Finding Tafanda Bay (Tarintha)
Posts: 29
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2008 6:27am
<CENTER>Yavin 4 Base</CENTER>

The alarm boomed throughout the various refitted ziggurats which made up the Yavin 4 Alliance base.

"All units, report to your designated evacuation zones." Her voice echoed throughout the speaker system.

"Repeat, all units report to your designated evacuation zones."

The base was abuzz as various Alliance personnel criss-crossed the numerous structures, so that they could evacuate the base as quickly as possible. The astromech droids scurried behind their orange-vested pilots towards the various starfighters in the hangar bays.

Traffic Control Officers began leading the evacuation effort by directing traffic. Others began loading essential cargo into the transports as the staff of the base filed into the transports themselves.

"Alpha Zone, prepare to depart in 5 minutes. Repeat; Alpha Zone, prepare to depart in 5 minutes." A male voice was heard in the background in Alpha Hangar.

"You see any Star Destroyers up there, Bo?" The coral-skinned Mon Calamarian in a flight suit asked, helmet in hand.

"Doubtful, probably just another drill." The pilot said as he got into the cockpit of his X-Wing, assisted by a member of the flight crew.

"Well, practice makes perfect I guess." The Mon Cal said as he climbed the ladder to his X-Wing.

Bo nodded as the cockpit of his starfighter closed, as his R9 began running the pre-flight warm-up.


<CENTER>Marin Faulker's Office</CENTER>

As he stood there staring through the window in his office, the X-Wings, A-Wings, and other starfighters hovered into the atmosphere as they prepared to depart.

"How fast are we gettin' out of here, Morgan?" Marin asked as he engaged the comlink connection.

"Pretty quickly sir, according to initial data. I'll relay the info to your datapad." She replied.

"Good." He responded, "Even though, many of our Yavin personnel are currently not on Yavin, but are instead preparing to invade Kalaan."

Even though many of the soldiers who were currently stationed on Yavin had been deployed to Kalaan, Marin knew that the drill was a success. Within minutes of the alarm sounding, various starfighters and cargo transports were lifting off.

"Go ahead and call an end to the drill, Morgan. Well done."


<CENTER>The Office of Dr. Mol Dorian - Yavin 8 </CENTER>

The Ithorian stared intently as the data streamed across the screen. If Ithorian's body language mimicked that of a humanoid's, his eyes might appear to be popping out of their sockets. In reality, the Ithorian’s body language was much more subtle and difficult to recognize for those outside the species.

"So? Remarkable isn't it?" Dr. Dorian asked, sitting on his stool, as the Ithorian read over the document.

"Dr. Dorian, I cannot believe my eyes." He spoke in Ithorese, the language sounded beautiful when spoken through the Ithorian's two mouths. The low sound reverberated in stereo which could not be described through mere words.

"Well, my friend. I can assure you that the data you are witness to is indeed, 100% accurate. Verified by my own team." The Doctor replied.

"Bafforr Trees? Blueleaf Shrubs? How is this possible, Doctor?" The Ithorian replied, still surprised.

"As I told you, we've been perfecting our own terraforming techniques ourselves over the past few years. We've got everything from Bachani to Waw." He said, referencing the different types of plants. "Importing the plants and planting them was the easy part. The hard part was actually finding the environment which met our very specific criteria. But once we did... Well, you can see the results yourself."

"What is this place called, Dr. Dorian?" The Ithorian asked, the excitement still hadn't subsided.

"Well Dex, we've taken to the name Tarintha." The Doctor started, "Of course, that is.. if the name suits you."

Again, if the Ithorian were capable of humanoid expressions, he'd be smiling from ear-to-ear (if he had ears that is). "I believe the name suits it perfectly, Doctor. I can't wait to see it with my own two eyes."

"Soon, Dex. Soon you'll all be able to see it." Dorian said with an enthused smile.
Posts: 29
  • Posted On: Jan 22 2008 9:19pm
"I had fought the worst of all wars, and witnessed the redemption of evil. I've seen balance restored to the Force. But order can turn to chaos... as it did when I was born. Now, with my loved ones and my loyal allies, I face a new challenge unlike any before. And I'm not sure if this time we can win."

-Luke Skywalker (on the Yuuzhan Vong)

The Yuuzhan Vong invasion was devastating, to some more than others. But it can be argued that no one suffered more than the Ithorians. They lost that which was most important to them.

