A Darkening Culture (Germanica)
Posts: 5
  • Posted On: Mar 25 2007 4:07pm
(OOC: Take place immediately following Summons)
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]
Lexian Temple of the Nightsisters...

Selene and Lexus stood in the Great Hall of the temple facing Inara. They had been discussing the mission Inara had to complete and the details of it.

“You have your orders my sister” Selene said as she began to make her exit. “Lexus take her to the hangar and give her a fighter.”

“Yes my Matriarch” Lexus said as she motioned to Inara to start following her. They then made their way to the hangar on the far end of the temple. The hangar itself was inside an ancient and long forgotten structure that had been modified to fit the several black Eta-2 interceptors the Nightsisters used.

They approached one of the interceptors which alread had a black R4 unit in its wing…

“This one is yours my sister. Once you are in it, you can adjust its to recognize only your bio signs so it will not be able to be piloted by anyone other than you.”

Lexus pointed to a panel…

“This is the signal beacon that will signal us when you are ready or if you are in need of assistance. And here is what will activate the auto pilot should you not want your ship to remain docked in a foreign hangar.” Lexus handed her a bracelet with controls on it; “You can control your interceptor with this, signaling it to enter orbit or even calling it to pick you up.”

Lexus then stepped away to give Inara room to enter her interceptor…

“I wish you success my sister.”[/FONT]
Posts: 10
  • Posted On: Apr 6 2007 3:36pm
“I wish you success my sister.” Lexus spoke calmly, and slowly walked off.

"Thank you, I will do my best." Inara replied stepping onto the wing of the fighter and entering the cockpit. The fighter's design was familiar because most Germanicans held Aethersprite design ships. Initiating the lift-off, Inara closed the cockpit window and pulled a trigger. The fighter started to slowly lift up, turning on auto-pilot, she toggled the nav computer and saw that the Germanican system was already in there.

Inara studied the systems intently, amazed by the advanced controls of the Eta-2. Inara smiled slightly to herself, and rested herself against the leather seat of the Eta-2. Closing her eyes, she entrusted the ship with the job of transporting her to Germanica...