Empire Ascendant | Checkmate [Obroa-skai, Myrkr]
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: May 26 2003 3:43am
Obroa-skai, located in the system of the same name, sits at a strategic location within the borderland regions. The planet itself is home to a massive library, perhaps the most complete record of knowledge in the galaxy. During Grand Admiral Thrawn's rise, Imperial ships made a partial dump of the library, and Thrawn himself subsequently destroyed a New Republic task force sent in pursuit.

Following the Yuuzhan Vong incursion into the galaxy, Obroa-skai fell and became an enemy stronghold, and was the site of a small but descive victory for the New Republic in which the Yuuzhan Vong lost a full battle group, a Supreme Commander, and ten thousand soldiers.

Following the route of the Vong, the planet fell under the control of Chaddwick Fearsons and his Imperial splinter cell, the Rogue Empire. Under his leadership, the Obroa-skains began to rebuild their libraries, once more forming the greatest archives in the Known Worlds.
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: May 26 2003 4:00am
Althought Myrkr had been settled for nearly 300 years, it was avoided by both the Old Republic and the Empire. As a result, it became a haven for smugglers and other outlaws during the dying days of the Republic.

The chief reason for the Jedi aversion to the world was one of its tree-dwelling natives, small furry snakes known as ysalamir, whi possessed the unique ability to create a 'bubble' in which the Force did not exist.

During Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaign against the New Republic, who he refused to acknowledge and continued to refer to as the Rebellion, Myrkr became a centre to his plans. Harvesting the ysalamir, he utilized their skills in keeping the mad Jedi clone, Joruus C'baoth, at bay, and in several failed attempts to capture Luke Skywalker and his sister, Leia Organa Solo, who was pregnant with twins.

Talon Karrde, a smuggler who came to replace Jabba the Hutt as the leader in illict operaitons, used Myrkr as his chief base, before events conspired against him, leading Karrde to abandon his Myrkr base, with Grand Admiral Thrawn's Imperial Walkers not far behind.

Myrkr became a unknown variable once more, until Luke Skywalker once more called upon Talon Karrde to bring ysalamir to Almania as quickly as possible, in an effort to stop the Dark Jedi Kueller from wreacking destruction across the New Republic.

Come the Vong invasion, Myrkr fell to the onslaught along with Obroa-skai, and for a time a massive Yuuzhan Vong worldship, Domain Hul, was stationed there. It was aboard this worldship that the Vong attempted, and succeeded in, creating a hybrid creature bred to slaughter Jedi Knights. The result, the voxyn, was released against the Jedi and killed many before a strike team led by Anakan Skywalker destroyed the Voxyn Queen, loosing Anakan and half a dozen other Jedi in the process.

With the Vong routed at the galaxy once more at peace, or nearly there, Myrkr fell under control of the Rogue Empire. When that Empire was replaced by the Jutraalian Empire, and later fell to the squabling of warlords following the Hapes Debacle, Myrkr declared itself independent.
  • Posted On: May 26 2003 6:02am
The fleet had been gaining ground steadily in the days since the capture of Tholatin from the Empire of the same name. The loss of their capital had certainly seemed to take the Tholatin's morale down a peg, but they had brought it upon themselves, first in their refusal to surrender peacefully and then in their foolhardy "blockade" of Commenor.

That decision had shown the Tholatin Monarch that the Holy Demosthesian Empire, now revealed to the galaxy, did not take lightly to incursions into their sovereign space. The Tholatin plee that they did not attack fell on deaf ears; there were few in the galaxy who doubted that the Tholatins had caused the conflict, if only for setting up where they did knowing that the Empire would not appreciate it.

And for refusing to vacate that space when the Empire requested, then demanded, as such. The further incursion in Commenor's orbit had been the last straw, and the Empire had struck back hard and true.

A Tholatin Star Destroyer had been destroyed at Omega-Prime, under Bhindi Drayson, and a Jutraalian vessel crippled. The Empire, on the other hand, came out relitively unscathed, the Godshammer Division arriving at Tholatin in time to reinforce the Holy Demosthesian Empire's power there.

