A Death Mark...? (Assault on Chandrilla)
  • Posted On: Nov 17 2001 2:41am
Outerspace held many unknown secrets, some that may never be revealed. It was on the night of the 16th of the 11th month that it was found out that the leader of the Rogue Empire himself...held a Chandrillan death mark. It was time to take matters into his own hands. Knowing The Black Dragon Fleet as a foolishly small group...he knew he could wipe them out, easily as well. Of course, Fearsons knew efficiency was the only way to do things.

He stood at the bridge's viewport, monitoring the endless stars that stretched before him, and just in front of the wedge-shaped craft...was Chandrilla. It was indeed another one of his favorites...and now everything that held a Black Dragon Fleet marking was to be wiped out, completely annhilated from any existence.

"Captain Wyldan, set shields to code yellow position, prepare for a war," the emperor explained, merely standing there with his hands clasped behind his back. The formerly cocky captain merely bowed his head in recognition, and relayed the orders quickly. Fearsons spun on his heels, facing the bridge. "Gentlemen....here we have it, they have a death mark on me...and well, here I am." He simply grinned, spinning again to watch the forthcoming battle. Soon...


1x Interdictor Cruiser
2x Victory-Class Star Destroyers
2x Corellian Gunships
3x Lancer Frigates
2x Imperial-Class Star Destroyers
1x Imperial Escort Carrier
Full Compliments of Sentinel Shuttles and Assault Transports
25 TIE Fighters
25 TIE Interceptors
25 TIE Advanced
25 TIE Bombers
  • Posted On: Nov 17 2001 3:43am
Gaven ordered The Lancers back, seeing the fight was hopless. He ordered the almost finshed ISD to Ram a path for the Lancers to escape.

They loaded with People that had helped the Imperials, and ordered away those that didn't. GAven left his droids behind to kill anyone that tryed to take Chandrila. He just needed to escape, and he wasn't about to let Anyone Have this Planet. He ordered 600,000 Of the avarage population to defend them when they tryed to take Chandrila.

Time to go. Kata boarded the Lancer, and Gaven took the helm. They Scanned for tracers, but found nothing. The ISD had a path cleared, and Gaven left. He set a course before they got out of the Gravity. The second they were Free, the Lancer shot into Hyperspace away from the Battle.
  • Posted On: Nov 17 2001 4:00am
OOC: Almost finished ISD. Hmm. Let me see.... no. You may not.
  • Posted On: Nov 18 2001 3:35pm
OOC *counts the number of things wrong with that post...* the ISD...the god moding....and the escaping of my gravity wells before I had a chance to respond...interesting. You have two days to edit the post before I launch the planetary attack.
  • Posted On: Nov 18 2001 11:54pm
Talk to Gash. He knows I quit TRF.
  • Posted On: Nov 19 2001 2:21pm
OOC Hmm, I guess that means I can take Chandrilla...
Posts: 37
  • Posted On: Nov 19 2001 9:05pm
ooc: Unless im mistaken, you'll still have to RP it. :( bummer dude.
  • Posted On: Nov 19 2001 9:17pm
OOC: boys boys, cant we all just get along?......and get back to IC?
  • Posted On: Nov 21 2001 3:10pm
For nearly three days the Rogue Empire had stationed their fleet around the small and prosperous system of Chandrila, destroying literally everything that attempted to enter or leave the system…thus far there were four foolish transports who tried. The Disruptor, as usual, was the arbiter of the situation, maintaining steady opposition over the former location of the rogue Black Dragon Fleet.

Already the sovereign “commander” had fled the scene, leaving the populace to rot at the hands of the enemy. However, Fearsons had another idea. Aboard the Disruptor, the personnel watched the monitors as Admiral Gaven appeared to the populace, he seemed like he was going to make a speech.

