Across the Stars (Shipyard transfer::Takeover of Telti)
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2003 1:36am
“ Bring the 14th to Grid 77-A. Concentrate all fire on Cruiser Designate 882.”

Held firmly within an expansive holo-sphere, five blinking dots moved forward past the end of lines of red dots arrayed parallel to one another. The crimson dots did not react to this push as a sizeable congregation of larger green dots held their attention toward the opposite end of the line.

“ Isolate and enlarge 77-A.”

Within the shimmering projection, the group of moving green dots grew considerably larger, the holo-projector magnifying the dots’ action before shifting from a featureless tactical map to one where individual ships were recognizable by shape and unit insignia. Many a person viewing the represented action would have noticed a quintet of Fire-class Frigates bravely engaging the center of three battleships, each bearing the Galactic Coalition Emblem.

The frigates dished out fire disproportionate to their size and took the same in return as punishment for their audacity in engaging ships four times superior. Slowly but with stubborn persistence, the frigates chewed at the center ship’s hull and ignored its peers firing just as fiercely. One by one they fell from formation and disintegrated, fire from within consuming men and machine alike.

Before the last of the five surrendered to the inevitable pull of fate, winking out of existence in a flash of luminescence, the target of their fire and fury broke in half along the keel. Its reactor breached, the Star Destroyer exploded and was replaced by a cloud of debris.

“ Send Authorization Alpha 3. Commence Stage 5.”

The holoprojector whirred when the humans controlling its operation forced a drastic increase in displayed material. Five Imperial-class Star Destroyers reverted to realspace where an equal number of their lesser comrades had made the ultimate sacrifice. Pointing like five daggers at the heart of the GC force, the Destroyers let loose a furious barrage of turbolaser energy that eliminated what opposition stood in their way. Small ships and heavy cruisers were swept aside all the same.

Hundreds of explosions began to litter the display before it reformed itself into a tactical display of red and green. The view overall was simple to see even by a novice in the art if war: the concentrated Imperial assault had turned the flank of its enemy’s lines forcing them to send more ships away from the primary incursion at the opposite flank. Action lead to counter action and the result was plain: the Empire had won the day. Coalition ships, their lines now broken, withdrew to save that which could be salvaged from the field.

“ Conclude. Lights.”

The holoprojector ended its presentation at the center of an amphitheater filled with young humanoids dressed in blue. Steadily, glowpanels along the room’s tiered seats came to life as did several more banks thereof in the ceiling. Standing where the TaggeCo. Projector had slid below floor slips was Baron Telan Desaria.

“ That simulation was drawn up by the General Staff as a training exercise for Imperial Line officers in anticipation of an assault on Carida. The specifics you witnessed were affected by Rear Admiral Terechek, Bastion Sector Fleet. His actions, while leading to a simulated victory, were flawed. Reason?”

He gazed around the room at nearly a hundred Cadets, each one now feverishly remembering the presentation and doing his best to pick apart every movement. Admiral Desaria was barely successful in suppressing a grin or chuckle, fondly recalling the days of his youth and similar circumstances.

“ Your Excellency, if I may. The Rear Admiral failed to deploy his assault shuttles to supplement his flanking force.”

The Admiral turned half-way to his left and took measure of the speaking cadet. He was a she – a female humanoid from Praxxis Minor wearing insignia of a Cadet-Lieutenant Commander.

“ That he did, but given the speed necessary for surprise on the flank would not have allowed for deceleration needed when deploying support craft. Anyone else?”

The first cadet shot down, no other dared venture a guess. It thus fell to the instructor to fill in his flock.

“ In a word, Terechek was careless. He used five frigates to punch a whole in his enemy’s lines when five cruisers would have done same thing ten minutes later. In any battle, a confident and superior commander can bend circumstance to his will so time is more an ally than enemy. Terechek was willing to give the lives of ten thousand men to achieve victory ten minutes faster. In all battles in all wars, the sacrifice of a small number to save a larger number is inevitable. This case is different and such a sacrifice in unacceptable to the Empire. The lives of its soldiers are not expendable.”

“ If you will forgive my impertinence Your Excellency?”

The Admiral nodded to another cadet, this one bearing the long face of Sirris natives.

“ Didn’t you sacrifice two Destroyers during the Battle of Teth to cover your withdrawal and then counterattack an hour later? Is not such a sacrifice, according to what you just said, careless?”

Many cadets inwardly cringed, worried if not terrified that Admiral Desaria would explode into a violent rage. They were pleasantly surprised when he calmly took his cap from the holo-projector’s console and placed it on his head.

“ I would not. In order to assure that the ruse of a withdrawal was maintained, the Rogues had to believe we were covering our retreat. Those two ships were, also, manned solely by skeleton crews of volunteers. Their sacrifice allowed the ruse to succeed, the Rogue forces beginning to fortify the system. In doing so, they had to withdraw several ships from the line and we hit back hard, taking the system. No sacrifice worthless that saves lives, only those that waste. Good, nay superior, commanders can tell the difference.”