It was, all in all, a rather quick and bloodless victory over the Tholatin Empire, despite the escape of a handful of their warships from the battle. No doubt they would be encountered again, and this time eliminated. The Jutraalian Empire would surely attempt to 'liberate' Tholatin, but that was an eventuality the fleet was prepared for. Tholatin would become a killing ground if the Jutraalians attempted anything. And attempt, they would.

Across the galaxy elements of the Black Fleet were coming together, gathering for the continued course of the war. Jutraalian forces had already attempted actions against Thyferra and Bespin, two Imperial bases in no close proximity to each other. Indeed, the stacked layout of the Empire's gave them a decisive edge in combat.

But two corners of the galaxy remained untouched by Imperial presence. The borderland regions, to the east/south-east, and the Bilbringi/Reecee trade route, in the north east. The worlds of Myrkr and Obroa-skai, both on the same strip of planets forming a kind of border between the outer rim and the core, would have to be pacified if any Imperial presence was to come.

And with tensions between the Jutraalian Empire and Holy Demosthesian Empire running high, to say the least, it would take more than a little effort. There were, of course, many such individuals within the Empire. Finding a suitable one to commence the negotiations with the planets, and to see them through, was another matter.

Of those found in that group, Bhindi Drayson was occupied planning and carrying out the Jutraalian campaign, what was steadily becoming known as "Duel of the Fates". Ton Karlos, who was essentially Bhindi's opposite within the Imperial Security Service, and who was likewise occupied, would have made a fine choice as well, but his involvement in the Jutraalian campaign was just beginning.

That effectively left one person whom the Emperor could trust inexplicitly to carry out the operation with the neccessary tact and skill: himself.
  • Posted On: May 26 2003 6:54am
The single ship reverted to realspace just over the whitish world of Obroa-skai, popping into existance in the sector like a fly through a window. Despite the ranking of the ship's occupents, the Emperor himself and half a dozen high-level aides, the only escort came from four TIE Defenders that had entered the system with her, launching from the belly hold some distance out and making their own short jump in-system.

However insignificant, however, the effect was not lost on those inhabiting the system. Anywhere in the galaxy, save perhaps Jutraalian space, Demosthesian ships were looked upon with respect. A respect generated, perhaps, from fear, but a respect nonetheless. Out here, where the Empire's influence had begun to spread, advancing steadily since the liberation of Tholatin, there was more fear in the response than true respect. But that would change, in good time.

Mere minutes after the arrival of the ship, a flight of four Sinear Corporation TIE Interceptors, models modified from their Imperial counterparts and sold for civilian use, took off to intercept the incoming party. They were followed by a frigate, which hung back out of range of the ship, but which could surely intercept it before it could do any damage, and certainly outgunned the smaller Corvette.

Or so appearences would have one think.

Seti Ashar was not one to garner to much in the politics of the fleet, but he was aware that Trayden Locke and Bhindi Drayson had worked up some very interesting schemes to far as the military went, and these were being put to use in the war against the Jutraalians.

"What better place to test our might than on the battlefield?" Bhindi had once asked him, and he was inclined to believe. The Battle of Tholatin, if it could be called a battle, was evidence enough of the Black Fleet's abilities, despite the lack of serious losses on the enemy side. The fleet had, after all, taken not a single casualty and in return gained resources and assets, and of course managed to liberate an entire people in the process.

The people of Tholatin, naturally, still looked upon their new lords with some distrust. They had been to long under Kamon Vondiranch to simplu give up on him at the first upset, but this was certainly not the first. The first Jutraalian fiasco, where it had never been clear which ships in Tholatin's orbit were friends and which were foe, and of course the entire Wrath debacle. But the efforts of the Holy Demosthesian Empire to quell any uprising had been largely successful, with emergency Bacta and food supplies shipped across the planet within hours of the liberators' arrival, to replace that lost by the contamination, and later stop, of Bacta shipments to the planet.

