Posted On:
Jun 3 2005 12:38am
Mikel did not like the thought of going to Corruscant at all, even more to do what sounded like stealing. But he knew it had to be done and thought that it was the imperials that had it so that mad it a little better. As Mikel grabbed the saber, he ignited it and twirled it around, the blue blade blurring as Mikel then deignited it and put it back onto his belt, half hoping he wouldn't have to use it.
Before he got onto the transport he made sure the saber was hidden but still ready to be gotten if needed. As Mikel entered the transport, he got a wierd feeling something bad was going to happen but quickly shook it off as nothing, knowing the trip would take several hours and he had all the time to think about what might go wrong later.
Mikel arrived on Corruscant without incident, which made him feel as if things might turn out right. As he got a feel for things he started to walk towards the impound lot, hoping that this would be a simple mission and would be over soon.
Posted On:
Jul 10 2005 10:04pm
Zarith watched from the shadows as the young Jedi made his way off of the transport. The information that had been passed to him appeared to be correct. Someone in the New Order had figured out where this ships was bound for after it had been impounded. That information had been passed down to him. It was likely that a Jedi would be sent to take the ship back, and as a test he was sent out here to stop them.
Zarith could just barely feel Mikel's presence. His force perception was toned down to help keep him invisible to his opponent. Zarith watched the Jedi walk off in the direction of the impound yard.
Zarith had grown up on Coruscant, his childhood spent in the uppermost areas, where those with wealth and power lived. As his family had declined, he found himself slowly sinking lower and lower into the depths of Coruscant. He had become the man he was today in those lower depths, learning how to fight, to survive. His connection with the force had given him an edge he needed in those days. His hand went up to his face and slowly traced the long scar that ran across it. That one had been a particularly close call.
With his knowledge of Coruscant, Zarith was able to arrive at the impound yard before the Jedi. He waited in the shadows, biding his time until he could strike.
Posted On:
Jul 12 2005 12:34am
Mikel did his best not to attract too much attention as he made his way to the impound lot. When he got there he had a feeling hew was being watched but shook it off as paranoia. As he looked over the lot for the ship he had to get he found the ship he was looking for. Now the problem was getting it out without anyone causing any problems about it. He walked up to the front and stood there for a second, deep in thought. Getting an idea, he walked over to one of the guards in front.
"So, it must be a boring job guarding these ships. I have a ship in there, you think I could have it." Mikel asked as he looked at one of the guards.
"Sorry sir, unless you have permission from higher up, you aren't going to be getting anything." The guard replied in a harsh tone.
Mikel then took one of his hands and did a small circle. "You want to let me get my ship from impound." He said as he pushed in on the guards brain trying to get the ship so he could quickly leave. He hated being there as he still felt he was being watched.
Posted On:
Jul 13 2005 6:53pm
Zarith saw the Jedi approach the impound lot and begin to talk to the guard. Zarith snickered. The Jedi would talk and try and manipulate his way in, but Zarith was a Sith. Sith simply took what they wanted. They did not bother talking or dealing with some simpleton guard.
Zarith rapidly considered his options. He could move against the Jedi now, while he was busy with the guard. It might make the battle go quickly, but it would draw unwanted attention. He would be attacking the Jedi out in the open, and the guard might have time to alert the authorities. It was also highly likely that the impound lot was equipped with cameras. It would be difficult for him to escape with witnesses and video images of him plastered all over the planet. No, he would have to be more subtle.
Zarith quietly circled around the impound lot. He soon found what he was looking for, a secondary emergency entrance to the lot. It was a single door, a holocamera hanging over it, watching for anyone who might try and gain entrance. Zarith smiled darkly. Reaching out with the force he twisted the holocamera around so it face the building itself, effectively blinding the security inside. He then quickly made his way to the door and waited.
Zarith's efforts were soon rewarded as the door slid open and a lone figure slowly stepped out. Zarith was on him quickly, a quick stab with his lightsaber through the man's throat made sure that he could issue no screams before dying. Zarith dashed into the lot, decapitating another guard who had apparently accompanied the other man he had killed. Zarith glanced around, finding that he was in some sort of security building. He raked his lightsaber across the various controls, sending sparks and flashes up from them. "No records." He muttered to himself. He then set off to what he had identified as the ship the Jedi was coming for. Zarith smiled, he would slay the Jedi just as he reached his objective.