Operation "Return Fire" (Repeat thread)
  • Posted On: Sep 22 2002 5:59am
OOC: Just a reminder, this is still timed back when Ylesia began, so only ships built by then should participate. Likewise, the manifest is pre-approved by Fearsons, and identical to last time.


---Operation "Return Fire"---

The encrypt "Return Fire" triggered the reserve force intended to rendevous (sp?) where both Siather and Jander had thought the Mon Cals to be retreating to. Bimmisaari. The trajectory had been correct, but in what seemed to be a bright moment for the Mon Calamari Fleet, they had pulled shy, actually catching the two Gands slightly off guard. It didn't mean much in the end for Operation "Return Fire" however, as the sheer amount of forces committed to battle against the Phantoms and the Sadistic Mist left very few behind to defend the homeland.

An hour hyperspace jump away from Bimmisaari, the TJE 2nd Fleet hung in space, along with six Abolisher Cruisers transfered from another fleet just for this operation. Fleet Admiral Elrond, commander of the Second Fleet, grimaced as the communications team handed him the decrypted transmission that had just recieved over the most secure of TJE frequencies. So the others had been ambushed, yet the attack was to commence. The Admiral nodded to the flagship's captain, who relayed the order that would send the fleet to Bimmisaari.

An hour later, the full Second Fleet dropped out of hyperspace in the Bimmisaari system. Admiral Elrond gave the neccesary orders. "Power up Interdictor and Abolisher fields, let's close this system off. Likewise, full jamming of all transmissions. Destroy any unmanned orbital station capable of getting off a call for help. Shut down any such manned installations. Launch all fighters, and I want an immediate sensor report so they have targets as soon as they're out of the hangers."

The Fleet's fighters began launching as alert klaxons wailed. Sensor readings came in, and as capital ship and fighter alike moved to destroy the Mon Calamari communications capabilities, Elrond signaled to send a message down to the planet. "Attention Mon Calamari Republic officials. I am Fleet Admiral Elrond of the Jutraalian Empire. Your forces have assaulted one of our worlds, and attacked neutral ships without warning. In response, the Second Fleet has been ordered here to Bimmisaari. I hearby request the surrender of all MCR forces in this system. Please think this through, I have no desire to shed more blood today, and you will not be recieving any outside help. If you will go peacefully, your forces may simply leave to another of your worlds. You have until my fleet is entirely in place to respond. Good day."

The holocam's light blinked out and Elrond cleared his throat. The viewscreens in his chair showed that preparations were well underway. Abolisher fields were in place and about half of the fleets fighters were out of the hanger already. Weapons were powered and targeted at Mon Cal forces, but silent now that the communications systems had been destroyed or shut down. They simply prepared for anything. The middle-aged officer sincerely hoped the Mon Calamari would keep the peace.

OOC: Manifest

Rogue Imperial Second Fleet

Capital Ships

Allegiance-Class Super Star Destroyer Lusankya III
Bulwark-Class Heavy Battlcruiser Invincible
Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Extinguisher
Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Ravenblade
Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer PeFauna
Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sluis Van
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Angel's Wrath
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Demon's Anguish
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Intrepid
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Arai's Wrath
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Blackblade
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Shadow Jedi
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Thrawn
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Warmaster
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Spectre Hunter
MC200-Class Cruiser Defender
Dauntless-Class Battlecruiser Wealth
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Healing Wind
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Righteous Blessing
Victory-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Oppression
Redemption-Class Battlecruiser Ravenblade II
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Mighty Grip ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Carnival ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Parade ***Modified For Fighter Carrying***
Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Strawberry
Interdictor-Class Cruiser Harpago
Interdictor-Class Cruiser Robust
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Impregnable
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Abjegation
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Sublimity
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Vogue
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Implosion
Abolisher-Class Hyperspace Cruiser Hyfe
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Courageous
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Defender
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Chandrilla
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Snake
Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Asp
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Destroyer
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Warmth of Shadow
Nebulan-Class C Frigate Horrific Shadow
Modified Nebulan-B2 Assault Frigate Crimes
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Distant Shadow
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Fading Desire
Modified Nebulan-Class B2 Frigate Make Up
Nebulan-Class B Frigate Desire.
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Extreme
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Monstrous
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Wizard
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Shockwave
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Vong
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Council
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Medal of Courage
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Periodic Destruction
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Wrought Wrath
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Terror of Adumar
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser Welded Scar
Lancer-Class Frigate Mercury Rising
Lancer-Class Frigate Home Runner
Lancer-Class Frigate Clairvoyance
Modified Corellian-Corvete Wendigo
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Paxa
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Lofte
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Victorious
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Pulley
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Defender
Vibre-Class Assault Cruiser Power Grip

