Preservation - The Way of the Republic
  • Posted On: Oct 27 2002 10:05pm
A spinning white crystal, its luster no less than that of a Gallinore gem. The planet of Csilla was that of beauty, of wonder. It captured the eye like nothing else could, and it captivated the soul far more than anything else in this galaxy could.

Though trapped in a perpetual ice age - nearly ended thanks to Republic efforts - the Chiss never quite forgot their homeland, their birth right that came from growing and living their.

They were Chiss, and for those who were spawned of that land were allowed to carry that title like none other!

It was a shame that during the years of Mitth'raw'nuroudo's escape with the vessels that the Republic took the planet for their own, and it was a shame that the Rogue Jedi Order advanced further in an attempt to take further control of the Chiss space.


<font color=blue>[i]Viser'ora'cspalla drummed his fingers against the arm of his chair as the Allegiance Star Destroyer loomed ever closer to his home, where he was born, where he had lived his whole life until the Kharin War outbreak.

From then on he had been stationed off of Slea, where he was to enforce the jurisdiction of the Enclave there. It was a tragedy that the Republic had taken Csilla during the Chiss's hour of need, but it was of no real consequence.

Misfortune and nothing more! Those blokes at the New Republic were a fair bunch, and seeing as how it was the Chiss that had helped force the Yuuzhan Vong back, he was certain that they would be more than happy to speak with the Chiss ambassador.

A hail was sent out, and he sat back to wait.

All he had to do now...was wait for the response transmission...then it would all begin.