“My loyal citizens of Chandrila, a terrible predicament has befallen us! The Rogue Empire’s ferocious and tyrannical starships have entered our system, and are beginning to ravage our moons as we speak. My citizens and friends I give one and one order alone, fight the Rogue Empire, with all your might and strength, stop them from ravaging your women, and sacrificing your children to some false god!” the speech went on like this for several minutes, more or less trying to convince the civilians to do the military’s handiwork.

When it all ended, the whole of the Disruptor’s bridge erupted in a mocking laughter. Fearsons, perhaps, the loudest. A pain growing slightly in his side from the laughter, he spun to face the men on the bridge.

“False gods? Ha! They should know we only sacrifice to real gods!” he joked, being rewarded with more laughter. “Well then, everyone back to work, Wyldan…launch the missile boats.”

“Yes…my lord,” Wyldan acknowledged, bowing in respect before turning and relaying the order as usual. However this time, it was a political battle, it was all depending on who won over the people. That was the Rogue Empire’s specialty.

The shuttle-shaped figures flew forward toward the atmosphere at blinding speeds as they turned on their heavy boosters. Atmospheric friction tried desperately to force back the twelve craft, but to no avail.

Beautiful blue skies spread up as the stars faded, welcoming the attackers, and they were met by a ferocious barrage of red and green laser blasts…they were expecting them. Volleys of laser fire was exchanged, the bombers swooping down low to pick off the guns on the ground, or dodging the blasts while the others did the former. Of the twelve, seven were attempting to clear the enemy TIEs who came to meet them, while the remaining five attempted to clear the LNR series of laser cannons.

Nu 3 led the air-to-air assault, barely dodging a TIE Fighter blast with a beautiful roll to the right, then a dive to avoid the next. There were three TIE Fighters on him, and he had to act fast to avoid the several shots the smaller craft was able to unleash in a matter of seconds.

“I need some help here,” he said through his organic breathing utensils, which were designed to help the pilots with g’s and life support. Another shot and another dodge, until the TIE moved directly behind him, Nu 3 could almost feel the pilot’s mocking grin as his fingers moved closer to the triggers.

Yet…the laser blasts never came, and winced eyes were able to open, seeing the one remaining solar panel of the first TIE Fighter fall to the ground, while the other two broke off desperately, but meeting concussion missiles the same way their leader did. Sparks and debris crashed into the ground in unison with the cheers from Nu 3. “Good shot Nu 6,” he said with a smile, pulling up on his joystick to bring the missile boat into a spin behind another TIE Fighter. The single laser cannon produced six shots, four of which rammed into the rear twin ion engines, which ended another pilot’s career.

Down on the ground, similar results spewed forth for the missile boats, who were forced to dodge laser blasts just as frequently, if not more so as the others. There were two LNR Series II’s, very strong planetary defenses to say in the least. But little could rival a missile boat’s speed, and they dodged and rolled, Nu 9 dropping a bomb directly on top of the first, sending it into searing flames. From even their altitudes, men could be seen running back and forth in both fear and pain on the ground as the the flames continued to reach them.

“Good shot Nu 9,” Nu 1 said, pulling up to dodge another blast, but not quite making it. Though only a minor hit due to his shields, he lost a bit of control. In a matter of seconds, he regained it. Two more TIEs were launched from the hangar that the LNR weapons were defending, immediately they moved on the offensive, attempting desperately to eliminate the attackers. But they too fell in a ray of light and missiles. There were six TIE Fighters left, all moving in to eliminate Nu 1, who had suffered two more hits from both the planetary AAA and the TIEs.

“We’ve got to help Nu 1,” Nu 4 explained, pulling down in a tight loop, however gravity was against him and he began spinning toward the ground. He pulled up, but his craft was inverted, and it did not do much. Therefore, pushing down on the stick and pressing the break on his yokes with all his might, he managed to pull up in an inverted loop, skimming the grass with the bottom of his craft. Any harder and his bombs would have exploded inside.

The battle raged on, the second LNR Series II falling in a beautiful display of team work as Nu 7 blasted away at it with his single laser cannon before pulling up, only for the AAA to meet an advanced proton torpedo. All that was left now was the hangar which could have held anywhere from six, to six hundred TIEs, were they just waiting to ambush them?