12 TIE Fighters- Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Harpago
12 TIE Interceptors- Modified Corellian-Class Corvette Wendigo
72 TIE Fighters- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Mighty Grip
24 TIE Advanced- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Mighty Grip
12 TIE Defenders- Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Robust
24 TIE Fighters- Dauntless-Class Battlecruiser Wealth
72 TIE Defenders- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Carnival
36 Missile Boats- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Carnival
12 TIE Fighters- Bulwark-Class Heavy Cruiser Invincible
12 TIE Bombers- Bulwark-Class Heavy Cruiser Invincible
12 Assault Gunboats- Bulwark-Class Heavy Cruiser Invincible
12 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
12 TIE Defenders- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
12 Assault Gunboats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
24 TIE Interceptors- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Despayre
36 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sluis Van
36 TIE Bombers- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Sluis Van
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
12 TIE Defenders- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
24 Missile Boats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
12 TIE Advanced- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Liberi
72 TIE Fighters- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Ship Parade
24 TIE Defenders- Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship Ship Parade
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
24 Assault Gunboats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
24 TIE Bombers- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Tyrant
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
24 TIE Advanced- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
24 Assault Gunboats- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Heart Taker
6 TIE Fighters- Modified Nebulan-B2 Frigate Crimes
6 TIE Interceptors- Modified Nebulan-B2 Frigate Crimes
6 TIE Fighters- Nebulan-B Frigate Desire
6 TIE Interceptors- Nebulan-B Frigate Desire
12 TIE Defenders- Interdictor-Class Immobilizer Cruiser Strawberry
24 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
24 TIE Interceptors- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
24 TIE Bombers- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Rage
12 TIE Fighters- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Battlecrusier Courageous
12 TIE Bombers- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Battlecruiser Defender
12 TIE Defenders- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Battlecruiser Chandrilla
12 TIE Advanced- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Cruiser Snake
12 Missile Boats- Dreadnaught-Class Medium Crusier Asp
72 TIE Defenders- Galactic-Class Star Destroyer Ravenblade
36 TIE Fighters- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer PeFauna
36 TIE Advanced- Imperial-Class Mark II Star Destroyer PeFauna
76 TIE Defenders- Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Spectre Hunter

Total Fighters-

2 Assault Transports
Imperial-Class Dropship Group Omega
20 Sentinel-Class Landing Shuttles
40 Mynock-Class Assault Boats
30 Svelte-Class Assault Shuttles

Everything is the same as both times before, though I added an jamming attempt. Best of luck, please remember these are skilled forces, not defenseless by any means. Thank you.
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Sep 22 2002 4:42pm
OOC:This is the same manifest as before, except I added a few more troops on the planets, because originally I was unaware how many troops there actually was. Also I am assumign your shields became active, even though you didn't mention it.

The second the Imperial fleet came out of hyperspace the first Gencore Two Planetary Shield became active. The Advanced Turbolaser powered up, as did the two Planetary Ion Cannons. The 50 000 Mines became active. A ground based TIE Defender quickly fled to the other side of the planet and once it was out of range of the Abolisher Fields and Interdiction Fields jumped to Kubindi. Once there it sent a message to the other fleets. The First Fleet and Elements of the Third Fleet went into hyperspace and came to Bimmisaari. They came out at the same time as the TIE Defender. The arrivals were out of range of the abolisher fields.

"Power up all weapons. Power up the shields. Launch all fighters. Have all power that would go to interdiction fields and Abolisher fields ready to be sent into shield power. Viscount Fire on the Alligiance Star Destroyer. Strident fire on the first Galactic Star Destroyer. Thor fire on the second Galactic Star Destroyer. Implacable fire on the Bulwark Heavy Battle Cruiser. Helios fire on the first Imperial MK.II Star Destroyer. Tsyklon fire on the second Imperial MK.II Star Destroyer. Pride fire on a Imperial Star Destroyer. Atlas fire on another one. Razor, Venus, Swift Liberty, Starwind, Aquaris, Shadow Defender, Pluto, Fire Hawk, Baldaccini, Defender, Europa and Thunderstorm fire on the remaining Star Destroyers. Saviour fire on that MC-200. Try and disable it if possible. Myron fire on the Dauntless Battle Cruiser. Ingenuity fire on the Victory MK.II Star Destroyer. Liberty fire on the Redmeption Battle Cruiser. Bimmisaari fire on a Victory Star Destroyer. Titan fire on another one. Sputnik and Mercury each of you fire on one of the Lictor Dungeon Ships. Yavin Fire on the remaining one. Startide, Galactic Voyager and Raging Strom fire on the Interdictor Cruisers. Defiance, Sovergien, Impervious fire on three of the Abolisher Cruisers. Suculent Reward and Mon Remonda fire on two of the Ablisher Cruisers. Calamari fire on the remaining one. Kosmos fire on a dreadnaught. Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II fire on the remaning dreadnaughts and three Nebulon-C Frigates. Agena and Sea Storm fire on two fo the Nebulon-B2 Frigates. Saturn and Javacheff fire on two of them. Draco, Dark Magician, Flaming Swordsman, Celtic Warrior and Celtic Guardian fire on the Nebulon-B Frigate. Reaper of Rewards, Harrier and Leo fire on one of the Carrack Cruisers. Scorpio, Cancer and Hercules fire on another one. Zeus, Zenit and Valiant fire on another one. Ta, Re and Taimat fire on a fourth. Sumpntodo, Shadow and Gate Guardian fire on a fifth. Cathleen, Condor and Ben Het fire on a sixth. Planka, Pertenax and Poesy fire on a seventh. Margaret, Lusla and Farlaricae fire on an eigth.
Decurion fire on the remaining three and one a Lancer Frigate. Home One fire on four of the Vibres. Ardent fire on the Modified Corellian Corvette. Columbia fire on a Lancer Frigate. Discobale fire on two of the Vibres. Energiya and Mon Kanna fire on the second Lancer Frigate. Corellian Guinships fire on the third. Planetary Ion Cannons fire on the MC-200. All groudn absed fighters except for the TIE Defenders and X-wings attack the Alligiance star Destroyer from behind while we attack it's front. X-wigns and TIE Defenders, attack enemy fighters. Fighters, stay away from Lancer Frigates and just attack the enemy fighters. All ships rotate so that you are advancign on your target, but at an angle so that you can fire all side weaponry. One the side that they will be targeting reinforce your shields and lower your protection on the other side. Viscount Star Defenders ignore that order as you can fire more guns forward."

