New World Order: Devil in the Dark (Troiken)
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2004 11:10pm
The events in this roleplay take place after Apparitions: Specters of the Truth


"Reversion!" came the calm annoucement from the Navigation Station and Captain Renwar stood up as the Galactus reverted from hyperspace and the brilliant shades of light disappeared instantly.

Renwar looked ahead in focussed attention, the bow of his warship barely visible against the black sea of vacuum. Beside the Galactus, to the port and to the starboard, came clusters of Imperial Warships, those fighters hyperspace worthy already launched.

Just above the Galactus, the dark shadow of the Ebony Vigilance appeared as the massive Eclipse Class Star Destroyer entered along it's prearranged vector.

"Rear Guard set up containment."

"Sire, shall we jam transmissions?"

Renwar's hand indicated a negative response. "No. I do not want these people warned."

According to the rules, there had been an arguement with the Imperial High Command regarding the implimentation of Base Delta Zero for the world before them and Kaine, Supreme Commander of all Imperial Military Forces, nearly agreed. But it was Captain Merrik's presence which stayed his hand.

If this plan worked, the survivors wouldn't matter.

Already INS was shouting at the tops of their lungs purposefully creating the appropriate aura of fear within the population. This action, would serve as one of the greatest examples of Imperial justification and redemption.

Redemption from the lies spread by their enemies.

Renwar smiled. He would have the chance to prove himself to everyone. The Emperor, Commander Kaine, the Admiralty.... all.

"Rear Guard is to begin flanking maneuvers and I want this system interdicted. Anything gets pulled out that is not Imperial, I want it destroyed. No questions, no matter whom."

The comm officer swallowed hard and nodded relaying the orders on the military encrypted channel.

"Main fleet, all points forward. Signal to fire on my command. Begin active scans once we are engaged."

There would be no chance of detection until their first salvo was fired.

And as the shining planetary sphere grew larger, his mind reflected the stunning revelations that led to this point. Revelations that he knew would be used to rewrite history. A revelation that would not have been possible without the Jedi Corps...

He wondered what the meeting was like.

He wondered just what happened when the game was played at a level he could only dream of attaining.


“Putting that bastard Trachta in charge of COMPNOR was the best move you could have made..”

Zell barked out grinning as he read the report.

I,” emphasized IM Commander Kaine, “did not do a damn thing. His is an able officer and his station reflects that ability.”

“Not to mention his rise to power eclipsed yours through that business with Daemon.” Zell quipped back.

“Trachta is as shadowy as Isard when it comes to his own actions and those in his charge. I would be surprised if a silent rise to power wasn't his plan all along.”

“Yes,” quipped Zell, “but he’s our shadowy bastard. And good thing too. We need someone to keep Imperial Intelligence in line and keep a reign on the Jedi Corps. God knows what the Sith will think of an independent force user organization within the framework of Imperial Law.”

Kaine grinned, “No doubt Lupercus Darksword is foaming at the mouth. I expect that he wanted the Jedi Corps for himself.”

“Defeats the purpose of the Jedi Corps wouldn’t it,” Theren Gevel walked in, handing back his copy of the report. “If this is true, it answers quite a lot of questions.”

“Such as?” Zell prompted.

“Why our leadership has been… less than stellar. Probably answers the ineffectiveness of Exceron.” Gevel answered bluntly and even Zell stood to contemplate that.

“You could be right,” he admitted.

“Of course, I am right.” Theren bluntly responded causing Zell to bristle, “The question is, what do we do about it? How can we keep it secret? And will it work?”

“What is so important?” Captain Merrik, of the ISD Insidion, entered. “We finally locked down that impeller on the Insidion and just got your message.” Kaine handed Theren’s copy of the report over and the man fell silent as he read. His eyes widened and his finger flicked a page. “I want them!” turning to Kaine, “They could very well be the answer we are looking for…”

“The answer?” Gevel asked pointedly.

“Imperial Intelligence blunders.” Merrik lied deadpan and before Theren could press the issue, Kaine turned to him.

“INS could spin such a web with this which would absolve us completely of everything our enemies have said about us over the years and push all our New Order programs over.”

“At the very least, it would revolutionize the Citizen Watch Program.” Theren stated, contemplating. “But, if this is true, how do we find them among our population?”

“About two years ago we ordered mandatory medical registration and checkups from EMR’s set up by Arliss Industries. Part of the 'biological warfare scare' of Wrath and the Phage. Everyone is on file and everyone has been tagged.”

“The Phage was bad business.” Gevel interrupted thinking about the Taj Daemun's threat to shoot their missles into populated planets and their subsequent experiences with the contagion.

“But it gave us the perfect vehicle with which to launch a number of medical programs to secure our population from biological threats.” Merrik commented though Theren just grunted a response.

“We are no longer backtracking as we were with Phage. We have had everyone inoculated against these but the threats do not stop there.”