With that, Admiral of the Fleet Baron Telan Desaria exited the room and left the cadets standing at attention at his departure. In the hall, Lieutenant Malik was waiting with crossed arms. “ Are you enjoying yourself, Admiral?”

Desaria glowered at his life-long friend and bodyguard. “ I can’t stand teaching pasty-faced future ensigns any more than I can an appointment with an ISB Agent.”

“ Perhaps this will improve your mood.” Malik handed his charge a crystal-sheet bearing the emblem of the General Staff. Since Admiral Virenius had assumed his post, Desaria found seeing his beloved symbol a bitter pill to swallow. That feeling lessened with time and the knowledge the few friends he had remaining on the Staff were keeping their new Chief and his ambition-drive cronies at bay.

You are to proceed with all speed to Vladet. Effective immediately you will assume command of 127th Battle Group and prepare for escort duty of production complex. Details enclosed. Command of the 1st Destroyer Squadron is not ceded. Said formation slated for repairs during the duration of assignment.

Desaria smiled. “ It does indeed.”

The pair turned immediately for a nearby shuttle bay.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2003 4:04am
Beginning, Operation: Farsight. Goal: Transfer yards away from vulnerable planet to a more secure location. Beginning: today. Ending: Unknown. Assets: Various Fleet units of the Mid-Rim Proctectorate. Personnel: Classified..... read the fleet orders from the Brass. Turning off the datapad, Vice Admiral Kraken strode back to the command bridge of the Victory class Star Destroyer Black Widow. Assembled before him were several line captians, and civilians that would be the crux of this special operation. The first were the line captians, whom Park Kraken would breif later. The others were the civilian workers would be the ones to oversee the preparation of the yards for towing.

"Okay people, this is how it's gonna work. Take about twenty four of your thirty fleet tugs, and position them around the most durable pieces of shipyards number MR-one, and MR-two. These are the two that we are going to tow. Have the other six accompany us as back up vessels should one or more of your vehicles break down. Do you understand?" asked Admiral Kraken.

"Yes sir." the civilians responded as they departed from the bridge.

Next were the line captians. Of the eight ships taking part in the operation, with their eight respective captians, three of them were new to commanding. The first was Captian Adrian, who will be captining the Fire class Light Frigate Siren, will be commanding the first reconnisance squadron under Admiral Baron Telan Desaria, who even now is enroute to this sector." said Admiral Kraken as he talked to the first captian in line.

Stepping down to the second captian, Kraken now addressed him, "Captian Gotwa, you will captian the Victory class Star Destroyer Black Widow. She is a fine ship, with a fine crew, seasoned veterans. I want you to take good care of her." said Admiral Kraken.

Finally, he came to the last new captian. "Captian Cynthe, as of now, you are captining the Reign class Star Destroyer Victorious, soon to be renamed. She has served well at Mon Calamari, among other places. Take good care of her, as well." said Admiral Kraken.

"To all of your," stated Kraken, "You assignment is subject to change at any time. This may espically be so when the Baron Desaria arrives. Now depart."

Then, an aide came scuttling up to him. "Sir, the Baron's ship has arrived in the system." said the Aide.

Admiral Kraken turned to look out the viewport at the Imperial Star Destroyer Mark III that had escorted the Baron here. "Baron Admiral Desaria, this is Vice Admiral Kraken. I bid you welcome to the Mid-Rim Proctectorate." said Park Kraken.

He continued to stare out the viewport at the assembled fleet, the Reign and Victory Star Destroyers, the IFAC, the two Loronar Strike Cruisers, the Fire class Light Frigate, and the two Constrainer class Pickets......
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2003 5:39am
Admiral Telan Desaria arrived over Vladet expectant and eager. His orders were simply to escort Shipyard Complex 441 to its new home over Balmorra, and escort it he would. No one, however, could stop him from wishing action. Horrid as it sounded, four weeks of teaching cadets on assignment from Raltiir had thinned his patience with peace: seventeenth generational leader to bear the name Desaria, soldiery was in his blood and, the Emperor save him, he did love it so.

“ Your Excellency, you have an incoming transmission from the Sector-Fleet commander.”

“ Put it through.”

Admiral Desaria turned in his comfortable chair towards a bulkhead-mounted holoscreen. The Imperial Crest bore itself first, a double-headed black eagle holding a laurel-wreathed six-pointed emblem between out-stretched and angular wings. It conveyed power and strength in a single glance – indeed, every time the Admiral-Baron saw it, his pride increased a measure.

The image of Vice-Admiral Alexi Kracken presented itself next.

Baron Admiral Desaria, this is Vice Admiral Kraken. I bid you welcome to the Mid-Rim Proctectorate.

“ Vice Admiral, I appreciate your welcome. I believe the” – Desaria searched his memory for a name, having committed his orders to memory on the journey from Coruscant – “ Victorious is expecting me. Continue on your preparations for departure. Please send me a summary of your progress when I am aboard.”