The capital ships moved into action firing on their targets once they were close enough to do damage to the shields. The second shield generator became active, but well below the first. Two gaps appeared in the shield protection from the second generator. The ground based fighters launched and headed up through the second gap, which closed after them. The two planetary Ion Cannons fired. Once they were through the second planetary shield the first gap closed. Then a large gap appeared in the first shield. The two ion cannon beam flew through first and hit the MC-200. Then the ground based fighters came up to attack the enemy fighters and Alligiance Star Destroyer. On the first run by the fighters, 484 concussion missiles and proton torpedoes were launched at the Shield Generators. The shields held. The ships also fired with their ion cannons and laser cannons, doing more damage to the shields. Then the fleet came. 240 heavy turbolaser batteries, 200 turbolaser batteries and 200 ion annon batteries opened up on the Viscount Star Defenders. This shields on the Alligiance Star Destroyer were begining to be stressed as the fighters made another run against the Shield Generators. Viscount wasfiring at the shield generators on the top of the bridge as well.

"All ships target the shield generators. Once you get their shields down, destroy the bridge. On the MC-200, don't destroy anything, just disable it."

The battle raged on. The missile mines fired on all of the enemy ships what came close to them.

Your loses:just shield power

My loses:just shield power

Fleet Manifest:
Viscount-Class Star Defender-Viscount
Viscount-Class Star Defender-Strident
Viscount-Class Star Defender-Thor
Viscount Star Defender-Implacable
Viscount Star Defeender-Helios
Mon Calamari Super Cruiser-Tsyklon
Mon Calamari Super Cruiser-Pride
Mon Calamari Super Cruiser-Atlas
Home One Battlecruiser-Home One
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Decurion
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Vénus
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Razor
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Swift Liberty
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Starwind
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Aquarius
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Shadow Defender
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Pluto
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Defender
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Baldaccini
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Europa
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Fire Hawk
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Thunderstorm
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Saviour
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Myron
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Ingenuity
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Liberty
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-300-Bimmisaari
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-200-Mercury
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-200-Sputnik
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-200-Titan
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Yavin
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Startide
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Galactic Voyager
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Defiance
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Raging Star
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Sovereign
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-90-Impervious
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-80b-Sucelent Reward
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-80b-Mon Remonda
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-80-Calamari
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-80-Kosmos
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-Hawk
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-Sea Hawk
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-Anik
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-Storm Hawk
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-Battle Hawk
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-Thunder Hawk
Aegis Star Cruiser MK.II-War Hawk
Assault-Class Frigate-Agena
Assault-Class Frigate- Sea Storm
Abolisher Cruiser-Saturn
Abolisher Cruiser-Javacheff
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Draco
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Dark Magician
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Flaming Swordsman
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Labyrinth
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Celtic Guardian
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Celtic Warrior
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Reaper of Rewards
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Harrier
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Leo
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Cancer
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Hercules
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Scorpio
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Gate Guardian
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Zeus
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Zenit
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Valiant
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Tiamat
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Ta
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Sumpntodo
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Shadow
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Re
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Poesy
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Planka
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Pertenax
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Margaret
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Lulsla
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Farlaricae
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Condor
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Cathleen
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Ben Het
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Ardent
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC-40a-Columbia
Nebulon-B2 Frigate-Discobole
Lancer Class Anti-Starfighter Frigate-Duchamp
Corellian-class Gunship-Hope I
Corellian-class Gunship-Hope II
Corellian-class Gunship-Hope III
Mon Calamari Eloquent Star Frigate-Energiya
Mon Calamari Eloquent Star Frigate-Mon Kanna

324 MC-10 Starfighters-Viscount
324 MC-10 Starfighters-Strident
324 MC-10 Starfighters-Thor
144 MC-10 Starfighters-Tsyklon
144 MC-10 Starfighters-Pride
120 MC-10 Starfighters-Home One
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Shadow Defender
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Pluto
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Defender
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Baldaccini
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Europa
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Fire Hawk
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Thunderstorm
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Saviour
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Myron
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Ingenuity
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Liberty
96 MC-10 Starfighters-Bimmisaari
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Mercury
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Sputnik
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Titan
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Yavin
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Startide
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Galactic Voyager
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Defiance
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Raging Star
72 MC-10 Starfighters-Sovereign
48 MC-10 Starfighters-Mon Remonda
36 MC-10 Starfighters-Calamari
36 MC-10 Starfighters-Kosmos
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Zeus
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Zenit
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Valiant
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Tiamat
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Ta
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Sumpntodo
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Shadow
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Re
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Poesy
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Planka
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Pertenax
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Margaret
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Lulsla
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Farlaricae
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Condor
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Cathleen
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Ben Het
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Ardent
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Columbia
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Energiya
12 MC-10 Starfighters-Mon Kanna
62 MC-10 Starfighters-Venom

Ground Based Fighters:
288 TIE Defenders
144 B-Wings
48 Y-Wings
48 X-Wings
20 O-Wings
10 Missile Boats

4 Gencore II Shield Generators
2 Planetary Ion Cannons
1 Planetary Advanced Turbolaser
50 000 Missile Mines

12 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Viscount
12 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Tsyklon
12 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Pride
5 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Home One
5 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Mon Remonda
5 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Calamari
5 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Kosmos
2 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Energiya
2 Lambda-Class Shuttles-Mon Kanna

Ground Troops
Full Troop Compliment
64 AT-HA's
2 AT-ATs
24 Mon Calamari Attack Subs
4 Conquest-class Carriers

Ground Based Troops:
5 000 000
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Sep 22 2002 11:50pm
OOC: this is only an attemp to reach a a diplomatic agreement, especially since you are outgunned. If you wish to correct anythign I say in the post, like destroying the TIE Defender that has it's weapons powered down, shields powered down and is broadcasting being on a diplomatic mission, then go ahdead, but that will just make me mad ICly and if you surrender later on, I will make terms that you will hate, and if you don't agree to them, I will destroy your fleet.
"Send a TIE Defender over to the Alligiance Star Destroyer with shields down and broadcasting as diplomatic shuttle. Have all weapons powered down. It will go onboard and the pilot will come out, hands in the air with a message from me."