The people were certainly starting to come around to Imperial rule. Pity it won't last for much longer. Bhindi's plan, grusome in its entirity, but approved by the High Command, called for Tholatin to be denied to the enemy before it would be returned. And planetary denial was never a pretty business.

The Corvette was coming into low orbit now, with the planet filling all of the forward viewports, a great white orb hanging ahead of them. The TIE Interceptors had taken up flanking positions alongside their own TIE Defender escorts. There had been only a brief radio exhcnage upon their entry into the system, but now a half-meter holo appeared ahead of the vessel's communications officer, demanding to speak with the Emperor.

Seti offered the officer a simple nod, and the line was transferred to the small communications centre at the rear of the bridge. Much smaller than the main one, further down and at the back of the vessel, but adequete for this short exchange.

"Yes?" Seti said cooly, not yet sure who the caller was, and easily slipping into his reagal role of Emperor. The hologram showed a tall, thin man in a grey uniform that reflected that of the Imperial Moffs. A good sign, then, if it was any sort of flashback to that era, when the Moffs controlled this sector. An Imperial personality would be far easier to deal with than a Rebel one.

"I am Governor Tulor, Elected Leader of Obroa-skai," the man said equally as cooly, eying the Emperor up as much as the limitations of holo would allow. "And you, I presume, are Seti Ashar. Leader of the Holy Demosthesian Empire."

Seti frowned at the man's tone, allowing him to know that the Emperor was displeased, however slightly.

"I am, Govenor." He replied midly. "I seek an audience with yourself, at your earliest convience." There was a pause before a response came from the other man.

"And if I refuse, and choose simply to blast you out of space and do Chadd Fearsons a favour?" Seti's lup curled, and he kept himself from laughing.

"You could try, Govenor. But I think you would find the effects especcialy disastrous." The Emperor turned to one of the aides off screen, and nodded. Without warning, one of the laser cannons aboard the Corvette came active and lanced out, destroying one of the TIE Interceptors in a flash. The pieces of wreckage tumbled, falling to burn up in the planet's atmosphere.

"What-" Seti held up a hand, and the Govenor stopped speaking, glaring at the Emperor.

"A demonstration, only, Govenor." He said, tone the same as ever. "And one I hope will not have to be repeated." He put only a little more strength into the one word, and the Govenor obviously understood his meaning. Outside, slowly, with some reluctance, the remaining three TIE Interceptors returned to their flanking positions, powering down their weapons as they did.

The Corvette bucked only slightly as the ship entered the atmosphere, and the hologram flickered in response. Slowly, all eight vessels appeared under the cloud cover and settled in towards a landing in Obroa-skai's capital.

"Welcome to Obroa-skai, Seti Ashar." Govenor Tulor said grudingly.
  • Posted On: Jun 2 2003 6:43am
The epicentre of Obroa-skai's capital city, New Spectrum since the utter demolishion of what was now known as Old Spectrum, was a vast metropolis of airspeeders and hovertransports. Like Coruscant - Imperial Centre, now - Orboa-skai's skies were full of bustling vehicles during all light hours.

Unlike Imperial Centre, the world was eerily quiet once the sun went down. The Obroa-skaians had always had an intense distrust of the night, despite all the wisdom they accumulated in their great libraries. It was said to have stemmed from their oldest generations, before the days of the Old Republic and before space had become a commonly travelled frontier, when the night held deep and startling secrets.

Those secrets had long since been revealed, but old habits died heard, the the Obroa-skaians did not seem to want them to die at all.

New Spectrum was built on top of the former capital, the one that had been all by reduced to rubble by the Yuuzhan Vong. Only the presence of the city's massive library complex, which the Vong hoped to (and succeeded in) taking prevented wide-spread destruction like that on Sernipidal, Ithor, and dozens of other worlds that suffered from the wrath of the Vong.

When the Vong had been routed, Obroa-skai had settled into the long routine of rebuilding its shattered self... and rebuilding their massive information centres. The city was still visibly under seige, a dazzeling number of massive tower cranes rising above the rooftops of buildings, Construction Droids hammering away producing new stuctures, or clearing away the last of the debris from the the Yuuzhan Vong's attacks. Obroa-skai was a busy world, to say the least.

