Stay away from Aaron Allston's new X-Wing novel Mercy Kill. Coming from a huge fan of all the X-Wing novels, that book is garbage. I always loved the character Voort "Piggy" saBingring but a whole book basically centered around him? No thanks. Not to mention the over all lack of actual X-Wings.
I fully intended on mentioning that earlier, but I guess I forgot.
The book isn't terrible, its pretty much standard for the more recent star wars books, but it doesn't compare to the original X-wing books.
I feel like they put the X-wing name on it solely to capitalize off fans who had loved the X-wing series and had fallen away from reading Star Wars books. As Wilkar said, lack of X-wings (or starfigthers in general) was a big issue. Sure it involved Wraith Squadron, so I can see the attempt to tie it in, but the books about Wraith Squadron always included a decent number of starfighter battles, this lacked that.