"What do you want the message to be?"

"A request for them to bring the jamming down so that we can discusse a possible peace treaty. We don't need to kill a lot of people here today, nor do we need to have some of our people killed."

The TIE Defender left the fight and started to broadcast it's data as diplomatic. It flew into the bay of the Alligiance Star Destroyer and th pilot lept out hands raised, with no weapons. He reuqested to speak with the captain. Jesmin coudl onyl hope he could deliver the message.
  • Posted On: Sep 23 2002 8:25am
OOC: Never mind, seems Sunstar has things under control. Sorry to interrupt.
  • Posted On: Sep 23 2002 8:30am
OOC: Umm, sorry son(yes I'm aware your actually female). However I have issues with ignoring a obvious ploy to recieve outside help like launching a fighter. Apologies, but I can't go for that. Ohh, and remember, without communications you can't tell where the Abolishers are. They aren't exactly stationary.

IC: "Sir, we detect a fighter launching. It appears to be making way for the far side of the planet. Likewise thier planet-based shielding and weapons systems are coming online. The mines as well," a young sensor officer called out from his station.

"Cute," Elrond said out loud, "They're trying to run for help. Send a squadron of Defenders after it, along with the 'Victorious'. All speed possible. All other forces are to begin destroying the mines. Weapons Control, set aside ten gun crews and sensor operators to specifically keep track of those shields and weapons on the planet."

The Colonel in charge of fighter control quickly assigned one of the "Lusankya III"s elite squadrons to the task, and they quickly took off, feeding beam energy into thier engines even as the Vibre sped up in thier wake. The Admiral watched the preceedings, and then requested a status update.

The General in charge of troop command spoke first, "Sir, we've begun boarding the manned Mon Calamari communications installations, the first captives are inbound already. Our troops have been instructed to only stun the enemy of course, and set charges to destroy the installations after they have left. We have casualties, the Mon Cals are fighting back well, but fortunately nothing excessive."

Elrond glared at the General. To him a single casualty was excessive, a trooper had to live with that wound, or otherwise his family had to live without him. "Very good," was all he replied before turning to the ship's captain.

"Captain, I believe we have some Empion mines aboard. Begin distributing them throughout the system, and keep the Abolishers and Interdictors moving, with support," Elrond's face was devoid of emotion while he spoke. He wasn't about to have any unfortunate visitors surprise him and cause unnececesary losses.

By this point both the Mon Calamari Defender and it's assigned attackers were on the far side of the planet, still well in sensor range of the rest of the fleet, thanks to the link aboard the Vibre. The ship was running, obviously ordered to try and get help. The pilots of the Defenders, as well as the gun crews of the "Victorious" took aim and began to fire, Ion cannons only. Combined fire tactics made it virtually impossible for the Mon Calamari fighter to avoid, and several struck home. The "Victorious" began closing on the small fighter, preparing to haul it back to the "Lusankya III".

Elrond was already sending another message to the Mon Calamari leadership down on the planet. "Attention Mon Calamari Command. Your attempt to receive outside assistance is being twarted, as is the arming of your orbital mines. All such attempts are being ruled as hostile actions. I hearby order you to cease and desist all such futile acts, and power down your weapons and shields. You have five such minutes to comply, then I will release my forces to respond as neccesary. Any further hostile actions will ultimately result in the total destruction or capture of all Mon Calamari weapons of war in this system. 'Lusankya III' out."

The Admiral remained still. While the preparations they had taken pretty much eliminated any chances of a choerent force responding to thier actions, there was just something about the man that detested such actions. But they had attacked innocents in thier ambush of Jutraalian and Phantom forces, and thus they must know the results of such foolish actions.

OOC Note: I checked with OS regarding the Defender escaping issue, she stated that it would take at least two posts(after the original in which it escapes, not that I plan on it doing so) for a fleet to respond. Likewise, please know there is significant distance between Kubindi(or any other MCR planet) and Bimmisaari, and I will RP accordingly, taking action during the time a fleet must take to travel the distances. Thanks.
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Sep 24 2002 11:44pm
OOC:There's afew things wrong that i want to point out.

1.You never RPed you fleet being on both sides of the planet, therefor I would be able to get a TIE Defender out.

2.TIE Defenders are faster the Vibres.

3.I sent a TIE Defender out, so sending a squadron of TIE Defenders makes no sense, mine is just as fast.

4.If you can get messages in, I can get them out. You wouldn't be abel to destroy communications devices all over the world before I coudl get shields up.

5.Your TIE Defenders and Vibre Cruiser woudl most likely be destroyed by the mines.

Just thought I'd point those problems out. But luckily I thought of another way to get my ships here intact, even with the assumption that my messages can't get in or out.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Somewhere in the middle of Mon Calamari controled space<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

Jesmin Ragabag looked out her viewport window.

"Send a message to Bimmisaari telling Teebo that everythign is fine, but to send a message to us saying when we can organize a meeting with representatives from all of our worlds."

"Yes sir."

"Good job."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Ten minutes later.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Sir he doesn't seem to be responding."

"Thats odd. All right peopel call Admiral Toritho."

"Yes sir."

"Admiral Toritho, we aren't getting any information from Bimmisaari. I think we are being jammed. I assume it is under attack."

