E Pluribus Unum: Organized Anarchy [Antar 4]
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2003 7:53am
Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others.

- Winston Churchill

Fallen College of Arts and Sciences

The class was medium sized, around 35 students. All were immaculatly dressed, eager to listen to the lecture. The professor was considered one of the best at the prestigious learning institutuion, and this would be his opening lecture, his first take and impression to the students would be made during this the first lecture of the course. Expectations were high among all those enrolled in the class- they had heard first hand from others how electrifying this professor could be.

The chronometers ticked as the time ran closer and closer to the start of the class. The students chatted lightly as they awaited for the start of the lesson, many anticipating the entrance like it was the judge during a high profile court case. A small electricity seemed to hang in the air, waiting, for the spark of life. A tension, apprehension, doubt, all these emotions mixed among each other. If one could have accessed the force, the myriad of emotions would have been overwhelming.

Finally the door opened, and a robed Falleen walked in, hair in the traditional knot, a spitting image of Prince Xizor, the most known Falleen in the galaxy at one point in time. The same influence he had held over his vigos in an important meeting seemed to be captivating the students. He took his place at the head of the class, and stared at the students for a moment. Then he began speaking.

"Throughout your entire life, you have been told that you were superior to anyone different from you. Any being who was not a Falleen was inferior- it was a fact of life as simple as the neccessity of breathing. From your childhood to now you have known this, it has been drilled into you from you first moments and will rest eternal in you heart untill death."

He paused, letting the students affirm this truth.

"This class is not intended to change the belief that is the core of our society. I would never commit such a henious act as that."

The students seemed to give off an aura of dissappointment, wondering if this non-confrontational approach could possibly lead to an exciting class. The professor smiled at this seemingly bad reaction.

"You have all been taught about or "superior" culture. You know we are superior, and some of you lucky ones may have even been schooled as to 'why' we are superior."

He stared at a student in the middle of the class.

"But none have you have ever been taught about whom we are superior too."

This seemed to peak the intrest of some of the students.

"No one talks about the galaxy around us... not since the Incident."

A few surprised looks came across the faces of the usually cool-headed Falleen. The professor only smiled.

"I know, I know, no one talks about it. It is a faux pas, a taboo subject. To many people would rather live in ignorance and bask in our own supposed glory than look at the galaxy around us. I bet not a single one of you can tell me about the political/millitary conflict that are raging across the galaxy today! I doubt any of you can name to me 2 Admirals in the Galactic Empire..."

A stunned shock seemed to come across the students faces.

"None of you can tell me about the leaders of the Galactic Coalition! None of you can explain to me the relevance of the Outter Rim Soverignty's millitary alliance with the Hapan Consortium."

He paused for breath and continued.

"I don't think any of you can even name the faction into which or own planet has recently become a member."

A silence fell over the classroom. It persist for a moment, then one of the student stood up.

"With all due respect sir...... why should we have to learn or know about such happenings. They do not effect us, and they are the matters of the hyrrikx (the Falleen term in their own language for infedial, or barbarian). We need not concearn ourselves with such petty happenings."

The professor gave a small chuckle. The student looked confused. He made a roundabout gesture with his clawed hand and said,

"Tell me- why are we superior to the Hyrrikx?"

The student opened his mouth to say something, apparently changed his mind, then said,

"The Falleen are superior because..."

He was cut off by the professor.

"Stop right there!"

The student stopped midword.

"How can you say wer are superior, if you don't know anything about the people we are superior too."

The student fumbled around with his words, not sure of what to say.

"I don't doubt that we are superior class! However, what level are we superior, to whom? Why? Not why we say so- why is it true to all??? Without a perspective on others, you will never understand WHY. And why, why is the greatest form of understanding."

The student sat down. The professor continued.

"In this class, you will learn about the people to whom you are better than, and why this is so. You will understand about the culture of the Mon Calimarian's, the government of the Galactic Empire. You will understand why the Verpine dispeise the Kubaz, and why you are better then them all...."

Then a pause.

"Or if you still hold your beliefs at all."

The professor let that sink in.