Nu 2 clicked on his communications system immediately preceding the anti aircraft gun’s destruction. “Attention on missile boats, focus directly on that hangar, all firepower should be on that military hangar!” he exclaimed, everyone in the group knew the importance of the destruction of that docking bay.

Nu 1 was the first to launch an attack, letting loose his own advanced torpedoes, which in return caused a massive explosion, taking down two of the pillars. But still it stood tall and firm. Six more TIE Fighters raced out of the opening, immediately breaking formation in a series of twists and turns to both launch laser assaults at the enemy bombers and dodge their riposted fire.

TIE Fighter Alpha 6 flew itself behind Nu 3, who was the next in line to launch a missile attack on the hangar. With perfect accuracy, it began firing, tearing apart the engines of the craft and sending it soaring toward the ground. Nu 6 saw this and flew itself in toward the TIE, but it was too late, the allied craft plummeted to the ground, ramming nose first into the ground. The pilot seemed alright, but the craft would need massive repairs before it could ever fight again.

“This is Nu 9, beginning attack,” Nu 9 said, immediately thereafter launching his torpedoes. He wasted no time in waiting for a lock, and saw them crash into the hangar itself, sending explosions all throughout the interior. Screams and yells were audited over the speakers as the pilots tuned into the enemy’s radio transmissions, then the staticy silence that preceded death.

In a great cheer of victory, the missile boats all lined back into proper formation, three on the top, three on the bottom, five (normally would be six, but Nu 3 was on the ground awaiting pick up) in the rear. It was the Rogue Empire’s trademark for the Missile Boats, and never once had they won a victory without doing such a thing.

Switching on his radio to the Victory Star Destroyer Red Dog, Nu 1 spoke. “This is Missile Boat Nu 1, we’ve cleared the primary defenses of one one decimal six nine, you may enter the orbit and begin setting up encampment,” he reported as they flew to their designated landing zone., where they would dock until the camp was set up.

“My lord, we’ve cleared a small portion of ground just twenty miles from Chandrila’s capital,” Wyldan reported with a salute. Fearsons turned and nodded to his captain, and began strolling over to his seat, where the PeFauna awaited. How he did ever so enjoy their company, even if they never did say anything.

The emperor cleared his throat. “Prepare for military bombardments, the Victory Star Destroyer Red Dog will be the arbiter of those attacks. Start by clearing the bases around the city, then take out their SAM’s,” Fearsons ordered, going into deep detail about his strategy. Wyldan absorbed every last bit of information like a sponge, taking notes on everything said. “We will eliminate any Black Dragon defenses, do not harm the privately run military, let Chandrila see we are only here to strike at their enemies, as well as make a deal with them, don’t let them think its their fault.” It was the last order that surprised the captain, the most, for a majority of the missile launchers on the planet were in fact run by Chandrila’s own military, and not the fleet’s.

“My lord?” he asked inquisitively, a slight bit of puzzlement in his voice. The emperor only nodded in return. “You do know that a majority of the enemy SAM’s are run by Chandrila’s military and not Black Dragon Fleet’s?”

“Yes, I know.”

“Then our men are doomed,” Wyldan argued. It was well known that the captain was more interested in the safety of his own men then even the whole goal. A trait that could be used to the Rogue Empire’s advantage.

However at this point the emperor only flashed a smile, where most would strike him down for even mentioning debate against the sovereign. “My dear friend Captain Wyldan, you don’t understand. The people will see us as an enemy of we attack their targets. Therefore, we will not launch air raids on their cities any more than necessary…the HT-ATs and storm troopers will take care of any SAMs that are foolish enough to attack the Rogue Empire,” Fearsons explained, but yet his subordinate did not understand, and that showed in his expression. “Our forces will only seize the city from Black Dragon, when that is done, we will simply offer it back, but they will be warned that others will attack. They will be warned that we are the most lenient faction willing to take them under our wing.” Now the captain began to understand.