"Thanks for the notice Colonel. Take the First leet and portions of the Third Fleet to Bimmisaari, but don't jump in close to the planet, jump in at the edge of the system so that if they have Abolisher fields up you won't be destroyed by them."

The First Fleet and portiosn of the Third Fleet jumped to towards the edges of the Bimmisaari system.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Meanwhile back at Bimmisaari.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Fire the Planetary Ion Cannons again and fire the Advanced Turbolaser. All fighters launch but stay under the shields."

The planetary weapons fired again, using the same mehtod as before, putting up two shields and always having one shield with no gaps in it. The MC-200 was struck again.

"Shields down on the MC-200 sir."

"Excellent. Power up the weapons again."

The missile mines were meaniwhile hittingt any ship that came within their range.

MC-200 has no shields.

One TIE Defender.

My assumption for the weaponry is that several is around 7 times for the Planetary Ion Cannon. With it having been hit 4 times with Planetary Ion Cannons and once by an Advanced Turbolaser I assumed that it was fair to have no shields on the MC-200.
  • Posted On: Sep 25 2002 8:33am
OOC: Here we go, in order of your arguements. I'd like to say that just like at Ylesia, I will tire of the OOC arguements very fast. If you haven't noticed by now, if I question if something will raise serious waves in a thread, I check with OS first(since she's the only admin guarenteed to still be one at any given time). I checked with the Torpedo Spheres, I checked with this.

1) It's standard procedure to at least place units where they can scan an entire planet, however it's a moot point, as you specifically stated your ship flying to the opposite side(hence it originally being on the side the majority of my fleet is). I caught it's takeoff on sensors, and followed it.

2&3) The speed of a Vibre is a moot point, the design of the maneuver was to have the Defenders disable your fighter, and the Vibre capture and return with it. Likewise, the Defenders are faster than yours for a number of reasons. One, they specifically fed extra energy into thier engines(from thier beam weapons which you Mon Cals are so fond of using). There are several physics laws that would also apply to the situation, but I don't really feel the need to quote them. To keep it short your slowed by air resistance, gravity, and the physical reality of having to literally go halfway around the planet. My Defenders, from thier elevated position, can simply cut straight across space.

4) I'm jamming long range transmissions, namely hypertrancievers and HoloNet trancievers, the only types capable of reaching outside the system. My messages can get through in several ways. They're short transmissions, simply ship to planet, and I can easily choose a frequency to broadcast on at will. I'm not destroying anything on the planet(though I'm about ready to), just things in orbit, as I'm giving you guys enough credit to have such orbital installations.

5) The entire fleet, including those ships, are firing on the mines. The logical thing to do in the situation(chasing down a ship) would to make the first targets those capable of firing on friendly ships like the Vibres and Defenders. No doubt they might have taken a hit or two, but not near enough to destroy them, particularly in the Vibres case.

Congratulations by the way, on realizing that at this point the world was still your capital. I was wondering when someone would say something about that. Your reasoning on bringing the fleets are a bit off, but if that's what you'd like to try, go for it. However, be aware I'm reserving right ahead of time to use the time it would take for such a trip, as well as the effects of the arrival. No offense, but you really should have gone peacefully. Actually, you just should have never attacked Ylesia in the first place, and me after that. Good luck though, you'll probably need it.

I don't have time to post right now, I will edit this in the morning. Some things that are happening are that the Empion mines are being laid all over the edges of the system, and those are modified to be much larger than normal, just so you know. Likewise, the Abolishers and Interdictors are also moving seemingly at random. Those things are just to say that jumping in will definately be fun. Ohh, and don't expect to just jump in right after my reply here, according to OS it takes a while to do such a maneuver as your attempting, I'll check my logs and run a quote when I edit the post.

IC: TJE forces had destroyed just short of half the mines and the Vibre Cruiser "Victorious" was just attaching with the disabled defender when the Mon Calamari made thier decision to fight. As the engergy filled the Ion cannons and turbolaser down on the surface, the sensor crews assigned to watch for such an action caught the power spike, and alerted the turbolaser teams they had been partnered with. So as the Mon Cal defenses let fly, so did the those guns aboard the "Lusankya III". While the shield tactics the Mon Calamari used protected them from extensive damage, at the speed the energy weapons travel requires the shields to be fully open for but a moment. While most of the fire struck shields right before or after this moment, two shots fell true to thier targets, striking decisively even as the "Defender" moving for protection still from the last shots, was struck again.

It's captain was rather frustrated, being the only target for the Mon Cals up to this point, but he was pleased to hear that at least the temporary sacrifice of his shields had made some progress, as one layer of thier shields was destroyed. The "Defender" came on station with the protection of a Star Destroyer between it and the planet until her shields had fully returned.

As she reported in Elrond's status screen showed the "Victorious" returning with it's captive, and another fourteen percent of the mines destroyed. Most of those that remained were out of range of the fleet, but would be destroyed in time. Shields were kept powered in an advanced state to make up for what damage the mines were about to do before they're destruction, and the fleet would be at full power in a matter of minutes. His Abolishers and Interdictors were doing a fine job of keeping thier orbits erratic as they moved throughout the system, and the Second Fleet's transports were even now dropping out of the "Lusankya III'"s hanger bays with another load of the Empion mines to scatter. Even at the edges of the system there were only certain places a fleet could safely exit hyperspace from. Ever so slowly, the chances of catching a responding fleet edged in the Jutraalian's favor.

A light on a communication officer's panel lit up, and he exitedly reported to the Admiral. "Sir, there is a military transmission frequency being used in an attempt to reach the planet. It's not clearing jamming, but whoever it is will wonder why Teebo is not responding."