"You will go beyond the small, insignificant, and learn to see the great large. You will realize our leaders are not quite as like you as they would have you believe- and you will learn what they think about the galaxy, and how they effect it. You will learn about the structure of the galaxy, steeming from the ordered autocracy of the Galactic Empire, all the way down to the organized anarchy of the Gotals."

Another pause.

"But most importantly, I will give you the ability to formulate opinions, think for yourself. And..... make true judgments about the peoples of the galaxy. You will learn."

The silence that filled the room was deadening. The proffessor eyed his stunned students.

"Class dismissed."
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2003 6:02am
".... So, as we have seen from the examples of history- governments like the Empire's remain strong during times of crisis, while it takes extraordinary resolve to hold together 'coalitons' like the Old Republic, as pressure mounts? Can anyone explain to me why the Empire is more stable than the Old Republic was, especial seeing as how the Empire's protectorates are ruled by power hungry, charismatic, kniving moffs and governors who would all like to swell their own prestiege?"

A paticuarly bright student caught the attention of the professor with his hand, and was acknowledged with a nod.

"The Empire is held together by a single powerful overlord, the Regent, who has the overriding authority and might of will to keep the Empire together. In for example the old Republic, such a powerful figure is lacking, beacuse their is no one person with whom ultimante authority resides. Also, in a republic style of government, where all decision making is held within a senate or Congress- the various agenda's of the many diverse represenatives tends to factionalize and paralyze the ability of the government to function, therefore making it suseptible to radicals interfering with the established form of government, which the see as inefficent."

The professor nodded. The answer was perfect, or so it seemed. By the datapad, it was the purley theoretical answer, to the letter. However, from the look in his eye, the professor had another comment, something else to say on the subject. The class waited with baited breathe, waiting for the wisdom of their teacher.

"You, my friend and intellectual colleague (he reffered to his students as intellectual colleagues ) have given me an excellent and theoretically sound answer. It is however, only one of the correct answers."

The professor paused.

"You must understand, that in all situations, governments are institutions of the people. It doesn;t matter what form of government it is: democracy, monarchy, theocracy- elected or imposed- a government is an institution of the people whom it serves. It may not be a liked or respected instituition of the said people, but it is still of the people, beacuse without a people over whom to rule a government is nothing."

The students nodded, understanding everything their beloved professor said, hanging on his every word.

"Many governments disrespect, abuse or misuse thier people. They overstep the privelleges of government and force upon the idea or beliefs of a minority upon the whole. Some do so for the 'good' of their subjects; others for because of their own personal greed or because they wish to acheive some lofty goal which only the effects of state can handle. Right or wrong these governments gain the people's ill will overtime, because no one wants ideas force upon them, nor do they want to be abused. These governments them must exert energy to contain the ill will of the people, which begins the vicious cycle of fostering more ill will, requiring more effort, and so on and so forth."

He paused, allowing those taking notes to catch up with him.

"Their are techniques to contain the ill will of a populace, techniquies to change the minds of a people, some that even hide the truth from persons, and many of the most cunning opressive regeimes will use these techniques- those which do so effectivly can sway the mind of their peoples, allowing them to tolerate transgressions, or even believe that such fallicies in government are necessary. Even if used less effectivly the techniques can often placate a large portion of the populace, so while the the skeptical will see through these sheilds put up by opressive regimes, they will be in such a small minority that they cannot do enough damage to be significant."

The professot let his hand rise up in the air then fall, drawing attention to his next statment, a typical technique of his.

"Thus, many governments exsist against the will of the people over which they rule, but without careful observation you would never be able to tell."

He slid across the room, his long Xizor like cloak trailing behind him.

"In fact, a good percentage of the people who the government rule over may not even know that they themselves oppose their own government. This seems like a foolish statment, but that makes it no the less true. Many a 'content' citizen of a government needs only to take a short time exaiming the truth behind their government to realize it is not what they would wish it was, or even think it is. However, many are dissauded by diversions, or lack the ability to even investigate. Those who do know the truth are often dealt with ruthlesly, and therefore many who know the truth are silent out of fear, and those who do not are blissfully ignorant. Another portion may 'want' to believe their government is what they want it to be, and choose to ignore any evidence to the contrary. All of these scenerios are possible, and in most governments, their are people who fit every description."

