These guys can't even tell an enemy combatant from an innocent civilian with their own eyes. How is forcing them to make the distinction on a tiny video screen going to help, exactly?
Sounds a bit risky, really. Admittedly, it would reduce soldier's exposure to fire, but that doesn't mean it'll be safer and if anything will probably scare the hell out of the Iraqis.
I mean, it'd be weird enough having foreign soldiers in your country, but when there are Robot Soldiers patrolling the streets...
The rules of reality need to be pre-established and agreed upon before the actual conflict begins. This rules out cries of "hey, you cheated" after the fact.
I like the idea to be half way there, and mostly way out there. Wars should be faught in space, or on very tall mountains... by robots. Galactic Pong for the Middle East!