"Very good Lieutenant. Continue jamming," Elrond replied. "So it will be a battle men, but we have some time before they will be able to respond, by that time we should be more than finished with thier defenses here, and ready to fight back. Send a Svelte shuttle beyond the jamming to report to the Emperor our situation, and our time table. The time has come."

The Admiral's eyes narrowed, and for the third time he had a channel opened to the planet. "Mon Calamari Commanders. You have intentionally disobeyed my orders, and directly attacked my men. I gave you the opportunity for peace, I exspressly told you that all would be spared should you choose not to fight. You disregarded that information, and attacked. I must wonder, did the Rebellion truly transform what had been a rather peaceful race into such barbarians? It is a sad sad thing, but your decision is made. May whatever god or godess you worship forgive you for sacrificing so many lives."

Elrond's message ended, and with a wave of his hand the transmission was cut. It would not be opened again.

The passion that had filled the aged Admiral's voice as he spoke to the planet faded now, his command voice cold and decisive. "Planetary bombardment is to begin immediately, and sensors are to watch for any weakening in thier shielding. Fighters not on CAP duty are assigned to wipe out the last remaining mines, and return for thier next assignments."

His orders were carried out immediately. The Second Fleet was an old fleet, with much tradition and experience. The fighters assigned to mine duty swarmed out after the remaining mines, now down to but fifteen percent of thier former strength. Each wing pair, flight, squadron, and wing protected each other, one pilot dropping back or forward to allow thier comrades to destroy a missile targeted on thier fighter. They swiftly cut swathes through the remaining fields of mines, cutting thier number back farther and farther.

Meanwhile, the fleet continually cut thier targeting spaces down smaller and smaller. By concentrating fire on a small area, they could increase thier effect exponentially. First sensors reported in on the weaker areas they had found in thier studies, and those were inputted into the computers to appear on the gun crews targeting screens. It took a few moments, but soon all ships were prepared to fire. Elrond still stood on the bridge, seemingly tireless. As a precaution to battle he finally took a seat in his command chair, to give the order. "Fire."

Turbolaser, Ion cannon, heavy proton torpedoes, assault concussion missiles, and heavy bombs fell on the first layer of shields, targeted on the weak point chosen for the assault. Only a few percentage points weaker than the rest, it never the less made a difference, hence why it was chosen. Impacting fire lit up the shields, striking hard as the thousands of weapons of sixty different ships rained down on one spot. It began to strain the top layer, and it shrank just a little bit.

This is what the sensor crews of the "Exstinguisher" and "Ravenblade" were waiting for. Just barely out of synch, the two Galactic-class Star Destroyers fired thier powerful Mark IV turbolasers. These two stuck home, and thier power was felt. The first shield shredded with thier impact, and the second shot, just barely late, landed squarely on the second layer of shields, it's overpowering effect being transmitted to the generator powering this shield. Fields of fire shifted, now being directed at a weak point in this second layer of shields, as the process began again.

Twenty-five minutes had passed as the effects began to show on the second shield, and Elrond's screen showed the fighters returning from thier duty, some carrying the damaged fighters of thier comrades in thier tractor beams. Altogether it had been an effective assault. Worst case scenario, they would have a few days(travel time) before any Mon Calamari assistance could be brought to thier beleagured capital, and by then the damaged fighters would be repaired and returned to battle.

The Admiral's attention was caught once again by the bombardment as the "Exstinguisher" and "Ravenkind" fired again. This time Mon Calamari engineering held up, not having to project as far. It would not for much longer however.

The transports were now taking a fourth load of Empion mines out into the system, and still the Abolishers and Interdictors moved. The bombardment simply continued, sparks flying off the battered shield, which would give way soon.
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Sep 26 2002 11:58pm
OOC:I'm waiting for those logs, but I'll RP that the fleet only came otu of hyperspace at the edge of the system, it will take a post for me to travel into effective firing range of your ships. And about the repair crews ont eh Gencore two, (I don't believe they were already mentioned, I'm startign them this post) the shield generator didn't suffer any damge, therefor I assume that after three or four post by you I would be able to bring it back online. To be fair it won't be able to be online at max output, proably around 50-75%.

"Sir we just lost the first shield."

"Damm, bring up the third one. Fire the two ion cannons using the technic already stated."

The two ion cannons fired on the MC-200 and disabled it.

"Sensors show two hits from the ion cannons. The craft is disabled."

"Excellent. Fire the advanced turbolaser at the Alligiance Star Destroyer and start powering it up again."

The advanced turbolaser hit the Alligiance right on the bridge.

"Shields on the alligiance down to 80%."

"Excellent. How are the shields doing?"

"The inner one is at 99%. The outer one is at 40%."

"Are repair crews at the first generator?"

"Yes. They have just begun though."

"Are all fighters launched?"

"Yes. They will be able to fight the enemy once we get soem reinforcements."

"How many mines do we have left?"

"Only 15% of the mines remain."

"That's not good. That woudl mean our only defences are the fighters and the planetary guns."

Meanwhile in hyperspace...

Jesmin had an uneasy feeling about the jump into Bimmisaari.
She thought it was a warning from the Force. She walked over to her commander.

"Do we have communications with al our fleet?"

"Yes sir."

"Excellent. Make a course change. we are goign to come out three seconds earlier then planned."

"But we already are coming in at teh edge of the system. we won't be able to provide much assistance from the edge of the system."

"True, but we want to be able to arrive intact. If the enemy heard our message then they will be able to move Abolisher fields out towards us, or plant mines that will disable us."

"I understand sir."

The course correction were made.

"Sir we have just come out of hyperspace."