With that, Desaria ended the conversation – such only in name. He was, after all, an Admiral of the Fleet. He had never met Alexi Kracken before but was sure to leave the..proper...impression.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Dec 20 2003 1:42am
The last component of the fleet, the TIE Defenders, TIE Devils, and Scimitar Bombers, some of them having been constructed from the shipyards about to be transferred, others having been siphoned off from the fleets protecting the other Proctectorates. All would play a critical role in the transfer to come, Kraken was sure of it. The final ship roster was some fifty captial ships, of which about ten were captial warships under the command of Baron Admiral Telan Desaria, commander of the escorting squadron. His flagship was the Reign Star Destroyer than hung off the first shipyard. Riding in formation with the flagship was the Imperial Star Destroyer Mark III that had served as Desaria's escort to this system. It would also take an active role in the operation to come. Then there was the Victory class Star Destroyer Black Widow, and the other, smaller support ships of the Mid-Rim Proctectorate. Four cruisers, of the medium size or better, one light frigate, and five picket ships. Then there were the thirty fleet tugs, some of them grappled to the shipyards, others towing the vessels that were under construction in the yards, the whole procession waiting to begin the transition.

Then, the door behind him opened. As Vice Admiral Kraken turned away from the viewport. Alexi Park Kraken was a tall man, almost six foot five inches, about the height of the average stormtrooper, with the armour on. He had a good, lean beard and moustachios, and brownish hair. He eyes studied the man coming through the door, then he began to walk. He exchanged salutes with the man coming through the door, then exchanged hand grips with the man. Pleased to find, a nice strong grip, Admiral Kraken gestured to the holotable, which had the view of all ships, the fighters coming up from the planet, having been fully provisioned, to dock with the captial warships, and the other vessels.

"Baron Admiral, the fleet has been assembled, and is ready to depart. Although everything is prepared, I thought it best to wait until all the personnel got settled down. So, tell me, how you envision this operation to proceed from the viewpoint of the commander of the escort...." asked Admiral Kraken as they glanced out at the holotable.......
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2003 2:42am
A sigh escaped from the man sitting in the commanding officer's chair aboard the Inexorable. A glass filled with Gizar Pale Blue Ale, a lighter version of the ale, resting between his middle and fourth finger on his right hand. With wrist movements from side to side he mixed up the ale, before pressing it to his lips taking a sip of the alcoholic beverage. He had been assigned the position as Line Captain aboard the IFAC (Illustrious Fast Attack Cruiser) Inexorable only a month ago. Having been relocated from the mechanized Core world Aldraig IV where he had served for many months as a second lieutenant at its Imperial Ordance Research Facility. A job he had loved to hate. Forced to stay in his office; scanning documents, checking off incoming equipment, make due change to the specifications, a life none to pleasing to Makenai. It had been his chance, a rebirth into something greater than some nobody in a sector of space unworthy to hold allegiance with the New Order. Though, how he would take back that opportunity. Sitting on the bridge barking orders and shouting commands to his officers day in and day out, with the dark void stretching interminably into nonexistence. A thing could make the sane ... crazy.

The half-mile vessel approached the lush virent planet of Vladet. Line Captain Denial had his chief technical officer bring up its planetary statistics, while trying to form contact with the flagship of this operation. He read over the planet's statistics, as he did the diagram of the gargantuan shipyards which were being transfered. "Sir, we are recieving a real-time audio transmission from the flagship?" commented one of the lowly, technical officers who had made his way onto the bridge.

"Patch me through," he spoke nonchalantly at the young man. The DelDot 9.1 hypertransciever had just been installed into the starship. The hyperspace communications device was quite similar to the HoloNet terminal, but had been inexpensive allowing it to be a valuable asset to the starships in a lesser known planetary system. This device had allowed a starship to send and recieve real-time audio and video transmissions while traveling through hyperspace and while out of the hyperspace lanes. A picture came up on the six by six foot monitor in front of him. "I see we have started without me, Admiral," he said speaking rhetorically with a smile across his face.
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Dec 23 2003 3:03am
" Vice Admiral, departure time is set for three hours. I have dispatched my orders for deployment to all commanders. Your priority is to keep that station in one piece as we careen through hyperspace. We will barely break light speed - I will not be responsible for her coming apart before reaching Balmorra."

Admiral Baron Desaria looked away from the holo-recorder camera for a second as an aide handed him a report. A pair of emerald eyes looked over the crystal sheet before placing the device next to his bridge-placed command chair.

" I have just been informed that the 717th Patrol Group has engaged and driven off four pirate corvettes operating near Trivious. Now that is dangerously close to our route so I will deploy the advance element ahead of the main body by five minutes. If mines are deployed or an interdictor net erected, at least the yard will not be compromised."

The Admiral accepted a cup of caf from a yeoman and turned towards the protocol droid recording his visage. " Admiral, I have been placed in charge of security for this mission. I doubt we will encounter any problems, but if we do, what can that complex withstand in the way of damages?"
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Jan 2 2004 8:19am
The message was recieved by Vice Admiral Kraken, noted, and stored away in his mind for future reference, if need be.

"Very well, let's get this operation moving people." ordered the Vice Admiral.

In hours, the shipyards began to move in motion torwards the hyperspace lanes, with the Imperial warships forming up in escort formation around them. Soon the whole flotilla would depart for the system of Balmorra, where the shipyard would reside, away from the potential danger that threatened it.