assault Bombers before eh ahd launched, so it was still onboard the Fire Bringer. They started to move towards the bridge. At the reactor, five Noghri, three Wookies and five humans heard the call. They waited until one of the twenty Cren guarding the reactor clicked his com, to check what the battle alarm was for, and the others turned their backs to the Special forces personal. Two of the Noghri quickly killed the troopers that were maning the repeating blaster cannon, and the rest of the troops killed the other enemies. With the reactor secure, they sent an all clear message to the bridge.
"Sir, we have confermations that the hangar bay and reactor are all cleared. We also know that the mess halls are secure. All gunners have been killed. The rest of the ship is being cleared at the moment."
"Good. Do we control the ship then?"
"We can manuver, and activate shields, but our forces aren't sitting in the gunnery pods, so we can't shoot."
"Fine. Activate shields and manuver us towards the friendly force. What do we have on our side anyway?"
"1 MC-90, 2 Victory Star Destroyers, 8 Marauder Corvettes and a Missile Cruiser that can't shoot yet."
"Against 2 Missile Cruisers, a Shree Cruiser, two Corellian Corvettes and 49 Saber Assault Bombers. Doesn't seem all that bad."
"Nope, not really."
Onboard the MC-90 Galactic Voyager Acbar stood tall at hsi command.
"All guns, do not fire on the Fire Bringer. Tell all missile launchers on all ships to arm themselves. Fire missiles at their designated targets when ready. One Victory Star Destroyer is to deal with the first Missile Cruiser. The second is to fire all turbolasers at the first corellian corvette and all missiles are to be diamond boron missiles, to fire at those enemy fighters. I want all our guns firing on the second missile cruiser. Six Marauder Corvettes are to deal with the Shree Cruiser, and the other two are to get the corellian corvette. Do not mess up, I want us to be done with this battle soon."
The fleet moved out on assigned runs.
1 MC-90-Galactic Voyager
2 Victory Star Destroyers
8 Marauder Corvettes
One week prior.
Jesmin glared at the planet floating in front of her. Farquak, a planet that was covered in lieing, cheating, death wishing Cren. She hated their guts. But now she had a plan. She had met with a Mon Calamari that had ocne been part of her fleet. From Acbar she had learned that Emperor Teebo was injured and that the Mon Calamari Republic was commanded by that recruit Reep Kreegon. Jesmin had never thought highly of him. She also learned that the Republic had been smashed, due to an Imperial assault, and they were just recovering now. She also learned of a Coalition of Lightside Factions, which included the Tholatin Republic and the Jutraalian Empire, as well as the New Rebellion and the Azguardian Galactic Military. The New Rebellion had been formed after the fall of the New Republic. Jesmin wasn't sure that she liked having the Jutraalian Empire on her side, she had a great distrust in them and had a lot of anger built up inside of her because of them. She realized that she hated the Cren more, and that the Jutraalian Republic might just be able to help her defeat them. To accomplish her mission, she needed capital ships. She had told that to her friend and he had set up a meeting with the leader of the New Rebellion, Jan Dondana, on Bakura. She had been promised 2 Victory Star Destroyers and 8 Marauder Corvettes from them to accomplish her task. Also, he had said that he might be able to give her more reinforcements from other members of the Coalition. New Rebellion and Mon Calamari Repbulic Special Forces had been "recruited" into the Farquak Empire's navy. The majority of them were placed on Jesmin's flagship, the Missile Cruiser Fire Bringer, prepared to takeover the ship. Now, she only had to wait a week, and the assault would begin.
Present time, in orbit over Farquak.
Jesmin's sensor officer rushed over to her.
"Sir, we have incoming enemy ships."
"Fine. Sound the battle alarm."
The sound of the alarm raced across the ship. Jesmin quickly grabbed her com and said, Commence Operation Light. Suddenly it was pandemonium on the bridge and ship. The Special Forces personal started firing at the Cren, bringing them down. Jesmin also wiped out a blaster rifle and shot the two nearest Cren. Elsewhere on the ship, things were not looking so good for the Special Forces. In hangar bay five Special Forces personal were trapped between ten Cren, who were glaring at them. As they started to shoot, two Noghri and five humans ran over and took out seven of the Cren in the blink of an eye, and the other three were quickly killed. They banded together, but there were a lot of Cren Troopers in the hangar bay. Another squad of special forces rushed up to save them, but were suddenly pinned down by heavy repeating blaster fire. Two other Special Forces personal, saw the problem and quickly threw a grenade at the repeating blaster, killing Cren maning it. At the end of the fight in the hangar bay, three Special forces personal were wounded. The Special Forces had managed to kill the pilot of one of the Saber Assault Bombers before eh ahd launched, so it was still onboard the Fire Bringer. They started to move towards the bridge. At the reactor, five Noghri, three Wookies and five humans heard the call. They waited until one of the twenty Cren guarding the reactor clicked his com, to check what the battle alarm was for, and the others turned their backs to the Special forces personal. Two of the Noghri quickly killed the troopers that were maning the repeating blaster cannon, and the rest of the troops killed the other enemies. With the reactor secure, they sent an all clear message to the bridge.
"Sir, we have confermations that the hangar bay and reactor are all cleared. We also know that the mess halls are secure. All gunners have been killed. The rest of the ship is being cleared at the moment."
"Good. Do we control the ship then?"
"We can manuver, and activate shields, but our forces aren't sitting in the gunnery pods, so we can't shoot."
"Fine. Activate shields and manuver us towards the friendly force. What do we have on our side anyway?"
"1 MC-90, 2 Victory Star Destroyers, 8 Marauder Corvettes and a Missile Cruiser that can't shoot yet."
"Against 2 Missile Cruisers, a Shree Cruiser, two Corellian Corvettes and 49 Saber Assault Bombers. Doesn't seem all that bad."
"Nope, not really."
Onboard the MC-90 Galactic Voyager Acbar stood tall at hsi command.
"All guns, do not fire on the Fire Bringer. Tell all missile launchers on all ships to arm themselves. Fire missiles at their designated targets when ready. One Victory Star Destroyer is to deal with the first Missile Cruiser. The second is to fire all turbolasers at the first corellian corvette and all missiles are to be diamond boron missiles, to fire at those enemy fighters. I want all our guns firing on the second missile cruiser. Six Marauder Corvettes are to deal with the Shree Cruiser, and the other two are to get the corellian corvette. Do not mess up, I want us to be done with this battle soon."
The fleet moved out on assigned runs.
1 MC-90-Galactic Voyager
2 Victory Star Destroyers
8 Marauder Corvettes