Uh, actually Ren, Angle's neck was shredded to peaces during his Wrestlemania match with Lesnar after, against doctors orders, he took numerous belly to belly and german suplexes.
WWE Theme Music
Uh, actually, no one cares.
A truer word has never been spoken...
I hate to say it, but I agree with Isstal and Hyfe. You sad, lonely men.
I watched a WWE match once, and it was the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Maybe if they did real fighting, but then there would be a lot of deaths, so I guess they can't do that.
Eh, I watch everything. MMA, RoH, NJPW... and WWE, because it's free.
I'd watch WWE if they killed each other...
That's why I like MMA. Every year, the number of in ring fatalities is always a double-digit number.
Such bull shit.
If I knew what anyone in this thread was talking about, I would kill myself.