Posted On:
Aug 1 2006 1:14pm
I've been lurking and posting randomly, sometimes even roleplaying, since the site split from TGC and went independent.
Posted On:
Aug 1 2006 2:08pm
I'd been RPing for a while and did an ezboard search and found TRF. Tried to play but that was when the Jedi were even more inactive than they currently are. So I returned to my normal fantasy board until I had enough of the constant OOC bickering and the RP fights where no one OOC was willing to admit his character was beatable. So I came back to ezboard TRF and found out they had moved to an actual site!
I signed up, didn't do too great at first because this place is of much higher caliber than 'The Gathering'. But with some good tips, I changed my short post ways and am now the relatively inactive Irtar you all know and love! :D
Posted On:
Aug 1 2006 4:23pm
I first joined SWFans in mid-2000. I don't think anyone cares how I got there, but at some point towards the end of 2003 Titus began posting on that board as well. I started talking to him over AIM and he directed me towards TRF, which was on ezboard back then. SWF had been growing pretty stale for me so I decided to try this place out instead. The lovely Gash took me under his wing right from the beginning, and I've been here (not) posting since. This is actually the only roleplaying forum I still bother frequenting.
So that makes what, a bit over six years in total ? Yeesh.
Posted On:
Aug 1 2006 4:28pm
I had first started Role-Playing at SWF in about....2002 I think it was, and then I came over to TRF in 2003 after I was banished from SWF, from the advice of a friend of mine, Telan Desaria. And even though I am no longer banished, I still prefer here from over there.
Posted On:
Aug 1 2006 4:33pm
Goddamn. Am I the oldest person here ? In terms of board history, I mean.
And yeah, I prefer TRF to any of the other SW-related roleplaying forums out there at the moment. They all seem tame in comparison.
Posted On:
Aug 1 2006 4:38pm
Way back when in October of Grade 8 my brother (Marth), somehow found The Gungan Council (TGC for all the newer peeps out there). I forget how he found it but for some reason I think he was looking up information on Koalas for a school project. What Koalas and TGC have in common I never really figured out (it was possible he was bored and just researching star wars stuff for some reason seeing as by that point we had both been reading the books for two years and loved them. Our first ones were definately the Thrawn Trilogy -> Long Live Zahn. Anyway, so he found TGC and founded a group there called Chimera Fleet (or The Chimeran Fleet or something). I was recruited to post as a character to fill up one of his 3 needed members but not to actually do anything at the start. He got hooked up with Chadd Fearsons and his The Rogue Empire somehow. This was right around the time that TGC was splitting into TGC and TRF. So TCF became a subordinate of TRE but didn't actually merge and together they moved to TRF.
At the same point Marth, then Admiral Joe Schmoe, introduced our good friend to TRF and he formed the Mon Calamari Fleet under the name Emperor Teebo. I joined MCF and formed my own group, Iron Fist Fleet at TGC so I could start there and not have to worry about the big bad groups of TRF beating up on me. MCF became allied with The New Alliance and as it turned out Marth also had a character in the New Alliance. Chadd Fearsons got mad, temporarily left TRF for 3 days, Marth stayed as TCF and kept building the Eclipse Star Destroyer in his shipyards only to have Chadd return and take control of it again. Meanwhile there was a battle between MCF and TNA vs. TCF at Kessel, my first ever RP. So I brought IFF over to TRF to help out, we formed the Four Corners Alliance between IFF, TNA, MCF and TCF. We went on an attack againdt TRE which failed and that was the start of a long, multi-year feud between the various members of the Four Corners Alliance and TRE. The names changed over the years with IFF becoming the Iron Fist Empire, MCR becoming the Mon Calamari Republic and TCF becoming The Chimeran Syndicate and TRE eventually turning into The Jutraalian Empire, but the result was the same, most of the Four Corners Alliance groups were destroyed by TRE, with some help from TNO and others and only MCR survived the test of time. Well to be fair TNA merged into the New Republic and then some assests went to form the Duskan League which turned into the Outer-Rim Federation which turned into Black Hand which turned into the Outer-Rim Sovereignty, which would later merge into the Galactic Coalition. Following the Fleet Restart I formed the New Rebellion and eventually the New Rebellion and MCR merged together, along with the group formed a few months (maybe even a year, i'm not sure) before the restart by Dolash, the Azguardian Galactic Military and the Galactic Coalition was formed. And then we eventually became the New Galactic Coalition (or variations of that name).
And that's a rough history of my time at TRF dating back 5 years ago in November/December.
Posted On:
Aug 1 2006 4:39pm
No, Taja, you are not :-P
Posted On:
Aug 1 2006 4:40pm
We are sad, sad individuals.
Posted On:
Aug 1 2006 6:38pm
I started forum RPing in 99. Don't worry Taja, I am by far geekier than you. ;)