He paused, more to catch his own breath than anything else.

"To the opressive government, the best thing a citizen can think when contemplating the complexites of government is:

'All these thoughts... they make no sense... I find bliss in ignorance.'

While not necessarily a consious thought, it can reside in the sub-consious, right alongside the same simmering anger which can lead to action, blurred by misinformation and diversion."

The tone of the professor's voice however changed abruptly, singalling a change in focus.

"However, even the greatest use of diversion and other techniques can only work for so long. At one point or the other, somewhere along the line, the threshold at which the subconsious anger is supressed by diversion is crossed by the truth, and the anger becomes consious. It is at that point that the people, dissilliusion with an opressive regime will rise up.... and no matter the outcome of such a revolution that marks the downfall of that regime."

Among the class heads turned as they mulled over what had just been said. They focused straight again as the professors voice once again washed over them.

"I said all that to say this. The Empire in the short term, even the short-long term, will seem more stable than the coalition. The Empire's methods of keeping its population in line are excellent, some of the best ever invented. However, in the extreme long term, the Empire is more unstable than the coalition for 1 simple reason:

Many of the citizens of the Empire do not approve of their government. This fact will slowly become more and more apparaent, because it always does. "

This sudden ephinay and seemingly contradictry statment stunned several students, who looked very surprised to hear it. The professor continued however, unabated.

"On the other hand, the citizens of the coalition, no matter what their differences and petty squabbles, all want to be citizens of the coalition- because they chose to be members of the coalition. This choice will keep the Coalition going no matter what the situation- because any government who have the suport of its people will do as they require. And only a government whose people chose to enter will have their full support."

He stopped, then once again changed tones.

"You don't have to agree with me."

This statment seemed to floor the already confused students.

"You all have a right to your own opinion. What I have presented to you is what I beleive is correct. Take what you will from it. This class is not just about getting the answers, it is about learning to think, to understand, to contemplate. Those, are the most important skills I can give you- not jus knowledge of how a government functions, and why it does. Many of you are confused. You have a right to be. Think about what I said, and formulate your own theorem. Maybe you will all teach me something."

The professor looked out into the classroom.

"Any questions?"


"Class dismissed."
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2004 4:25am
Falleen College of Arts and Sciences, Grand Atrium

The forum was much large this time, as it always was. It was quite the event- and even more so now. Some holo net reporters had even shown up and decided to tape it. Not that he was suprised or anything- or nervous. He was used to speaking in front of people- and a camera was simply an outlest to more people. It was good for him, a way to broaden his message, and allow himself to be heard. Most importantly it would stimulate many more people to think , which was what he was really about anyway.

The word must have spread quickly, beacsue even more student had filed into the huge theather styled room than usual- it wasn't filled up, not by a long shot- but he would still have several hundred maybe even a thousand students and others lsitening to him, plus whoever would see him on the holonet.

Not bad for a professor of political science

It wasn't what he wanted of course. Still, you can't as for the galaxy- take what is given to you, and do what you can with it. Thats what he had been doing, and would continue to do. Most importantly, of course, with information. Maybe he would spark some others as well with his speech. He would try, and see what happened.

He looked over at the camera operator, a burly wookie, and his supervisor a tannish Bothan. That was intruiging, but the bothan gave him a signal, and he took it as his cue to start talking. He began as if giving another lecture- and those who had him in class would recognize it as something he might say in class. He didn't mind..... he was talking to students wasn't he?

"There has been a lot of talk recently, both in the media and in households across the galaxy about the most recent rendition of galactic war. With the highly publized announcment by the galactic coalition, the rports of battles at Corellia and Carida, and many more scattered reports it seems the galaxy is one again aflame, with conflict and strife. Of course, we won't really know what has been happening, is or happening or how it all began untill some time after this war has been over- but I can assure you, your local holonet station willl be blaring with reports and screaming blithering analysts looking at how the conflict is going, goaded on by scathing news reports by both sides extremly efficent and powerful propaganda machines."