“Hence the mandatory annual visits and mandatory registration of anyone expecting young.”

“Getting back to the subject at hand,” Kaine interrupted, “this is an opportunity. For all of us. This is what I propose…”


“It will raise the level of xenophobia to knew heights.”

”After what this report states, it better. We cannot be pawns in some alien game of control the galaxy. We HAVE to act to protect our evolutionary imperative.”

“Else biology would move beyond us..” Theren murmured bringing a cloud on the subject at hand.

“This has nothing to do with biology. These people were genetically altered! Purposefully! And they were allowed free reign in the Old Republic!” Kaine snapped. “It is time we ended their reign of superiority!”

“These people are the single greatest threat to us and our way of life! Sooner or later we will have to come to the subject of genetic research and the realization that we are not the only one's experimenting with it!"
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Jan 11 2005 3:19am


The views shared therein are the views of the individual only and do not represent those of the network or it's affiliates.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlement. I am the most fucking brilliant person in the galaxy, Amonhe. Why don't I make more money? The network got me drunk before I signed and so now I have to live in a shithole with my mother. Whatever. It's life. But, again I welcome you to another edition of Straight Talk, where we come down to the meat of the real issues of cause and effect. We live in a shitty world. Why? Because shitty things happen!

You don't need to be a fucking Simon Kaine, Theren Gevel or Bhindi Drayson to figure that one out.

People would make you believe that everything in this galaxy was working overtime etching out some grand fucking destiny in the plate glass of fucking life. We you know what? There is no such thing as Grandmother Spacewarp! There is no such thing as the Great Bird of the Galaxy! And there is no such thing as fucking destiny!

We are just a bunch of Bitz Bugs shitting on the glass obscuring views on life.

Well I am here to wipe away that shit! It's a shitty job but someone's got to do it!

First on the list? Grand Fucking Marshall Simon Kaine! I mean, who the fuck do you think you are? Other commanders have their warships refitted but we have to make yours into some fucking ceremony. I mean, shit! The budget costs alone for the damn refit of Galactus is bankrupting several systems! And the damn ship isn't as big as the Ebony! And we all know what a fuck-job the government pulled on us with that one, don't we?

Sure, we've defeated our enemies. Sure we are safer now than ever before! Sure our economy is the best in the galaxy and sure our military is the largest. But is that any reason for you and Hyfe to go around torting yourself as the fucking emperor's of the galaxy? Shit, you remind me of some fucking decandent Republican politician!

Oh..oh.. just look at the mini net just lighting up!

Hello, fucker, you're on the air."

"Yes.. Hello? I just wanted to say that you suck! I'll have you know that the Republic was the pinnacle of society and if it hadn't been for the darkside.."

"Oh shit! Another one of those fucking alien Jedi lovers! Tell me, shit for brains, if the Republic was such a fucking pinnacle, why did it have a civil war?"

"What? The EMPIRE had the civil war! darksiders had taken over.."

"Oh spare me the Jedi propaganda. And I am not talking about THAT war. I am talking about the Repubic Civil War!"

"But.. but there was no.."

"That's because the fucking hypocritical politicians didn't want to call it a 'Civil War'. Oh no! How could their fucking 'pinnacle' of society ever be wrong? How could anyone be dissatisfied?! So they renamed it the fucking Clone Wars! Clean the shit of Jedi propaganda off your plate so you can see that you really don't have the balls to ask the really hard questions! Hello, next caller?"

"You are absolutely right!"

"Damn straight and fucking 'A!"

"And they should have called it 'fucking clone wars' because that's all those clones liked to do! My grandfather was a navigator on a marine transport and when those clones dripping with beastial lusts surrounded him, they..."

"What the fuck?! Do you know how fucking hard it is to take off combat armor on a moving transport? Your grandfather was probably masturbating to Huttese porn and got caught by Commandos!"

"Now wait just a frackin...!"

"Get off the air and contribute to society by shooting yourself! I mean, shit! Can you believe in this day and age in the midst of our Empire's greatness, we are still hampered by idiots?

Next caller?"

"Now see here. I resent your insinuations that the Clone Wars was anything like the Civil War.."

"Well, I don't give a shit what you resent, mister! The fact is the Clone Wars name is misleading. It's as if we are blaming the fucking Clones for starting the war! Guess what? They weren't even grown when this wonderful republic started going to hell!

And get this! The first order for clone soldiers was placed by a Jedi! A fucking Jedi! Why not call it the Jedi War!

Oh no.. can't drag the fucking Jedi through the mud, oh no! They'd rather blame some fucking 'darkside' for their own ineptitude. I mean really, if they were all fucking masters of the force then why did a 'darksider'end up running the Republic as Chancellor?

Perhaps because he wasn't a fucking darksider! Really, I think this whole lightside/darkside business is crap! Just an excuse to make up for Jedi failures!

