Ambush at Oovo 4
Posts: 6
  • Posted On: Jun 16 2005 5:34pm
New Repulblic era

Kael, the Jedi padawan, stopped for a moment to consider his past choices. Why did I have to become a Jedi he asked himsef. His subconscious returned,
because you were chosen. Now stop whining and continue on!!! Kael was 14, and he was on his first live fire mission. He was lucky enough to be apprentice to Kyle Katarn, so his traning was quick and easy. His missons, however, were known to be a pile of bantha poodoo . And this misson looked like one.

Right now he was in orbit around a floating rock known as Oovo 4, a prison planet, kinda like Kessel, in a Jedi custom X-Wing. He was waiting for the all clear when a horrible missle shot caused a concussion missle to go straight past the transparisteel cockpit. :yuck He then decied that they didn't need an all-clear when a missle goes past. :D Amazingly, it was sholder launched, but who had a missle launcher in space? :O