"Excelent. Any damage?"

"Not extensive. Ardent was a bit ahead and there for was damage by soem sort of mine, Empions I think. They lost all memory and power."

"Get Columbia to transmit a memory of what they will need to Ardent. Then send a tech crew over to help gte the systems up. Launch all fighters, fire on any mines near us, and brign the shields up. We stay back here untill Ardent has the tech crew on her. Once that happens we go ahead. Columbia and Ardent can catch up with us, they can go almost as fast as the B-wing fighters."

The tech crew and memory was transported to Ardent. The fleet moved ahead, firing on mines and any transport that came to close. Soon Ardent was at full capabilities again and it came up behind them, the gap closing swiftly. Columbia was just behind it.

"Send a mesage to the planet. Tell them we are incoming and will be able to fire on the enemies soon. All their fighters are to launch and once we get into firing range, to attack the Alligiance Star Destroyer's engines. X-wings and TIE Defenders split off in their own group and fire on the enemy fighters away from the main fleet destroying mines."

Still the fleet came closer.

On board the captured TIE Defender.
As the TIE Defender was pulled into the Vibre he got out his blaster and hid it from view. All his systems were down. Suddenly he felt a jolt. He had landed. He popped the hatch and looked around. He saw a squad of stormtroopers. His blaster still hidden from view suddenly came aroudn and shot oen of them in the chest. Then he dropped back into his fighter. He put his hand out and fired at them, seeing his bolts miss one and hit another. He was able to see the stormtroopers through his viewport. Unfortunatly that meant they coudl see him. He glanced down at the thermal detenators on his belt, then thought better of it. He had been given a lot of weapons in case he had been captured. He was an expert shot and had a very good arm for throughing things. He grabbed one of the class A thermal detenators. It was the first one he used out fo the ten he had. It woudl completely vaporize everything within a twenty meter radious. He armed it and through it over near the stormtroopers, killign them all. He got otu and glanced around. There wasn't an enemy to eb seen. Suddenly the door open...

I thought I woudl give you the chance of answering to what came through the door. SInce you were planning to capture the TIE Defender, I assume that you woudl send a tech team, plus an intorogation team, and probably more stormtroopers, but you can say what came through.

same manifest, except for the fact that that I lost a TIE Defender to you already.

Your loses:
MC-200 disable, adrift
A few mines
A transport(maybe)

My losses:
A TIE Defender
A Gencore two Shield Generator without power(most likely a bit of damage)
A Gencore two Shield(40% power output)
A Gencore Two SHield Generator(99% power output)
Posts: 130
  • Posted On: Sep 30 2002 12:56am
OOC:72 hour rule is up. I want to get this thread over with, or I wouldn’t use this rule against you. I am using the description in the other Return Fire thread for how yoru ships are spread apart. Since in that thread you didn’t state where the lancer frigates where, just what group, I am going to assume they are on the flanks of the groups, with the Allegiance, Galactic and Imperial Star Destroyers in the center, a bunch of ships in between them and the lancers. If I missed something you said, please tell my, I’ll make the corrections in my post. Also if you have a very good reason why you couldn’t post, like the university screwed your computer over again, then I’ll edit this post. I noticed a mistake in my manifest. The 62 MC-10s listed at the bottom on Venom, they were on Helios.

“Sir we are within effective firing range.”

“Excellent. All fighters ground based or others wise, move out on assigned missions. X-wings and TIE Defenders, your mission ahs been changed to a capital ship mission. You attack the Galactic Star Destroyer Extinguisher. All ships, rotate so that you can unleash a full broadside against the enemy. All Viscount Star Defenders, ignore the last order. Get targets appropriate to your size. Strident and Thor are attacking the two Galactic Star Destroyers while Viscount will get the Allegiance. All Planetary Guns fire on the Allegiance.”

The ships moved out on their proscribed missions. The planetary guns fired, using the technique that only left them open for a couple seconds. Viscount unleashed its weaponry against the Allegiance, all guns targeting the Shield Generators. The fighters came up and fire on Allegiance. 484 missiles flew at the engines, all of them hitting. The X-wings and TIE Defenders were not firing on the Allegiance, neither were the MC-10s. The X-wings and TIE Defenders did an attack run against the first Galactic Star Destroyer, Extinguisher. 672 missiles and torpedoes rammed into the shields around the engines of Extinguisher. Then the lasers and ion cannons opened up on the fighters. One thousand MC-10s split up into four groups. One group attacked the other Galactic Star Destroyer, hitting it with 500 torpedoes and a bunch of laser cannon fire. Another group attacked the first Imperial MK.II Star Destroyer, hitting it with 500 torpedoes, plus some laser cannon fire. The third group went after the other Imperial MK.II Star Destroyer, hitting it with 500 torpedoes, plus laser cannon fire. The last group attacked the Redemption Battlecruiser 500 torpedoes rammed into the shields, all of them concentrated at the engines. The remaining 2902 MC-10s split into two groups. One thousand five hundred of them attacked enemy fighters, while the other One thousand four hundred and two split into six groups. Five of the groups consisted of 250 MC-10s. This five groups each picked a target, the Imperial Star destroyers, Despayre, Sluis Van, Liberi, Tyrant and Heart Taker. 500 torpedoes hit each of the star destroyers in the engines, seriously damaging the shields. The remaining 202 MC-10s went after the Star Destroyer Angel’s Fire, hitting it with 404 torpedoes.

“All AT-HAs launch. Go land on the MC-200 and drill holes into it, then send troops in.”