If the Republic was so fucking Nirvana, why did a thousand star systems try to break away? Why was their Separatists in the first place? So the Republic wins and calls them evil!? But when they still don't solve the problem and one man attempts to make things right by giving us a more ordered system of government, the old Republic fuckers rebel just like the Separatists and when they murder our Emperor, they call themselves fucking righteous and the Empire evil?

Fuck that!

It's the same fucking thing! History is written by the winners!

The Jedi think themselves the heros of the galaxy by killing Clone stormtroopers but they don't realize that the Jedi are the reason the Clones existed! The Jedi ordered them and then turned against them!

Was it the damn clone's fault things didn't turn out to suite the Jedi? Fuck, they were engineered but no...

Shit! I am surprised the clones just didn't go out and kill every fucking Jedi they could find for the bad rep!

Hello, new caller?"

"Bastard! The Jedi are the guardians and peace and justice thorought the galaxy!"

"Damn shame there hasn't been any peace and justice thorought our galaxy eh? How many wars were fought when the Jedi ran things? Yeah, two major conflicts supported by Jedi and don't get me started on the wars since then!

Hello, new caller?"

"What about the Sith War? What about Revan and M.. M.."

"Malak? What about it? History is written by the winners and who won? If there are any Sith around, they are in hiding.. sure to be skewered to death by Padawan lightsabers if they show themselves in public!

I mean shit! If the Empire did not have freedom of religion within it's borders, there'd be no place left for these damn Sith!

I mean, what the fuck? It's gotten to a point where a person of the Sith religion cannot walk down a street without being confronted by some saber-happy Padawan fighting for some fucked up sense of truth and justice.

These fucking teenagers go to the damn Jedi Temples to deal with the bad things that happen to them in their life and what do the Jedi do? I'm serious! What do the Jedi do with these messed up, fucked up, crazy ass kids? They give them a lightsaber and tell them to hunt Sith?

I mean shit!

If they really cared about these kids, they should do what?

Get them some fucking counselling!

Mark my words people! The Jedi represent a clear and present danger to the galaxy at large! Any government that gives them an inch of power within it's hallowed walls runs the risk of plunging us all into a devestating war!

Heed the lessons of the Republican Civil War!

Heed the lessons of the Imperial Civil War!

Don't give these fucking people lightsabers and don't let them near your children!

Especially, if they have a high midichlorian count!


But that is for another time, damn baby stealers!

Now what the fuck about mandatory health evaluations? I mean shit! What the fuck are those naysayers complaining about?

It's fucking free health care and about time the government did something directly to benefit us!

But no... 'it's a fucking invasion of privacy'!

You know what? Grow the fuck up and get your innoculations!

How many times has Coruscant been hit by biological weapons?

I'll tell you!

Too many fucking times!

I'll be damned if I want to catch 'wrath' because you fucking didn't take your kids to the doctor's office!

Register and go, shitheads!

Now I gotta go off the air to get a drink. We've gotta run this damned emergency broadcast test shit to make sure we can save all your sorry asses in case the fucking Jedi attack! When I come back, hopefully I won't be sober. Piss off!"

Straight Talk, a program by Advent Communications and affliate of the Imperial News Services.
Posts: 25
  • Posted On: Jan 19 2005 6:24am

Arliss Towers, Muunilinst
Note: ERT (Emergency Response Terminal)

"Ms. Arliss, surely you know that having your medical stations on every planet would only add to the danger of the Empire simply nationalizing your assets. The Ministry of Health is looking very closely at your ERT's."

"Proctor, I appreciate your candor. Now allow me to retort in kind. Arliss Towers will not be pushed around by the Ministry of Health. Our charter was granted under the Articles as well as the Biogenic Accords. We were granted full immunity from nationalization by the Imperial High Command.."

"Of which Admiral Jaeder is a part of, Ma'am. If I may be frank, what the Admiral wants, he gets.."

The young woman turned her grey eyes to the speaker and leaned back, "If your Admiral wants to get shot for treason, then that is, of course, your decision."

"Please, Ms. Arliss. Do not make this any worse that it has to be. The nationalization of Arliss Towers.."

"What about the corporation off planet? Arliss Industries?"

"Ahh, your father's company will be unchallenged. As I understand it, the ERT Program is an umbrella subsidiary controlled wholey by the Towers."

"You're information is good, Proctor."

The man nodded.

"But you are not getting my company."

The man sighed. It was always like this before nationalizing companies.

Next will come the bribes. "I am sorry you feel that way, Ms. Arliss. Unfortunately, the Admiral is on Corsucant now arranging for the Ministry of State to forward the necessary paperwork."

"Your Admiral is making a mistake."

"Just accept it as inevitable. It will be easier to deal with when the Admiral comes to have controlling votes on your board."

Jenice Arliss pressed a button and in walked the head of Towers security. The Proctor turned to view the newcomer without interest. He waited for the coming, "show the Proctor outside." to come.

