I can only look forwards with worry to two futures, veering off from some event in an undetermined future:
Future one is one where true liberals, socialist types, finally reveal the scary lair of old, outdated, and vicious social conservatism for what it is, and even people like Kas will see, and there is a measure of peace and harmony.
Future two is portrayed in 1984.
Kind of off-topic, but still within the usual Left vs. Right perameters of any conversation with Moore in it.
No. It's a well-established fact that a number of Conservatives accuse Michael Moore of making up what you say because they disagree with him.
Here's the thing: I have red those links, and many more, and the claims they make are the same laughable claims they always make.
The first and foremost, and this I absolutely love, is that everything these sites say they expect us to believe on principle. For example:
[font=Arial] No backup. No links to statistics that confirm this, no websites that back this claim up. Just "this is what Moore did."
And of course, Conservatives who are looking for a reason to hate Moore latch onto this and believe it at face value. On the other hand, Moore's written work is always backed up, not only by sources, but by (mostly) reliable sources. Like National Newspapers and TIME Magazine.
The next step to making Moore look like a bad guy is to willfully ignore the point he is putting forward. Again, an example: [/font][font=Arial][/font] [font=Arial] Now, aside from no backup source being presented for these figures (though they are fairily accurate, according to StatsCan), they willfully ignore the point Moore is making in order to scewer your perception. America's largest minority is (or was) Blacks (this may have shifted to Mexicans or Asians, I am not certain). But certainly they are the most "known" minority, yes?
Canada, not taking slaves the way America did, obviouisly will have a significantly smaller Black population.
However, Moore's point is that Canada is diverse. The Asian population of Canada is, for example, is 2 319 325, which is 8% of our population. And despite our diversity, there are less killings than in the United States (even per capita).
From there, let's move to the insulting and the really really fucked up:
[font=Arial][/font] [font=Arial][/font] [font=Arial]The italics are mine, where the writer wisely proves his point by... insulting people. That's right. These kids are in a movie giving their opinion... and they get insulted. Conservative politics at work.[/font] [font=Arial][/font] [font=Arial]Next:[/font] [font=Arial][/font] [font=Arial] This, Kas, puts even you to shame! Let's prove that Canada isn't peaceful by... bringing up the two World Wars! You know... the one where they put millions of lives on the line to keep HITLER from taking over the world? Evidently, a war 50 years ago where Canada joined a massive campaign to keep the world free from tryanny is proof enough that they're not peaceful.
That paragraph actually disgusts me.
[/font][font=Arial] Umm... yeah. What he means to say, of course, is "12 months of dropping bombs on them on a weekly basis, following a war, all the while refusing to let food, medicine, and aid enter their country, followed by lies about weapons of mass destruction, links to Al-Queda, and the "imminent threat" posed by a man found living off rats." Yeah. That's a good way to show that America is peaceful.
Another example of willfully ignoring not only the point, but common sense:
[/font][font=Arial] That's in reference to the Manson interview. Manson says "the president was shooting bombs overseas". The author responds by saying that the kids would have had to be physcic to know that that particular day he shot more bombs than on any other day.
This is actually an example of what you seem to think Moore does. The author puts this forth as if this was the only day there were bombings... obviously, it was not. Moore's point is that the bombing had been on TV for several days or weeks at this point, and the kids had seen it and said "hey, the President solves his problems with violence..."
[/font][font=Arial] Again, an example of ignoring the point. The point being that Clinton solved a problem with violence, and (maybe) the killers got a lesson from this.
[/font][font=Arial] More! Though this may seem somewhat logical at first, it is another example of insults and twisting. First off, the author assumes that no teenager, anywhere, cares or knows about government policy. It is, however, somewhat true. Many teenagers do not respect or emulate government policy, but the author "[/font][font=Arial]has the incredibly delusional notion" that no teenager knows about said policy.[/font] [font=Arial][/font] [font=Arial] Clever way to try and discredit Manson. To bad they ignore the important part of Manson's line - "[/font][font=Arial]That's what no one did."[/font] [font=Arial][/font] [font=Arial]Yes, certainly what they had to say may have been a "violent anti-social vent"... but the act of listening to them may have averted the crisis. That's what's important.[/font] [font=Arial][/font] [font=Arial][/font] [font=Arial][/font] [font=Arial]See, Kas? Sites like "Truth about Bowling" and "Bowling for Truth" use some techniques that they critizise Moore for (supposedly) using, in order to convince the ignorant that they are right. They ignore what doesn't fit into their equation, mishandle points, take things out of context, and generally distort reality and/or the message/point of the film to convince you that they are right.[/font] [font=Arial][/font] [font=Arial]And it works. Because Moore disagrees with you, you're expected to not like him. You're already susicious of him, and so you don't take the time to examine what these people are saying.[/font] [/font]