The AT-HA launched and went on their proscribed job. Strident and Thor moved in against the two Galactic Star Destroyers, causing a lot of damage to the enemy’s shields. Implacable moved in against the Bulwark Heavy Cruiser. Helios moved in and fired on the Imperial MK.II Star Destroyer PeFauna. Tsyklon fired on the other Imeprial MK.II Star Destroyer, Rage. Pride and Atlas each fired on one of the Impeiral Star Destroyer. Home One fired on another one. Decurion, Venus, Razor, Swift Liberty, Starwind, Aquaris, Shadow Defender, Pluto, Defender, Baldaccini and Europe fired on the remaining eleven Imperial Star Destroyers. Fire Hawk fired on the Dauntless Battle Cruiser. The MC-200 trio of Sputnik, Titan and Mercury formed up and fired on the three Victory Star Destroyers. Liberty fired on the Redemption Battlecruiser Ravenblade II. Saviour, Thunderstorm and Myron fired on the three Modified Lictor Dungeon Ships. Ingenuity and Bimmisaari fired on two fo the Interdictor Cruisers, Strawberry and Herpago. Impervious fired on the remaining one, Robust. The MC-90s from the First Fleet, Yavin, Startide, Galactic Voyager, Defiance, Raging Star and Sovereign, fired on the Abolisher Cruisers. The MC-80bs and MC-80s fired on four of the Dreadnaughts, Courageous, Defender, Chandrilla and Snake. Hawk fired on the remaining one. Sea Hawk, Anik and Storm Hawk fired on the three Nebulon-C Frigates. Battle Hawk, War Hawk and Thunder Hawk fired on three of the Modified Nebulon-B2 Frigates. Agena fired on the remaining one. Sea Strom fire don the Nebulan B Frigate Desire. Saturn and Javacheff fired on the two Carrack Cruisers, Extreme and Monstrous. Draco, Dark Magician and Flaming Swordsman fire don Wizard. Labyrinth, Celtic Guardian and Celtic Warrior fired on Shockwave. Reaper of Rewards Harrier and Leo fired on Vong. Cancer, Hercules and Scorpio fired on Council. Discoble fired on Medal of Courage. Re, Ta and Taimat fired on Periodic Destruction. Sumpntodo, Shadow and Gate Guardian fired on Wrought Wrath. Poesy, Planka and Pertenax fired on Terror of Adumar. Margaret, Lulsla and Farlaricae fired on Welded Scar. Condor and Cathleen fired on Paxa and Lofte. Ben Het and Columbia fired on Victorious and Pulley. Ardent fired on Defender. Mon Kanna and Energiya fired on Power grip. Zeus, Zenit and Valiant fired on the three Lancer frigates. The Corellian Gunships fired on Wendigo. Duchamp fired on any fighters that came near it. It was traveling near with a large force of MC-10s.

Meanwhile on Victorious.
Threw the door came a crew of technicians and a couple storm troopers. The pilot immediately shot the stormtroopers. Pointing his gun at the technicians he said.

“Fix this TIE Defender and get it running again.”

He waited for a response…

TJE losses:
Alligiance Star Destroyer-shields way down, probably ten percent, getting hit by 484 torpedoes and missiles, plus two ion cannon shots and two advanced turboalser shots will do that to you, not to mention the 240 heavy Turbolaser batteries, 200 turbolaser batteries and 200 ion cannon batteries that can shot forwards.
Galactic Star Destroyer(Extinguisher)-shields way down, for similar reasons, the Viscoutn Star Defender’s weapons, plus the 672 torpedoes and missiles
Galactic Star Destroyer(Ravenblade)-Shields way down, 500 torpedoes, and Viscoutn Tsar Defender’s weapons
Bulwark Heavy Cruiser-shields kind of far down, Viscount Star Defender’s weapons
Imperial MK.II SD(PeFuana)-shields way down, 500 torpedoes, plus the weapons of a Viscount Star Defender
Imperial MK.II SD(Rage)-shields way down, 500 torpedoes, Super cruiser’s weaponry
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer(Despayre)-shields way down-500 torpedoes, super cruiser’s weaponry
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer(Sluis Van)-shields way down, 500 Torpedoes, super cruiser’s weaponry
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer(Liberi)-shields way down, 500 Torpedoes Home One’s weaponry
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer(Tyrant)-shields way down 500 torpedoes, MC-300’s weaponry
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer(Heart Taker) -shields way down 500 torpedoes, MC-300’s weaponry
Redemption Battlecruiser-Shields way down-500 torpedoes, MC-300’s weaponry
Imperial Star Destroyer Angel’s Fire-shields way down 404 torpedoes, MC-300’s weaponry
All other ships are lossing shield power fast, mainly because the amount of guns that can be brought against them. The smaller ships, the ones MC-40s and under are firing on, with the exception of the Corellian Corvette, have more of their shields left. The Corellian corvette, being attacked by 3 Corellian Gunships, is losing its shield power faster.
MC-200-disable, AT-HAs drilling holes into it so that we can send troops into it. The AT-HAs are using their quad laser cannons at a low intensity to fire on the enemy ships, slowly burning a hole through the hull.
You might have lost some fighters, but not that many.

MCR losses:
Some shield power, but less then the imperial forces.
1 TIE Defender
Maybe a few more fighters.
  • Posted On: Sep 30 2002 3:35am
OOC: Jesmin, I think not. I know your still watching Ylesia, and I stated there I'd try to reply as soon as possible, thinking I'd be able to do it yesterday. This weekend has frankly been pretty nuts, and I simply don't have the time to write a proper post. The only reason I didn't post that here is I know you've been checking in on Ylesia(you posted after my last IC action there). I'm also waiting to talk to Leia again, I spotted a discrepency in our chat when I went looking for the logs and it needs to be covered. I'm sorry but no.