“So we show them the Rogue Empire’s hospitality and charity then?” Wyldan asked, more to confirm his theory than out of curiosity.

“Of course,” Fearsons replied with that same soothing smile.

A sigh of relief escaped the captain’s lips, one he didn‘t mean to let escape. He looked down at the floor and nodded, “I will dispatch the Red Dog at once,” he said. Fearsons returned the statement with a nod.

Wyldan wasted no time in doing so as he spun and proceeded back to the command post, seeing that the Victory-Star Destroyer was already moving into position toward the atmosphere…they were very ambitious. That was something the emperor would have to work on with them.

The city of Chandrila was in an uproar, they had all heard of the Rogue Empire’s attacks on the outer stations, and it was beginning to scare them all. The Rogue Empire? Chandrila? The populace knew it had to have something to do with those who called themselves Black Dragon. Governor Pelsem stood in his office as he saw the riots in the streets, burning the banners and stations that used to hold the fleet that swore to defend the planet from Imperial marauders. Had they abandoned them? No, Gaven would never do such a thing. But then again, the only two of the fleet’s ships left had just left the scene.

Of course the speech did not put the people on any better of terms with them, and even now people rioted and robbed stores, martial law could not be enforced as the military was beginning to move forward in an attempt to fight off the Rogue Empire…but could they really when only a whole quarter of their army was in fact their own? The other three quarters were in fact Black Dragon Fleet’s…a dark day it seemed.

Behind him, Mayor Sel spoke up. “Sir, we still have a chance, if we negotiate with Emperor Fearsons we could-” but the mayor was never allowed to finish her sentence.

“Sel…we cannot beat them, they have come, I knew this day would come but I did not act on it, Gaven has abandoned us…” the governor said sadly, looking to the ground.

“He would not, he has been nothing but faithful to our planet for years, why now?”

“Because he has bitten off more than he could chew,” Palsem reasoned, turning from his window back to the female mayor in his office. “He placed a death mark on Rogue Imperial officials, even the emperor himself, now that the emperor has come to stake the claim…he thought Chandrila would defend him.” He then sat down in his chair, the unmistakable sound of a capital ship’s engines roaring over head…a Victory Star Destroyer. “They’re here.”

Sel slammed her fist down on his desk in rage. “You’re just going to give up?” she screamed louder than she intended, but she showed no signs of that.

“Dammit Sel we don’t have a choice! They’ve already crushed the Black Dragon Fleet’s outer base, that’s over seventy TIEs knocked out in under an hour,” he debated, his argument seeming quite valid. “Why kill our own people in a vein attempt to preserve us?”

“Mon Mothma did, and she’s a Chandrilan!” Sel protested.

“Look where it got her, nowhere! We don’t have a choice Sel, I’m not going to sacrifice civilians and good men so that they can just trample right over us!”

Sel thought for a moment, he was a stubborn man, she could see that. “And what about what Gaven said? About Rogue Imperial soldiers raping our women and killing our children? Are you about to just let that happen without a fight?” she said seeing a chance for argument.

“Oh pish posh! Have you ever heard of such a thing from other star systems? Do you think Bespin would have given themselves over to them if they were rapists?” the governor explained back. He too had a point Sel could see.

“Fine, you let our city go up in flames because you don’t want to sacrifice a ‘few good men’,” she barked, turning and slamming the door after her exit.

“You’ll see Sel…we’ll be alright,” he said, bowing his head to face his desk. “I hope.”

The Red Dog had begun its attack on Chandrila, launching TIE Bombers by the dozens to attack the city’s Black Dragon defenses. Captain Zekj, the captain of the Red Dog, was a bit uneasy about Fearsons’ strategy, but he was willing to go by his orders. According to the scouts’ reports, there were over twelve thousand Black Dragon forces in the city, so far placing it under martial law, with over seven thousand outside the city trying to ward off the Rogue Empire, where stormtroopers had already set up camp.