Instead, what Ms. Arliss said was: "Take care of him, Voss."

The Proctor barely had time to register the words and as his eyebrows rose in surprise, the steel cord was around his throat. The man tried frantically to pull on the cord to allow his throat to grab at any sign of air.

But the cord was wrapped tight and drawn even tighter as the man named Voss drained the life out of his victim slowly.

The struggle lasted less than a minute.

Jenice checked the time. She was going to be late for lunch.

"Be sure to atomize him completely." she said, as she stood putting several papers in a briefcase and walked out.

Jenice new the true intent of the Proctor and the Admiral. Both were funded privately by the Black Sun, a pretentious criminal organization intent on aquiring those assets that drew it's interest through intimidation.

But Jenice was not one to be intimidated. Not now.

The Grand Marshall had burned her timidity out of her during her part of the Endgame operation. And now, she was reaping the rewards a hundredfold. The problem was that when a company such as hers experienced a good amount of success even within a totalitarian government, it attracted many of which self interest was their priority.

But then, isn't it always for us?


ERT #45,145,578 (Corellia - Drask District)

Another stinking alien!

Dr. Evren looked about the waiting area as both humans and aliens alike simply, waited.

The law only put them in his waiting room but the law did nothing to aid Dr. Evren as to what to do with so many patients.

Where would he find the beds?

Where would he find the equipment?

The receptionist had called another number and an alien walked in clutching it's young. A squeemish little thing that was trying it's mouth at uttering incomprehensible words.

"Adoo" the little one kept saying.

Thank god the creature spoke basic. Damn well in fact.

As he jotted down the personal information he would need to log the creature in the system he looked over a preliminary scan of the creature and noted nothing odd.

Though the creature looked familiar.

"EAR!!!!" the toddler mouthed out and the doctor looked about for something to stick in it's mouth. Anything!

The man shook his head for a second, and looked back at the alien and the monitor in obvious confusion.

Did I do this person already?

"DEEEEE!!" the child screamed and the parent put one of it's hands over it's mouth in what appeared to be embarrassment.

"You seem fine. And I see that you've got all your innoculations. Wrath, Phage and alot of other stuff out there that can kill..."

He began to motion for the alien to leave when he realized that he had forgotten to process the electronic data.


"FAK!!!" the child blurted out as the parent walked away.

The doctor looked up surprised and then back down at the scanning device as the alien left.

His eyes narrowed.

No data? What the hell?

And his eyes tracked the closing doors as the receptionist called for another number.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Feb 10 2005 12:29am

Present Day

The Imperial Fleet was not in a hurry.

And as their warships moved forward, they destroyed everything in their way.

Transports, shuttles, merchants... anything that had contact with the planet was fair game.

The superlaser began to power-up as Captain Merrik looked over the general outline for the campaign against Quermia.

The main question he needed to solve was how to deliver his soldiers to the planet. One impertinent and young Captain barked out laughter when he voiced his concerns, claiming: Who were the Quermians to stop an assault by Stormtroopers?

Merrik did not find such idiocy amusing. After ordering the fool of a Captain executed and replaced, he turned his attention to the Eclipse.

The Ebony Vigilance was a special situation. One in which he did not have operational control over though, for this mission, he pretty much directed the actions of the rest of the fleet in general.

The mission parimeters fell in line with Project Insidion, named after his flagship and as such, he was pretty much god.

Energy culminated and was suddenly released as tracking markers lit up various monitors.

The Eclipse fired directly towards the planet which was barely visible to the naked eye. They approached on a trajectory that put their fleet on the "day side" of the world.

The Quermians would never know what hit them until it was too late.

Or, more realistically, they would know an attack was coming, but full realization of what Merrik was after would not strike them until it was too late.

The bridge of the Insidion was quiet and efficient. The only reaction to the strike being a scanning officer who dutifully reported to his superior who would then report to the Captain.

"Direct hit, Lieutenant."

The man nodded, "I'll inform the Captain. Carry on, Ensign."

It seemed a souless way to bring a planet to heel but it was the only way that Merrik knew. And given what they were going up against, Kaine was right in bringing Merrik's expertise to the fore.

For this was no ordinary action and the Quermians were no ordinary people.

This was a final putting down of one of the most insidious terrorist threats of their time.

Brutus Nogoth may have made headlines but the planet before Merrik housed those that could make Nogoth crawl on his knees begging for forgiveness.

Captain Merrik took another look at the outline and at the holoscanner showing the fleet dispersal. An encirclement was being drawn up outside the system with Interdictors and support craft covering key areas.

It was almost time to let Insidion take over. But not until he saw the effect of the Ebony Vigilant's blast.

Sensors showed another cycle powering-up...

...and then the military TAC display changed as the Imperial positions suddenly began to blink out of existence.

