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· milkshake276 · Master Atonai
When EZboard went down it DESTROYED my board. It was doing pretty well, actually. A good 20 posts a day, some fairly-nice RPing. But it was young, and couldent take the blow of having EZboard go down, nobody came back. dont ask me why.
It looks like it hurt TRF as well, 70 posts a day here? when i joined it was 100 something.
· milkshake276 · Master Atonai
When EZboard went down it DESTROYED my board. It was doing pretty well, actually. A good 20 posts a day, some fairly-nice RPing. But it was young, and couldent take the blow of having EZboard go down, nobody came back. dont ask me why.
It looks like it hurt TRF as well, 70 posts a day here? when i joined it was 100 something.