As well there were twelve laser batteries and seven missile pads to eliminate, that did not include the other defenses around the planet, but those were not of priority. Everyone knew that the way to win a political war was the seize the capital, then the rest would be soon to follow.

Missiles raced across the skies, some smashing into the shields of the Red Dog, causing little to no damage to the incredible yet aging figure. Lasers retaliated in response to the enemy missiles, a great explosion replacing the first two missile pads. More missiles came from the other two, but the TIE Bombers managed to take them down with lasers of their own before launching torpedoes….destroying the missile pads.

In less then thirty minutes, all that was left was one AAA.

The streets of Chandrila were hell, Black Dragon soldiers firing into crowds of innocent people who would not fight the Rogue Empire, those who were not killed were arrested. Daractor Elpon, one of the civilians there, had already lost his wife and daughter to the “soldiers”, and was ready to combat this supposed army with all his might. His friends and he had gathered already, but they were not enough to fight off what, twelve thousand infantry, not counting the enemy vehicles?

The thirteen men saw the small group of infantry beating on the civilians who tried desperately to flee to their homes…their first target. Holding crude civilian weapons and sporting blasters, they definitely did not have a chance against a strong military, but they could get revenge, which was what they really wanted.

“Hey, leave the lady alone!” Daractor yelled, his eyes narrowing as he saw one of the soldiers beating a poor old woman with a club. He spun in unison with the bold man’s voice, and spun, walking slowly over to him. The other soldiers too decided to follow, lifting their blasters and yanking down on the hammers in a failed attempt to intimidate the men.

Jesel was the first to strike, one of Daractor’s closest friends holding an old hunting rifle. He lifted it to his shoulder, taking aim and firing at one of the eighteen guards, penetrating the helmet and killing him. The other troops saw this, and with a hint of rage, began running for the thirteen rebels, who in turn began running for them. Lifting blades, knives, and primitive guns. They collided with intensity unrivaled, passion erupting from the rebels as blades slashed and clubs smashed, while guns shot and people screamed. Other civilians too joined in the fight, a small resistance had just formed.

Daractor saw a blade coming right for him amidst the battle, and he knocked it aside with the butt of his gun, before using that very same piece to ram into his attacker’s jaw. He stepped back in both shock and pain, and the barrel was pointed at him, Daractor, feeling the sorrow of his dead wife and daughter, shot, killing the oppressive and greedy soldier. Chandrila would soon be free he knew.

In only a matter of moments, the soldiers lay dead on the street, and the new rebellion had grown by seven people, twenty in all. Further they paraded down the streets, every now and again killing off a few soldiers before fleeing to the sewers or back alleys.

Thus far the day had gone very prosperously for the Rogue Empire, taking nearly twenty miles of ground from the Black Dragon Fleet, and already setting up a small installation north east of the city, near the ocean. It was nothing major, just a small encampment to hold the stormtroopers until they made it to the enemy city. Eight thousand soldiers in over twenty different camps, all preparing for a major ground assault, and the HT-ATs had not even arrived yet. General Strong, the leader of the ground assault, sat in his quarter with the rest of the Rogue Imperial subordinates, who were preparing and editing the tactics for the upcoming assault. The biggest problem was the soldiers waiting for them outside the city in the several bases. Of course, the missile boats eliminating these bases would be the preferable choice, but then again, the missile boats were over forty miles away, and even if they could make it there, the enemy was dug in so well into the ground, their bombs simply couldn’t impact enough damage to actually defeat the enemy.

“Our tanks should be able to do the job…” Colonel Yelo brought up, looking over the holographic image of the enemy territory, presented to them by their tactical astromech droid. “Give them some infantry as well and we could get into their forts.”

The other two colonels shook their heads in response. “No no, they have plenty of anti-personnel batteries there that could easily wipe the floor with us, we would have to wait for the HT-ATs or even the missile boats to take them out,” Colonel Bvjen, one of Strong’s other subordinates, responded. He pointed to the three dig ins that made up the first base they would have to get there, there were six in all. Colonel Kreeps was the last to speak up. The Sullustan spoke in his fluent language, his fish head bobbing up and down with every syllable. General Strong was the only one who could understand him.