"What the frell!?" Captain Merrik roared bringing himself to his full height.

"Sir! Galactus has moved beyond barrier range towards Quermia!"

"That stupid! Order the Ebony Vigilance to fire on her!"


"Now, Damn you!"

"Err, yessir!" and the Insidion began to relay the orders but it was already too late, an Imperial ship, the Galactus having been identified.

Already signals were being sent out to the warships on the wings and the Ebony. The main superlaser began to cycle down and Merrick knew it was over.

All because of someone with something to prove!

He watched as the ships on the flanks, having accepted the Galactus' transmissions began to turn on the inner ships of the fleet.

"Explosions being recorded on the Ebony Vigilance!"

"Sir! Emperor Hyfe on Coruscant wishes an update!" and Merrik turned to the officer and laughed. "When it rains it pours, eh Kaine?"

From the air, a voice spoke. "Something like that Merrik. It seems the Quermians have defeated your good fleet and taken out some of our better ships."

"Bah! It's those damn recruits. Full of arrogance that we instilled in them with our victories!" Merrik snapped back to the air.

"Alright. Simulation off.... " came the god-like voice and the wall to his right opened.

Captain Merrik watched as an amused Commander Kaine came into view. "'Captain' Renwar seems to be your bane today." Kaine started and Merrik snapped, "That man should be shot!"

"He very well may be but there is something else we need to discuss."


"Our transports have returned."

Interest flickered in Merrik's eyes, "And?"

"And the planet is run by humans."


"They have this elaborate setup.. House of Quermia and all that. They are trading with planets along the route BDE's Jihad seems to be taking."

"They going to stop at the Perliman?"

"They better. Or we will no longer turn a blind eye to their lying." Kaine grumbled, "Tion Cluster Empire indeed!"

"So where does that put us?"

"Back to the research center, I believe. Hopefully, Isard's minions have dug something up. But it's very suspicious that they are no longer on their homeplanet."

"It makes perfect sense. If the Republic had records of their homeworld, and if the Empire has taken both their capital's, it stands to reason that they are now within the Empire's reach. They are hiding."

"My thoughts exactly. I do not believe they would just die off.... but we need to find out where."
Posts: 25
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2005 6:41am


"Ma'am. I have Mr. Arliss."

Jenice looked up from her company reports to see the holographic projection of her father form into being.

"Jenice, you are looking well."

Her lips pressed together in irritation. It was always annoying when Seamus tried to play 'father' to her. It did not suite him and was a waste of both of their time.

Seamus Arliss, the CEO of Arliss Industries (70% of all off world [meaning: off Muunillist] holdings), nodded in faint approval at the total lack of sentimentality on his daughter's part.

A CEO, especially a CEO of Arliss Towers, had no room for sentimentality.

They were the sharks of the corporate sea and they were good at what they did.

And so, as his fake smile slipped from his face, Seamus opened, "You should not make it a habit of killing Admiral Jaeder's personnel. It draws unwanted attention.."

"..we already have unwanted attention. The Admiral's attention." Jenice snapped back interrupting her father. "I don't have time for some Admiral's delusion of grandeur. If he thinks he can take the Towers..."

".. then he probably can." Seamus interrupted and Jenice hated him them. But Seamus merely shook his head. "Come, Jenice. You know better than that. I thought I was invincible when Hyfe and Kaine first came to Muunillist and that damned Kaine split my company in two.

Please do not take on the same mistaken impressions I once had. To defeat these Imperials, you have to defeat them playing their game. You try to hold onto some independence and they'll break you. They always do."

Jenice's eyes flared in anger. "If you think that I am going to crawl to Simon Kaine for some sort of relief you are very mistaken!"

"Emperor, no!" Seamus recoiled in disgust. "You don't placate them and you certainly do not crawl on your knees. You are Arliss."

Jenice leaned back but Seamus' voice became steel, "But facts are facts. Admiral Jaeder is not some backwater Admiral. He comes from a large military family which is entrenched securely within the Imperial military complex. And he has New Order clearance."

"So do we." Jenice argued. "We were all at the meeting!"

"Jenice, you are not seeing the bigger picture."

"Enlighten me please, father." Her voice dripped scorn.

Seamus sighed. "I expected better of you. Look, do you really think that a New Order initiate is in bed with the Black Sun?"

"It is farfetched but we've seen stranger."

"Granted, but what happens if we take the Admiral on? We end up taking on the infrastructure of the Black Sun within our sphere. So, if we are able to show that to nationalize Arliss Towers is not in the interest of the Empire.... in fact, if we show that such a move is treasonous, then we make the Imperial laws work for us instead of against us. Empire cares about Empire. If Arliss Towers cares about Empire, then the Towers and Empire are joined in common cause.

That then puts the Black Sun and Admiral Jaeder in a bad light. But, if Admiral Jaeder is only using the Black Sun, then he'll turn and then it is Black Sun against Empire, Arliss and the Admiralty."

