What's this all about... (READ)
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 19 2004 4:22am
We were bombed today (sunday). Gash was able to lock down the Café in time and then the OOC forum when they tried to start there.

Two and a half pages in the Café were lost, and five topics in the OOC forum. The Café is hidden and locked right now, so the ezBodies can look it over.

The following forums are locked.

<li>Cafe (also hidden)
<li>The Battlegrounds
<li>OOC Forum
<li>IC News
<li>Training Grounds

Since you'll naturally want to get into these forums, just PM or AIM a staff member, and they'll send you the password. You can propagate the password amongst yourselves, but do not give it to anyone you don't know.

For now, use this as a dump-all for any topics.
  • Posted On: Jan 19 2004 4:27am
HOLY CRAP. i think my board is the only one on showcase that hasnt been hit... Can you please give me some tips on how to stop this @#%$?
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 19 2004 4:32am
Move off of ezBoard. Get out of the showcase. Use the MBA feature.

The next best thing is to set up restrictive user levels. Newbies get only 3-5 posts a day for a few days. These spammers cycled their accounts, so using the post flood safety check wouldn't help any...
  • Posted On: Jan 19 2004 4:33am
Hmm... I know who did this.. One of those old ezboard members that was a psycho.. IM me at Tyxerose7en for info.. But yea.. Thank god im going to vB.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jan 19 2004 4:34am
Wish EZBoard would get a fookin brain.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jan 19 2004 5:20am
Dear sweet Jeebus, what a disaster.
Posts: 1109
  • Posted On: Jan 19 2004 7:19am
this certainly sucks.
Posts: 292
  • Posted On: Jan 19 2004 11:55pm
Sorry to hear this... my condolences.
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Jan 20 2004 2:15am
Had this happen to another board I used to frequent, unfortuantely for that one we only had one admin and he wasn't on when the attack came....so he had to request for a restore. Lost about a months worth of posts if I remember right...