“That wouldn’t work,” he said back. “Probably the best strategy would be to simply run them out, tear down their fortresses via siege.” The men looked at each other then back at strong.

“Are you sure sir?” Yelo asked worriedly.

Strong nodded his response. “Of course, hit them with full force, let them know then when we come, we’re bringing hell with us.”

The colonels argued this amongst themselves for a moment or two, going over the pros and cons of a full fledged assault on the bases. Finally they all nodded their heads in agreement before looking at the general. “When we will commence the attack?” Bvjen asked excitedly, his adrenaline getting the best of him.

Strong, seeing his excitement said, “Tomorrow morning, no sooner. Our men need to get themselves ready, a sudden attack would be most imprudent.” Bvjen, excited as he was, nodded his agreement.

“Very well sir, early tomorrow morning, two hour march you’d say?”

“Two and a half maybe,” the general said, measuring and estimating the time. Though he seemed conceited, he wanted to be able to know exactly how long it would take, so the men could be ready. After exchanging their good byes and good lucks, the small strategy room was empty with the exception of the astromech droid and the utensils that any military room would have.

The day went by quite peacefully once the air raids ended, as the Victory-Class Star Destroyer found its way in a defensive position away from the city, where it was out of range of the awesome LNR Series II lasers. Though the Rogue Empire could easily walk right over Chandrila and the Black Dragon Fleet, Fearsons had ordered essence and precision, he wanted it done right, not dangerously and easily.

The next morning came all too soon for the men, but they showed no complaints as the tanks and mobile personnel vehicles began moving from the base. Across the grass and mountains the men were forced to march, having been led by the one hundred and twenty five tanks planned to go on the assault. AT-PT’s as well were no secret, seven hundred of them, this was going to be an assault of assaults.

For nearly three hours they marched until finally they saw it: the first base. It was unmistakable with six missile launchers and twelve anti-infantry turrets. The ground mounted into a large hill that seemed to house a base beneath the planet, and thus they could unleash possibly thousands of soldiers before the stormtroopers ever got close to the base.

The Rogue Empire forces were an assortment of stormtroopers and camouflaged infantry, the latter being the moreover, since stormtroopers were becoming ever so expensive to make, and even harder to find. Obviously the AT-PT’s would have to be the first part of the attack, since the tanks would be completely wiped out by the enemy missile launchers, but the batteries could give trouble to the one man walkers.

Strong, who was in one of the tanks, lifted the intercom to his face. “All personnel prepare for ground assault, I want the tanks to stand back as far as they can and launch an all out bombardment, when the missile launchers are clear, launch the AT-PT’s,” he ordered over each person’s helmet transceiver. It took no time at all for the tanks to mount themselves on a high perch, where they could see the enemy missile launchers and anti-personnel batteries. It took no time at all for the lasers to start zooming across the plains at them, the tanks already beginning to take damage to their armored plating.

However the tanks returned fire with their heavy cannons, knocking out two of the missile launchers already. One of the tanks exploded in a flurry of flames and debris, but they kept it up, bombarding the enemy from as far as they could. As ordered by the general, the small combat vehicles began maneuvering, trying to move to the sides and out of the way of the enemy fire with evasive actions. Another two tanks fell quickly, but not before the remaining missile launchers and one of the anti-infantry batteries were knocked out.

“Charge!” Strong yelled into his intercom, and the tank he was in wasted no time in kicking up dirt behind it as it began speeding down the trail at the base. The AT-PT’s were the first to begin firing, launching concussion grenades in the general direction of the batteries, knocking one out before firing with their fore laser cannons.

Defensive fire ended several of the small walkers in their tracks, but still they pushed on, the infantry, tanks, and walkers pouring over the hills in full force. A hatch opened in the ground to let out defending soldiers, draped entirely in black armor and uniforms, attempting desperately to return the fire. In a matter of seconds hundred lay dead as the assault continued.