"Kaine would nationalize the Black Sun?"

"Kaine will nationalize what he can get his hands on. And limiting Black Sun operations within the Empire would cripple the organization beyond measure." Seamus had a measure of conviction.

"The Black Sun will try to get even. Perhaps try to strike at Kaine himself." Jenice warned.

"Then they sign their death warrants. They know Kaine does not mess around. He'll leave things in play but if we upset his balance he will deal with it decisively. He's a patient bastard."

"So, how do we suddenly put Arliss Towers in the Imperial camp?"

Seamus grinned. "There is going to be a representative from INS meeting with you shortly. When he leaves, you will have a coherent battle strategy. It is time to pull those alien corpses to use and cash in."

"What aliens?" Jenice asked, curiosly.

Seamus laughed, "Don't tell me you've forgotten the Drask District already?"

Jenice was suddenly quiet. "That is going to upset..."

"That is going to be a major cash in for our New Order Policies, with Grand Marshall Kaine's expansion ideas as well as INS rhetoric. You'll be handing the Empire plausible deniability in just about every atrocity allegedly committed in it's name.

The Empire will do more than simply honor Arliss Towers. They will fight to protect them."

"Shrewd, father. Very shrewd." his daughter commented.

Seamus laughed. "Now don't start playing the dutiful daughter on me or I will have to have you killed."

Jenice's grin was predatorial. "So, who's coming?"

"A chap named Groder Stu..."
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Mar 9 2005 2:35am

Groder Stu was a rather rotund person with scraggly hair and a jolly face. And yet it was because of talents like his that the Empire was what it was today.

And just what was the Empire?

Ask anyone and get a different answer. The irony of battering away at antiquated notions of morality by an organization dead set on the destruction or domination of everything that stands in it's path.

Just not as directly as before.

Simon Kaine had seen to that and perhaps he had found the key. A way to keep people off balance as the Empire expanded beyond even what Palpatine envisioned.

Turn their religions, their moralities and notions agains them.

In a game of my word verses your word, who really comes out on top?

Groder saw the rising of Arliss Towers as the transported changed direction and headed for the greatest monument to greed in ages.

He wondered just what game would be played here?

He did not work for private citizens but Mr. Seamus Arliss had generously paid for the use of his time and so Groder allowed passage to be booked.

Now, excitement ran through the man, not because he'd be seeing the Queen Bitch of the Galaxy, Jenice Arliss but because he'd be meeting someone with "New Order" Clearance.

It was a level played on by relatively a few and there were no references to it though there were hints.

With the removal of Simon Kaine as Grand Marshall, INS had been blindsided. The new Emperor, Hyfe, began a series of actions that increased his visibility within the Imperial Hierarchy and INS was eating it up.

The Second Emperor since Palpatine.

But why remove Kaine as Grand Marshall? Was there something going on that they did not know about?

When he queried Simon Kaine in their military database, he saw that Kaine was still Supreme Commander of Imperial Military Forces so Kaine's actual power had not changed.

But that was not the perception. Many felt that the former Grand Marshall had angered the Emperor and might be slated for execution.

But that was stupid. Why destroy one of the greatest military minds of our generation on a whim?

There was something else going on. Groder felt it. And he knew it was also going unnoticed by INS with the rise of the Empire's second emperor.

Such feints were common with Kaine, leaving one not knowing where to turn or what to believe.

When Kaine goes to ground, you know something is going to happen.

Something major!
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Apr 7 2005 6:36am

Undisclosed Location

"What I am about to tell you does not leave this room," came the firm voice of one used to command. "Any and all violations of this single rule, without tacit official approval by me, will result in your being executed no matter your rank."

"Needless to say, the Emperor is not in the loop." Grand Moff Zell clarified as if he had assembled the meeting himself. It was a common 'Zell tactic', to be one of the first persons talking... to establish oneself as someone 'in the know' with regards to what was going on. Status elevation among those considered inferior even if they were only peers.

"I think it is safe to suggest that quite a few people are not in the loop." Admiral Ibren Chandler commented dryly.

Admiral Ckeller's eyes widened slightly as they began to scan a report placed before her. There were various other grunts of surprise from others. Admiral Jaeder, Admiral Gatticus, Seamus Arliss, his Chief Financial Officer Mr. Conrad as well as Jenice Arliss.

There were also, Admiral Ckeller noted, people missing from the last meeting. Hard times and war worked their toll on even those with higher than top secret clearance it seemed.

Simon Kaine looked over at the group and knew that these people were only one equation in his overall bid to create a self perpetuating system within the Empire that would survive anything thrown at it. He remembered seeing a memo captured on Corellia of some Jedi coming up with some science of probabilities that could be used to predict future coarses of action for quantative masses. The idea was intriguing but anything that a Jedi put their mind too always seemed of uncertain success so his curiosity died.