He paused, with his usual pace, catching his breath then firing out into another long point.

"Let me say to you that regardless of the outcome, the galaxy will exsist in some form or the other when it's all over, and Fegrin D'ian will still play the Clak Beepbox somewhere."

He let a bit of laughter stop him as the old joke hit off the high ceilign of the atrium and reverberated around, dissipating with a wonderful acuostic effect.

"The conlict, while serious, will not be resolved, because shy of the total elimination of but one species in the galaxy, their will always be conflict. If that one species happens to be the Gamoreans, then the galaxy is doomed, and I might as well shot myself now."

Once again his humor interrupted his message, but by design. Keep your audience's attenion early and you can keep them forever.

"Look to the past and you will see such examples. The Old republic, though it stood for thousands of years crumbled because of a Sepratist movement that weakened it to the point where a violent revolution led to its downfall. Look to the New Republic, whose ineffective senate failed to completly crush the Empire, and allowed the Imperials the necessary time to recuperate, re-arm and become the dominant government once again. Yet for all of its promised stability- look what the Empire wrought- the Wrath Virus and the death of billions."

He twisted his head slightly, and gestured with his left hand.

"Yes, history is full of exampls of our galaxy's collective failures. However, constanly looking to the past for justification for the future is just as foolish of never ackowledging it at all. The old adage: Those who forget the past are destined to repeat it should be modified to Those who forget the past are destined to repeat it, but those who live in the past never reach the future . A careful balance must be achieved, an equillibrium must be attained, to put the past in to perspective- not losing it, yet not relying on it for the sole basis of your desicions."

He gazed intently out into the audience.

"It seems this balance however, does not currently exsist in the galaxy. Look at the conflict we are witnessing- the Empire fighting against the Galactic Coalition and its allies. The Coalition is one of the worst perputrators of an inbalance in their historical perspective. They truly believe that they are the heir to the New Republic, and this may be true. However, the assume that they are fighting the same enemy as they predaccessors fought, simply because they bear the same name. Any elementary school student could tell you that the Empire of old- the true New Order- was ruled by Emperor Palpitine, with the aide of Darth Vader, and Grand Moff Tarkin. They could tell you that its millitary was serves by men like Admiral Ozzel, Admiral Piett, General Veers, and rose to prominence on the ambitions of Grand Admiral Zaarin, Grand Admiral Thrawn and many others. Tell me, do you see any of those names in the current Galactic Empire?"

He let the silence speak for itself, an answer to a rhetoric question.

"The answer, as you all know, is no. The Empire is led by Regent Hyfe, with the aide of Grand Marshall Kaine. It millitary is served by men, and of course women, like Admiral Desaria, Admiral Drayson, and Vice Admiral Kraken. It rose to prominence with names like Theren Gevel, Lupercus Draksword and Trachta. The Coalition is quick to speak of the atrocities of the Empire of old, which their are many, we ourselves are victims of one of the greatest. Yet they use this old news as the entire basis for their offensive, believing they have the right because the Empire has somehow wronged them. This is flawed thinking. The Empire you see, is just a name. The same with the Coalition, and the Soverignty and anything else you throw out into the Galactic fray. The truth, lying far beneath the surface, is far different from what the media and propaganda machines spew out."

He paused, hoping the camera crew would realise he was waiting for a close up. He wouldn't know of course if it happened, but he thought the bothan looked competent enough to realise a good shot when he had the oppurtunity.

"Beyond all the fancy names, political positions and military emblems it all come down to one thing: race. Name any government, alliance, federation, coalition whatever and I will tell you the name of the dominant race in that organization. I will also tell you if that government or organization has a chance to survive the test of time. You see, no matter what, stated or unstated, spoken or silently- no matter the situation, every being has a deep loyalty to their own kind. In a contest between their own race anbd another, if they could chose any group to achieve glory it would be their own- it is simply instinct, a natural tenedecy. It may be well hidden behind false kindness, or even geniune respect, but deep down it resides among each and ever being in the galaxy."