In their herdships they floated above the pristine jungle, their deity; the Mother Jungle which spanned from pole to pole. Yes, the very jungle which stretched from land to sea was their most prized possession, so much so that they would not even set foot upon the surface. Only those that heard the call of the Mother Jungle would venture to the surface of Ithor, and those that stepped on the surface, never left.

With the arrival of the Yuuzhan Vong into the Galaxy, the Ithorian way of life was doomed. The precious plants which covered the surface in jungle would all be destroyed. Relentlessly the Vong destroyed the homeworld of the Ithorians and sent them into space, nomads without a home. So they travelled in space in their giant herdships which also served as eco-habitats with samples of every sentient species and plant found on the surface of Ithor. It was all they would have to remind them of their glorious world.

Some herdships such as the Tafanda Bay or the Cloud-Mother floated above the surface of Ithor serving as the Ithorians' home. While other herdships such as the Song of the Clouds or the Bazaar travelled from star system to star system. Every three Ithorian years during the Time of Meeting the herdships would return to Ithor.

This was to be the year in which the Time of Meeting would take place, yet there was nowhere to meet. The Ithorians had hoped that they could one day return to their homeworld and restore the vast jungles which had been stripped from the surface by the evil that was the Yuuzhan Vong. Unfortunately, after the Vong left, the Cree'ar arrived. To add insult to injury the Cree'Ar stole the very identity of Ithor changing its name to some word undoubtly unpronouncable by the average Basic speaker.

Ithor was no longer the planet the Ithorians remembered fondly. It was now a factory, the jungles and oceans which littered the surface were no more. As a grim reminder of their loss was the Time of Meeting. The Ithorians had debated among themselves where, if, and how they would meet for this old tradition but had not come up with any real decisions. A few Ithorians feared their way of life would have to adapt to that of nomads, travelling from star to star. Dr. Dorian and the Alliance to Restore the Republic had other ends in mind.


<CENTER>The Tafanda Bay</CENTER>

Relal Towron succeeded Momaw Nadon as High Priest and leader of the Ithorians of the Tafanda Bay. His face was haggard, as if his very life force had been drained. It had been a tough few years for the Ithorian people. All Relal Towron could do now was hope; hope that tomorrow would be a better day. The Tafanda Bay rolled aimlessly through space, moving from destination to destination; but it had no home.

"High Priest!" The Ithorian claimed as he burst through the door, rather quickly for an Ithorian too.

"What is it Mowr?" Relal asked.

The Ithorian stood there for a moment, hunched over gathering his breath. The Ithorians typically moved at a casual pace, so running half-way across the herdship had sapped the Ithorian of his breath.

"The Great Meet.. sir..." He managed, referring to the Time of Meeting which occured once every three Ithorian years.

"The Great Meet? What about it, Mowr Cabel?" Relal paused as he turned, staring through the viewport at the lush jungle which was modelled after Ithor several levels below his office. "In case you've forgotten, Ithor is no more." He said, not without sadness.

"High Priest, I received this.. from High Priest Modawna."

"High Priest Modawna? Of the Tree of Tarintha?" Relal asked, his facial expression showing surprise.

"Yes, High Priest. His delegates met with the Alliance, apparently they've..." Mowr trailed off before continuing, "Well, here." He said, handing a holodisk to the High Priest. "Take a look for yourself."



The image emerged from the holo projector, the spherical image of the planet rotated slowly on its axis. The image would occassionally zoom in on particular regions of the planet displaying various plants and animals, all native to the planet Ithor. Mowr handed Relal a datapad which supplemented the images with data on the planet.

Name: Tarintha

Region: Outer Rim

Sector: Not Specified

System: Not Specified

Suns: 1: Dessiar

Moons: 6

Rotation Period: 36 hours

Orbital Period: 420 standard days

Primary Terrain: Rainforests, Jungle


The High Priest stood there, wide-eyed and surprised. Much like Dex's orginal reaction, High Priest Relal Towron could not believe his eyes. He stood there for a moment, silent.

"Get me in touch with High Priest Modawna. We have much to discuss."
Posts: 29
  • Posted On: Jan 28 2008 4:40am
<center><b>The <i>Tafanda Bay</i></b></center>

Several other Ithorians including various High Priests and business leaders met in the circular council room aboard the <i>Tafanda Bay</i>, along with them was Ambassador Selena Elreid. Ambassador Elreid was sent to represent the Alliance. Since the other herdships were out travelling themselves, the representatives met via hologram.