He sat back for a while letting the people digest the contents of the report and reflected on the circumstances that brought them here today.

He remembered the first meeting where he started out by saying that the Empire was doomed to fall within a quarter century. And if their current rate of expansion increased without measures being taken, that figure would hasten that fall within a mere five years.

Part reality, part subjective persuasion.

At the time, their expansion rate did outpace the Empire's ability to organize and logistically support the kind of order Imperial Policy demanded. Constant expansion meant a constant "front". And with men and materials being pushed farther out on these expanding fronts, a vacuum was created for the Ministry of Interior to handle. A Ministry that was not well equipped to handle the capacity thrust upon it.

The Civil War.

It always came back to that. The undoing of everything they had fought, bled and struggled for.

What good was winning wars against foes if we absorbed them into our sphere with nothing to control those same people?

Instead of defeating us from without, they would defeat us from within.

And so, once Coruscant was taken, he pushed for the creation of the Protectorates. The dividing of power and a balancing of power.

Where one to break away, it would not be as easy as Tilaric Brel once found it to be. It would be one against the many.

That was the beginning.

The Bastion Conclave, under Praetor Theren Gevel was soon the "government" within. A secondary layer should the hierarchy were devestated.

Should the worst case senario actually happen and Coruscant fall or the Emperor and Imperial High Command be shattered, the Conclave would step in with resources in place to coordinate the Protectorates and pull the Empire together and prevent it from dissolving into warlord states as it once did.

But what about the common civilian? With each conquest, new ideas, new religions were absorbed. Old enemies suddenly found themselves as a citizen of the Empire. But citizenship did not erase their hatred of the Empire nor wipe away their resentment.

No. Though the old Republican ideology had been broken, incarnations of it would crop up from time to time. Each time a different incarnation of an even older idea.

No. Something needed to be done.

The restructuring of COMPNOR and the reinstitution of the New Order Policies, revised for their circumstances soon worked to fill the need.

Insidion had already been started during the Wrath debacle. Already, Kaine's mind, even then, was working on the problem Brel presented. Of the near success open rebellion could have had if done properly or with more planning.

The irony of the situation was that Brel could have succeeded if he had only kept his head and not bit off more than he could chew. His inherent nature for revenge ended up being his downfall and he paid for it.

But what in these New Order Policies would prevent the same thing from happening again?

Kaine realized that what the Empire lacked was information about it's civilians. What races actually comprised the Empire? What were their numbers? Their positions within the Imperial structure? What was their commitment to the Empire and what was their use to the Empire?

So he stripped away the facade.

We are all creatures of evolution. That was the ultimate key. And the endgame will always be survival of the fittest. That one truth would have to be an ironclad reality with his fellow architects for only then would they find the justification to bring their actions over the line of morality, over the line of outdated republican ideology, over the line of sanity (some might claim).

And so the Census Bureau was conceived. The official umbrella of Insidion but also of New Order Policy implimenation. The information gatherers.

With the medical and ERT (emergency response terminal) contracts established with the intergalactic corporation of Arliss Industries, mandatory medical analysis of everyone was a state requirement.

And INS found the motivation in the fears of biological outbreaks. For it was only in the atmosphere of fear that the New Order Policies could actually flourish with little to no interuption.

Fear was a very powerful motivator if handled correctly.

It was said that the late Grand Moff Tarkin claimed fear kept local systems in line. And he was correct.

But there are different kinds of fear.

Fear for safety. Fear for family. Fear of the future. Fear of what happened already. Fear for life.

Wrath. Phage. Alien aggression. Unprovoked attack. These were the instruments that fed such fears.

And Kaine was the Master Surgeon.

Under the guise of biological and physiological protection and healthcare, the New Order was able to get an accurate census of the different alien species and populations within the Empire. The Ministry of Health, in conjunction with the Arliss ERT's, were able to identify those species most harmful to the Empire's policies and take appropriate action. Experimentation was always a favorite of the Medical Field for with such knowledge power was derived.

Always, the power to be not only the fittest race but the most successful.

Different species were relocated to control worlds due to susceptability to the more notorious of diseases. From INS, always for their safety. In reality, more for the stability of the Empire.

Catalogued and Corralled.

All in a nice neat package that opened the way for Insidion or some other cleansing project to take place.

Always with the facade and always clean.

And with such measures, over the years Kaine was able to accomplish in his short time what Palpatine only dreamed of.

And now with Jedi sanction.

That was the icing on the cake.

INS was, like anything else he wielded, a weapon for ultimate advantage.

And with this new revelation discovered at an ERT station and relayed by Jenice Arliss, they had the final piece to nail the coffin down on any resistance to the measures they were about to propose.

Thank the Emperor for the damned Quermians!

"As you can see," Kaine started once more, "we have had a highly telepathic alien presence living among us ever since the inception of the Empire."