He took a breath and spoke.

"With that said I'm going to give you and example. The gotal are a species that hail from Antar 4, a large, nearly planet sized habitable moon. They have been prominent members of the New Republic, and there are many gotal mercenaries, smugglers, pirates and bussinessmen. The gotals are no great race of morality, nor of vice. They are a normal species, who feel the call to succeed in life. However, on their homewolrd they usually tend to a peaceful anarchy as their government, beacuse a biological adaptation that allows gotals to feel the emotions and feelings of their fellow species. Thus, Antar 4 is a peacful world, where crime is low and order is generally maintained. I could go on and anylzie the gotals more, but thats for another day. My point is that currently the gotals have an elected democracy as their government, forced upon them by a New Republic hold-out and strongman, who goes by an intriguing title; Prime Minister Adjundant General Lorrik. Lorrik is a human, and was once the New Republic's military's defensive command for Antar 4, controll a set of human controlled Golan II stations which kept Antar 4 safe from outside incursion. Upon the collapse of the New republic, General Lorrik became a very ambitious rouge, hoping to carve out his own miniature empire with the help of the Gotals, on his way to eventually restoring the power of the New republic through-out the galaxy. To do so he needed the Gotals help. Unfortunatly for him, the gotals were'nt interested- that is untill he trained the Golans defensive weapons at the surface of the planet and threatened bombardment. The gotal submitted and he forced an election, and set up an extremly unusual governmental system, where he actualy ws subordinate to the elected President, but could veto his actions. Once again a study for another day. Anyway, Lorrik began attempts to construct a shipyard over Antar 4, and began conscription of Gotals for his millitary garriosns, although only his loyal humans were allowed to serve on the Golans or fly the stations defensive fighters......"

Diversity Alliance HQ, Cortex Sinar's Office

Cortex Sinar watched with great intrest as the Falleen professor continued on.

A man to my own liking.

A flick of his lekku brought Cleivge Hintona to his side.

"Yes Cortex."

"Who is that?"

"Doctor Jakkon Fathersin, Falleen College of Arts and Sciences. Highly contraversial, very outspoken. I speech is interesting."

"I'd like to meet this Dr. Fathersin."

"I'm sure it could be arranged."

"Good. Also, inform fleet command that the Guardian and escorts are to depart immeidatly."

Cleivge Hinota gave his own lekku an agitated twitch, and he looked at Cortex rather annoyed.


"It would help if I knew where they were to depart immediatly to."

Cortex allowed himself a smile.

"Of all people I thought you would know, my sly friend."

Cleivge's look of annoyance faded to mild confusion.

"Where?" he spat.

"Antar 4."
  • Posted On: Jan 5 2004 6:45am
Captian's Cabin, Bulwark Battlecruiser Guardian

Admiral Oppel Hirel was the highest ranking officer in the Diversity Alliance military, a being who technicially weilded power almost as great as Cortex Sinar himself. As an added bonus he was the Captain of the largest, most powerful ship in service to the alliance, the 3,501 meter Bulwark Battlecruiser Guardian ; a tremendous amount of power invested in the hands of one person.

However, if you met Oppel out of his admiral's uniform, away from his military staff or Diversity Alliance colleuges you would never guess he the only Admiral in an buergoneing alliance of aliens from across the galaxy. Oppel had trouble realising this himself, having woken up in his cabin and staring around bewildered- wondering where he was.

Not your usual Admiral

Oppel was not even your usual Twi'leck. A smallish figure, with unusually thin lekku head tails, he was an introvert- a rare find in a race known for shady deals, majordomos and constant yakking. Some people in the Alliance had questioned Cortex Sinar's move to place him at the head of the fleet. A praciticed tactician, having served in several planetary millita's and defense forces, Oppel Hirel was a competent commander, but not unusually outstanding. His greatest asset, was however, his own knowledge of his abilities. He knew what he could do, and what his forces under his command could do. He was agressive as the situation required, but not reckless. He was the perfect choice to develop a fleet who was in the building stages, with many members of the cres on the ships still gaining valuable experience. His greatest asset however, may have been his technical knowledge. If there was a ship in space he had studied it, simulated against it, broke down whatever blueprints he could find on it. He spent hours looking over datapads and technical readouts- it was actually almost more of a hobby than a command tactic. Still, it was a very useful hobby for a Admiral to have.