Outside the viewports of the Corvette the massive twin cylinders that were the planet's vaunted Data Towers came into view. Both rooftops mounted what looked like capital-ship turbolasers, and smaller laser cannons as well. The sense of turning their data towers into a target was a strange one - but then, perhaps an attacker would not be so eager to fire on the towers themselves.

It was an interesting notion.

The ship was coming in over the Western Spaceport now, the towers and skyways giving away to the flat, oil-stained tarmac of the landing pads. From the height of the Corvette, there was some doubt as to whether or not any of the bays would be big enough for their vessel. But both the Pilots were experianced, and knew well enough that eyes cannot be trusted fully. By the time the vessel settled onto its landing skids, it was apparent that the bay was far larger than originally thought - at least two hundred meters from front to back, with power and water facilities in the front and a corner complete with a dedicated repair package and SP-101 Mantinence Droids.

Seti Ashar emerged from the officer's lounge - coverted for this trip for his private use - just as the ship finished its shutdown procedures. The pair of Royal Guards, dressed as usual in their pure black armour, joined him as he left the room, walking behind him down the cooridor.

By the time they arrived at the landing ramp, the remaining ten guards had settled into position at its base, lined up on both sides of a non-existant red carpet. The Emperor sweapt down the ramp, coming face to face with the representitive the Obroa-skians had sent. The man gulped visibly at the Emperor's gaze, but managed a small bow out of respect.

"Your emminence, welcome to Obroa-skai. I am Tiv Drakes, personal assistant of Govenor Tulor. The Govenor has asked that I take you to the Parliment immediatly upon your arrival in the capital."

Seti stood silent for a moment, his eyes locked on Drakes', and smiled slightly as the other broke the contact.

"The Govenor could not be here himself?" He asked.
"I'm afraid not. A matter of distressing importance has come up, and he could not ignore it."

Seti nodded, offering a nod to his guards and stepping backward.

"We shall leave momentarily, then, Mr. Drakes. As soon as a few last minute preparations are complete."
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2003 8:45pm
"You don't trust him." Seti turned, gazing at the Major who had spoken. Tierce had been with the Empire since the failed takeover of Kuat. He was a native of the planet in fact, and it was rather evident why he wanted to get away from it.

"Of course I don't trust him. First, the Govenor himself finds time to contact me personally, then he can't even show up to greet us because something has come up in the hour that passed between our conversation and now?" Seti shook his head. "No, something is very wrong here. I only wish I knew what it was."

Tierce shrugged, the motion looking strangely out of place on the battle hardened Major. Even Seti Ashar, who had never bothered with any serious combat classes, could see the man was a warrior underneath. And was very adapt at hiding it, too. That careful shrug had looked fine enough, but it was clear that the man felt unconfortable in it. No matter, such problems could be solved, in good time.

"The only question," the Emperor went on, "is how we can pull this off without alerting half the planet to our plans." The Major raised an eyebrow.


"It's simple, Major Tierce. The Govenor is pro-Empire, which means he is pro-New Order. The New Order certainly has the ability to wage war against us, but what could earn that man more in their eyes than the head of the Holy Demosthesian Empire?"

The other man nodded slowly.

"You think it's a trap."

"I know it's a trap. I've dealt with enough Imperial loyalists and petty officers in my time to know a trap when I see one."

For a moment, memories came unbidden of that cold day on Sullust. Govenor Trell, the ex-Imperial Crime Lord... the smell of smoke as blaster fire distingrated age-old stores of liquor... the thud of the man's body hitting the ground... the mysterious assassin, Dragon, holding the blaster...

He shook his head. That was a long time ago.

"What do you propose to do about it?" Tierce was asking. Slowly, almost reluctantly, Seti came back to the present.
"Simple, Major. We pay the Govenor a visit. And give him a surprise."

The other nodded slowly, and the Emperor smiled gravely.