Admiral Jaeder showed some confusion. "Apart from their ability, it doesn't look like these creatures have posed a threat. Perhaps their ability is only..."

Kaine's lips pressed together.

"Admiral. You miss my point. Let me try another angle. Imagine: An alien race living secretly in the Empire all these years that are powerful telepaths?

Over the years there have been several negative perceptions of the Empire. But the question then arises, are they really hating the 'Empire'? Or are they hating an 'Empire' controlled by a powerful telepathic alien race?"

Admiral Gatticus smiled slightly. "A move sort of like the creation of the Official Imperial Religion based from the Citadel? Something that takes the positive elements of various religions (while outlawing them at the same time) and promoting that God loves you no matter what you do? That salvation comes from intent, not action?

We increased our ranks a hundred-fold when we absolved the bastards of their perceived sins against...." she thought a minute, "They cannot really be called crimes against humanity."

"More like 'For Humanity'" growled Zell.

"Exactly, but this will be different in that it is now the Imperial Government that absolves itself of any and all blame attached to it by any and everyone. Now that we know of this clear and present danger to the security of our government and way of life and the cause of all this angst against the Empire, we can 'take swift action"!"

"These...Quermians," Mr. Conrad frowned at the name, "..these aliens were philosophers within the Old Republic."

Kaine smiled. "The very architects of Republican ideology. Perhaps it was through these aliens that the Civil War started to begin with. Because of incidents created by these... these aliens."

"And Alderaan?" Mr. Conrad continued unrelentingly.

"Why, documents have come to light showing that there were quite a number of these aliens aboard the station. While the Empire was taking the blame of the galaxy for this travestry, even they never knew exactly what happened..."

"I mean, what the fuck does an 18 year old Senator know anyway?" Zell retored. "All we have is her word and memory. What we'd have is documented proof of a powerful, telepathic alien presence that even she could not confirm nor deny!"

"Tarkin, under the strain that Palpatine placed for him to keep control of his own territories (since the Senate was disbanded), was easy prey for these insidious aliens. And so the Imperials were pushed to commit a most heinous act."

"Alderaan could even be our 'glory chant'," Admiral Ckeller commented.

"We light the home fires and begin the witch hunt here! We launch a fleet to take the world of these telepaths.." Kaine started.

"And erradicate them?" Admiral Chandler asked.

"Hell no! Why waste good material?" Zell barked out in surprise, turning to the Admiral. "We can use the little buggers! A bit of surgery, a bit of experimenting, we might even unlock the secrets of human telepathy. Without this 'force' mumbo jumbo."

"Lupercus would be livid." Chandler commented dryly.

"Fuck Lupercus!" was Zell's articulate rebuttal.

"Zell is right." Kaine said with finality. "I do not like closing the door to possibilities. If we take the homeworld of these aliens, we have something to work with. But we are meeting in secret. We have a good idea of their numbers from the Census Bureau but they've kept under the radar for this long which means they are no strangers to disappearing when it suits them.

We need to play this one carefully and plan well. That is the purpose of this meeting..."

And everyone began to talk quietly among themselves as the implications of the future drew their own pictures in each and every mind there.

Inwardly, Kaine smiled.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Jun 3 2005 5:22am

Groder Stu left the meeting with Jenice Arliss with his mind in a whirl. The information the Queen Bitch of the Universe had given him definitely hot in his hands.

With it he knew he would be the scalpel that would shape Imperial policy for decades to come.

He could see the headlines now.... "JUSTIFICATION FOR EMPIRE!"

Any belief in the Republic or defunct Jedi Order... or cult, he reminded himself smirking, would be shattered completely after this.


The Empire did not take Quermia as they had originally had planned. With the advance vessels of the Jihad of the Dragon entering the Quermian System,
K-523 quietly slipped out after confirming the absence of the illusive aliens that seemed to cause such a stir with the leadership.

Still, the Commander of the Imperial Armed Forces, Simon Kaine, felt a need to place the 2nd Fleet between the rest of the galaxy and the forward-most positions of the Jihad.

Just off the Perlemian Trade Route was a dim star that caught Captain Merrik's eye and so the redirected 2nd Fleet came into orbit around a singular planet within the system.

The perfect regrouping point. The perfect strategic placement for a military base and resupply point.

The Jihad of General Grevious would be stopped at the Perlemian.

The planet was listed as Troiken and as the dropships and troop transports descended, elements of an advanced civilization littered the surface.

With the Insidion overhead, Captain Merrik kept close eye on the advancing forces of the 2nd Fleet, content that their position would be reinforced by the 10th and the 11th enroute.


Groder Stu laughed out loud as his INS editor's mouth dropped open at his story.

Little did he know that when it aired, it would be the spark that would light the conflagration and that the Battle of Troiken would begin in earnest.

Continued in Chaos Theory: The Guilt Offerings