Being thrown around due to the intensity and speed of the tank, Strong’s voice was a bit shaky into the radio once again. “Repeat, this is General Strong, requesting immediate air support,” the general yelled, hoping to be able to get some missile boats in to help knock out the base.

“That’s a negative, all craft are busy as of now,” the Red Dog captain explained staticly to the commander. Full of frustration he rammed his hand down on the mount of his tank, knowing that several losses would stem from his lack of air support.

Troops left and right began falling as the enemy infantry found mounts, while others began to charge. However the tanks’ returning fire managed to drive them back, while the remaining batteries were in ruins. The battle was going quite well.

Chandrila was in a complete state of turmoil. Resistances and rebels had already formed and began parading down the streets, killing any who showed favor of the Black Dragons, showing little to no mercy to any. They were being assisted by Rogue Imperial TIE Bombers, who had already crushed the enemy garrisons of the city, and the fleet’s control of the city was slowly slipping. Mayor Sel was quite embarrassed by the outcomes, but she knew it was what was best.

But a surprising action had come to the city. Among every single radio and screen in all of Chandrila the image of Emperor Fearsons appeared. He seemed calm and excited, sitting before a desk with several plants behind him, the Rogue Imperial seal displayed proudly on the wall behind him.

“Citizens of Chandrila! My name is Emperor Chadd R. Fearsons of the Rogue Empire, as you have noticed, we are currently bombarding the city with TIE Bombers and missile boats. We will continue this until the Black Dragon Fleet presence is gone, or until we have control of the planet. As we speak, our infantry have begun attacking the bases outlying the city, and the first one is beginning to fall. When they are in the city…your battle shall be won, Black Dragon Fleet will be done for,” he said with a sheepish grin. “I know you wonder where your Admiral Gaven is…well, he’s already left the planet, aboard a Lancer-Class Light Frigate, and we’ve let him go. He will live with his shame of abandoning the people he claimed he could protect. However…I have placed a very substantial bounty on his head, forty thousand credits. We are beginning to liberate Chandrila, so help me as we begin the attack on the city, your military shall not be targeted, only the Black Dragons’, we will begin negotiations after they have been thrown off your planet.”

Everyone in the city simply stopped, jaws to the floor. They had no idea Fearsons himself was in the system, but it was a great morale boost for the resistances, and a great demoralization for the Black Dragons. With even more intensity they charged again, and the two armies collided in unison with a great explosion from a TIE Bomber overhead, crushing another Black Dragon defense.

After three hours, the base had fallen, and the men were off again to find a new encampment between the two bases. According to Fearsons himself, the missile boats would completely abolish the enemy base before they were expected to charge and clear what was left.

General Strong had taken a laser graze to his arm, but was fine now, and they continued to move forward toward the enemy stronghold. His eyes gazed around the green grasses and wondered why the Black Dragon Fleet had chosen this planet to station itself at. Why not somewhere where their terror and tyranny would not dampen such a beautiful place? But he decided not to let this cloud his judgment. He focused entirely on the upcoming battle, getting his adrenaline pumping.

It took nearly two hours of marching, but they reached the halfway point between base one and two, and the encampment was set up. Rogue Imperial forces had just won the first battle of Chandrila. Patrolling the camp was General Strong, watching the several soldiers preparing to bunk for the night. Having ravaged the supplies desperately, they were well stocked and ready for another attack if it came.

Fearsons monitored over the reports eagerly, gripping the data pad with ever growing excitement. The Rogue Empire had attacked with amazing force, and already the planet was falling to them. Of course, the infidel Black Dragons would no doubt continue to battle until they could battle no more…it was not an issue. He sat in his private quarters, Tabris sleeping in the bed nearest him, quite worn out from her journey to see him.

“Well then,” he said to himself quietly, trying not to awaken her. “Looks like the only thing left to do is to go down there and actually seize the city.” Wyldan made his entrance at this point, as much as it annoyed Fearsons personally, he knew that he had to be there.