"Greetings brothers and sisters, it has been too long since we last met. I'm sure you all agree that the matter at hand more than warrants this meeting. As you surely know by now, the Alliance to Restore the Republic has found a potential... <i>replacement</i> for Ithor." Relal Towron the High Priest said slowly and methodically in Ithorese. He trailed off at the end at the mention of his beloved homeworld which was reflected in his melancholy tone.

"Ithor needs no replacement!" One of the Ithorians shouted in response, and a few others barked in agreement.

"No, Ithor surely needs no replacement. Forgive me brothers and sisters, I chose my words poorly. What I meant to say, was that the Alliance has gone to great pains to find a <i>new</i> home for us, the Ithorians. As you have no doubt reviewed the same information as I, you see that the Alliance has found a planet which closely resembles Ithor."

"Ithor is our home, we need not another. Should we not be allowed to return to our home, I propose we continue to wander the stars; as we do now. Lest we become complacent and forget that the jungles we view from above are not the Mother Jungle herself but a carbon copy. No, I say we travel until the day when we can return to Ithor. Until then, the Ithorians will know no home." Docbb Amda, one of the Ithorian High Priests said solemnly.

"Do not be so hasty in your decision High Priest." Lom Modawna, the High Priest of the <i>Tree of Tarintha</i> replied. "None of us will soon forget the tragedies that have befallen Ithor. But some of us, myself included would rather not let the rest of our traditions fade into obscurity."

"We all miss Ithor, let us not make this the issue. Yet, what do you suggest we do? Sit? Wait? Roam the spacelanes indefinitely as some homage to our home? That is not what the Mother Jungle would want for us. That is not what <i>I</i> want for us. It is my wish that I will be able to return to Ithor in my lifetime and heal her wounds." Another High Priest, Altus Donawn said. Several of the Ithorians voiced their agreement.

"May I be allowed to speak?" Ambassador Selene Elreid requested.

"By all means, Ambassador." High Priest Towron replied graciously.

"Let me first of all say that the Alliance understands that Ithor is, was, and will always be your home. The Alliance and its predecessors have always had friendly relations with the Ithorians, and we wish to continue that relationship. We know that Ithor cannot be replaced, in fact; it is our hope to one day aid you in returning to Ithor and reclaiming your homeworld.

"In the meantime, we have searched far and wide for a potential <i>interim</i> home for all Ithorians. In searching for a suitable home we looked for a planet with the same characteristics of Ithor itself. We flew in experts from all across the Galaxy to ensure that the planet felt like home, down to the last detail. From Arrak snakes to Manollium birds; from Mordanthi bloomers to Vesuvague trees, we have replicated Ithor as best we could. Tarinth is not Ithor, but it will do, <i>for now</i>."
Posts: 29
  • Posted On: Oct 6 2008 6:54am
"Tarintha is by no means a final solution. Instead it is a temporary fix. It is the goal, No..." Selena paused, interrupting herself. "It is the <i>mission</i> of the Alliance to return Ithor to its rightful owners, you, the Ithorians."

"But what then, human? Ithor is a shadow of its former self. Where jungles once spanned the surface as far as the eye could see, now all that is left is <i>nothing</i>. Destruction. Ithor has been used up and spit out and now all that remains is a barren wasteland." High Priest Docbb Amda retorted.

"High Priest, if you'll refer to files the Alliance has sent over, please. The Alliance to Restore the Republic has been perfecting its terraforming process for several years. Working closely with Ithorians such as Dr. Dorian we have nearly perfected that process. With the help of you, and your fellow Ithorians we are more than confident that we can restore Ithor to what it once was. The process won't be an overnight one, but the results will be worth it." Selena Elreid reassured the Ithorian audience.

They all sat there silently for a moment while they contemplated the promise of the Alliance. To not only return tto Ithor one day but to look down upon the Mother Jungle? It was almost unfathomable.

High Priest Modawna broke the silence. "Even if we were to agree to this <i>plan</i>, we are all still forgetting one major point."

The Ithorians all turned their attention to High Priest Modawna in unison.

"Ithor is now under the rule of the Cree'Ar."

Selena Elreid smiled, though not outwardly as she knew her trip had been a success.

"Allow the Alliance to worry about that, High Priest." She said allowing her smile to show. Perhaps the <b>Time of Meeting</b> would be a time of celebration indeed.