Vladet; Mansion of the Imperial Regent
Trachta breezed through the doorway into the luscious lounging room, almost startling the young Regent who lay reclining in one of the comfortably padded chairs munching on rhyscate.
"I see you're already working on expanding your stomach to that of a more typical monarch."
Kach ignored the comment, knowing that the head of Imperial Intelligence had been in an irritable mood as of late. He had been in the same mood as well, until he'd given into self pity and indulged himself on the comforts as living under the title of Regent. He saw what he was doing now as a foreshadowing of what was to come when he was crowned Emperor, a move that Trachta was supposed to be finding out how to accomplish after their latest plan backfired.
True, blackmailing Park Kraken with his family had gotten them to their current positions, but he had countered them by bringing his family out into the open, proclaiming his wife Empress, his sons Princes, even as they joined the Imperial Military to follow in their father's footsteps. Intelligence rated as low the likelihood that killing off one or more members of his family would help to achieve their goals.
"While you've been lounging about, I've discovered the means to advance your career," commented Trachta. That one sentence triggered a spewing of half chewed rhyscate all over the imported Bantha fur rugs as Kach looked up at him in disbelief.
"How?" came the one worded question.
"We will poison him," said Trachta simply.
Kach sat back into his chair, winded as a loud sigh left his lips.
"Even you should know that would never work. We, or at least I, would be the highest suspects on the list," muttered Kach just loud enough for Trachta to hear.
"There will be no list."
Kach looked at him pointedly, "If there is no list produced for his murder of the most likely suspects by Imperial Intelligence, then that would highly implicate you. Are you willing to take the risk to advance my career just so I could pardon you? At that point, most people would see it as a double conspiracy, with our reign lasting only as long as a coup d’état could be organized by our military. We might be able to purge the military in time, but then that would leave us helpless against the advancing Reavers. No, I could never see this working."
"There will be no murder."
"Okay, you have me interested. Let's hear it."
"This is a former Intelligence project that was long ago buried after the need for it became irrelevant. This was way back when the New Order was first becoming established. We had many enemies, but not necessarily the military might to deal with them all. Measures were conceived to help us out in that regards, including biological agents. This particular agent is designed to enter the body, induce the victim into having a stroke, while working to erase the portions of his brain where the memory is concerned, before dissipating. Once he awakens, he will have a severe and permanent case of amnesia, reducing himself to a shell of the man he once was. He will be forced to abdicate, and with that abdication will come your ascension to the position of Emperor."
"Ahh, excellent. How will you administer this poison?" asked Kach, sitting up straight now.
"If you must know, it will be inserted into his food at one of his 'Royal Banquets'," commented Trachta dryly.
"What about the cooks and the taste testers?"
"After the tragic loss of most of the Regent's staff on Coruscant, a lot of staff locally was hired on to replace them. Much of the staff has positions within another government agency that our esteemed Emperor doesn't know about," said Trachta mockingly.
"Imperial Intelligence," answered Kach with a smile.
"Correct. So very soon now, you will become Emperor."
"Emperor Thorton. I will have another Rhyscate to that," said Kach, lifting his stuffed fork up to his mouth as Trachta turned about and left the room to carry out their plans...