“My lord, your order upon the current situation?” he asked as he came up from his bow. The emperor nodded his head, as per proper etiquette, and cleared his throat.

“Move the Red Dog away from the city, and have it take out the bases, our ground troops are belated as it is,” Fearsons ordered, spinning in his throne to face the stars.

“My lord?”

“You heard me, I want it over with, the Victory Star Destroyer has rockets capable of destroying just about anything, so let’s use that to our advantage,” he said with a grin. Wyldan began to understand where he was coming from..

“Yes my lord, we have launched the HT-AT’s, they should be attacking the enemy by noon today,” the captain reported, seeing how good news often joyed the emperor. This awoke the sleeping wife of the emperor, and with a quite cute yawn, she walked over to him and plopped herself in his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“What’s going on?” she asked with a loving smile. Fearsons placed his arms around her and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead.

“Nothing, we’re just preparing to seize the planet,” he said, spinning back to face Wyldan. “Launch the HT-AT’s, wheeled assault, when they’re in the city, retract the legs and launch an all out battle.” Wyldan saluted once more before spinning and exiting. Fearsons looked down and kissed his wife one more time. “We’ll be going home soon.”

The missile boats soared over the city’s surface in simply perfect order, bombs blazing down on the city and finishing off the final garrison. All that was left were the troops who fired on civilians, who would be no issue to the stormtroopers who were coming ever closer to the city. According to Nu 1’s calculations, they’d be there in less than seven hours.

“Sir, we have three TIEs coming in at Mark Two Eight,” Nu 6 said over the intercom, the group breaking off in standard military procedure. Both sides attempted vertical rolls away, and flew over the city, seeing several of the Black Dragon soldiers retreating.

According to the scanners, Nu 6 was in fact correct, only three TIEs, but for some reason, the scanners could not pick up the twelve others coming in…interceptors. They were being jammed. Nu 1 sensed this and pulled up, followed by the other boats.

“We have an enemy capital ship around here boys,” Nu 2 explained. “They’re jamming us, we can only pick up so many targets at one time!” Gaining immediate target lock, concussion missiles flew ferociously across the skies, causing explosions and solar panels to fly left and right. But they kept coming, several of them that the missile boats could only hold back for so long with concussion missiles alone.

Circling and spinning behind Nu 1, one of the TIE Interceptors let out a flurry of green lasers, which resulted in the disappointing explosion of the missile boat. Everyone in the flight group seemed to have stopped suddenly in both fear and shock…the first air born casualty of the campaign. The rest of Nu group could almost feel tears coming to their eyes as they saw their leader explode and scream over the intercom before…silence.

But their fighting did not stop, if anything it got more intense as Nu 6 let out a flurry of single laser shots which ripped through two TIE Interceptors, before spinning and knocking out another with a concussion missile. Then the enemy capital ship came into view, an enemy Lancer Frigate. Obviously Gaven sent one back in a last ditch effort to preserve their presence.

“This is Nu 9, launching torpedo attack on Lancer Frigate Charlie!” yelled Nu 9 as he let loose his two advanced proton torpedoes. They sped across the sky and finally into the frigate, ripping through its hull before two more rammed into it from Nu 3. Two more from Nu 12 caused a massive explosion which more than avenged Nu 1’s death. It raced down toward the ground and collided with the grass in one more explosion, killing anyone inside.

The planet was falling to the Rogue Empire, and there was no doubt about that. The HT-AT’s had just landed and were already only a matter of moments from it. Commanded by General Corvel they were indeed an awesome site to see. Though only three, they were more than enough to take over the city, carrying twenty five stormtroopers each.

The moment the city came into view, the turbo lasers unleashed themselves, spewing forth red lasers which completely decimated the LNR Series II just outside the city. With the missile boats assisting them, the Rogue Imperial wonders of technology literally crushed the enemy. In over three hours…the planet was taken, the Rogue Empire had another planet to add to their list.