Sitting in his quarters, looking at a holodisplay was how Ensign Kole, found his superior. Kole was a junior member on the crew of the Guardian and had been sent to give the Admiral a message. He walked in the room unannounced- Hirel was usually to engaged in his hobby to notice a knock on his door. Kole coughed and got the Admiral's attention. When he saw the Twi'leck's face look over at him he spoke,

"Admiral, sir, the ship shall be entering realspace soon. The XO asked me to escort you to the bridge."

The Admiral nodded, his flimsly lekku boobing with his head.

"Of course Ensign. Let us proceed."

His voice was rich, and practiced- perfect for commanding a vessel. However, it was not often used- Hirel's quiet side was there often.

The two walked out of the cabin and made their way for the bridge.

Antar 4 Space
Bridge of the Guardian

"Long ranges sensor scans showing 2 large contacts orbiting Antar 4, with about two dozen smaller contacts in a screen formation."

The Guardian had a spacious bridge, a luxury you could afford on a 3500 meter long warship. Admiral Hirel could have pulled up a technical read-out, a holoscreen or any numerous other forms of battle trackers, but he chose not to. He perfered to use his mind, and his viewport to look at the battle. Another of his unusual ways, but as long as it work, no one complained. His crew knew from simulations it was important to keep the Admiral updated on the situation.

"Odd- why would they have their fighters out already?"

"We're reading low energy emitions Admiral- it seems its a training exercise."

Hirel nodded. Keeping your forces in top condition was paramount in any service. Hopefully however, these forces were'nt in that good of condition.

"Have Blazer and Saphire's Shine raise sheilds and weapons. Start feeding them targeting telemtry."

The two lancer class frigates were specifically designed to deal with small fighter craft, and would perform their task well. Admiral Hirel didn;t even have to think about the smaller contacts anymore. It was likely they would not stay contacts for long.

"What is the status of the 2 larger contacts?"

"Two golan class stations, not certain which type yet. We're almost in sensor range- we'll get a positive identification."

The Guardian was by no definition a speed deamon, but their jump had brought them in close to Antar 4, and so even at its laborous speed they were closley approaching their target. The system itself was quite beutiful, with a massive gas giant holding in orbit 6 satillites, most of them large enough to be planets in their own right. Had he come under other circumstances Hirel might have enjoyed a sightseeing voyage. Unfortunatly that wasn't the case today.

"Sir, major contacts reading a Golan II Nova Spacegun Planetary Defense Stations."

Yes, he could see that now. The Golans were recognizable.... though very weird looking. It hit him instantly. The Golan's were in a reverse orbit, with their 'tops' facing toward the surface of Antar 4.


That arrangment limited the number of weapons that could fight off attacking warships and made no sense for an defensive station.

It doesn't make any sense.

The Hirel remembered his breifing. The Gotals were being held in check by threat of orbital bombardment- and the most effectve way to bombard would be by inverting the stations.

Unfortunatly for the stations' commander, he had made a critical error. His inversion was a massive blunder for which he would pay dearly.

"Sir, lancer's engaging enemy fighters, massive causilties."

It was expected...... lancers cut through a fighter screen with gruseome efficency.

"In range of the first station sir."

"Order all weapons to target the large down... upward facing extension."

"Yes sir."

The huge stabilizers were normlly protected by the entire top of the station, safeguarding the massive energy reactors housed above them. However, in their current position, they had no such protection.

It was all over very quickly.

The stations went up in titanic explosions as their unprotected reactor cores went ciritcal. Flames and debris swept out from the first, then the second station as the turbolaser fire shifted, the shockwaves wiping out any fighters which had managed to escape the lancer's devestation.

"Send down our diplomatic team, and contact Ryloth. Our mission is done here."

Antar 4 was free...... and soon to become a member of the Diversity Alliance.