* * * * *

Obroa-skai's parliment office was a massive construct of the same white marble that made up most of the buildings in this section of the city. Obviously, the govenment had decided not to be skimpy on their cash supply when rebuilding their devestated cities.

The building rose above the surrounding towers, a pyramid shape from the bottom that split into three diamond-shaped towers about two hundred meters from the pavement. The entire thing resembled the hand of one of Obroa-skai's native races, a rather primitive culture that cherrised information above all else.

From this level, the towers seemed to glisten in the early morning sun. Major Tierce had managed to convince their guide that it would be best to wait until morning to visit the Govenor, and they had had just enough time to prepare their little surprise before the man was back and urging them along.

But they had made it this far, at least, and that was something. Tierce had been half-convinced an attack would come on the street, where linking it to the Govenor would be harder than in his own office. Still...

The landspeeder had pulled past the wall - not quite a wall, Seti now realized but a holographic image of one - and through a set of gates into the open-topped car park. The interior here was the same white marble as the rest of the building, but out of the direct sun it did not shine like it did outside.

Looking up, the tops of the three towers were just visible beyond the roof. The three towers, he realized, that could have come from this hole... judjing from their size and shape, the three of them combined would form a plug for this empty space. Strange building schemes, he thought to himself as he followed Tierce and the others into one of the doorways.

Only on Obroa-skai...
  • Posted On: Jun 10 2003 5:53am
"I had no idea that the government had been able to rebuild Obroa-skai so quickly after the attacks." Seti Ashar said, smiling slightly. That was not, of course, entirely true. But for the most part, it was accurate enough.

"Attacks?" Govenor Tullon replied, confused. Or rather, feigning confusion. The records search they had done onboard their Corvette had revealed no small ammount of information about the former Imperial underling. A Moff's aide, the report said, before the Empire's initial collapse at Endor.

Seti nodded easily, not missing a bit.
"The widespread destruction that came with the Wrath virus and the appearence of the 'New Empire'. I had heard that Obroa-skai was one of the hardest hit... Brell attempting to get at your records, no doubt."

The other man returned the nod, clearly (at least, to the Emperor and the Major standing beside him) relieved. There was something up here, that much was for certain. The question was, what?

"No doubt." Tullon agreed dryly. "Can I offer you another drink?" He added, notcing that the Emperor's glass was empty and motioning for his server-droid. Seti shook his head.

"No, thank you. I'm quite all right. Tell me, Govenor, what have your people managed to salvage from the libraries here? I had heard, too, that they were decimated by the New Empire when they attacked here." The Govenor shrugged, taking a sip from his own glass before speaking.

"What can I say? Some of the librarians at the time realized the threat that Tillaric Brell presented and began making backups of the library. Some of it ended up underground, some of it was never backed up. And a large portion was transmitted to one of the Obroa-skai Star Destroyers that was supposed to be defending us. Old property of the Jutraalian Empire."

"What was the ship? What happened to it?" Seti asked grimly, already knowing the answer.

"It was the Agamemnon." He said slowly. Seti was surprised at that - the Agamemnon had been a modified Super Star Destroyer of the Executor class. One of the most powerful warships in the galaxy."

"It was destroyed?" He asked. The other man nodded.

"Utterly. The New Empire brought in a massive fleet - a dozen Imperator Class Star Destroyers and three of those damn Super Star Destroyers. The Jutraalian ship tried to run..."

Seti nodded, already knowing what had happened then.

"And was summarily ambushed and destroyed." He finished. Tullon gave a short bob of his head.

"An Imperial Interdictor team caught them just outside the gravity well. They had a pair of ImpStars waiting, and half a dozen Victory Class. By the time one of the othe SSDs arrived to lend a hand, the Agamemnon was already done. I heard it was dragged off and refitted by the New Empire..."

"Probably was. Destroyed at Bastion, no doubt." There was a brief silence, and then the Govenor seemed to realize he still had guests.

"But that's all in the past! You said you had something to speak with me about?" Seti smiled for the first time since entering the room.

"Yes indeed, Mr. Tullon. Yes indeed."