What Is It With Men Today?
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Jan 25 2004 1:19am
I swear, the men I talk to nowadays (whether messenger or posting TRF) are getting more crabby than I do during PMS.

Ken: Gets so engrossed in his Hitman 2 game that I asked him if I should nuke some chicken patties or bake them. Nuke them he says. I pull them out the nuker and he complains that I didnt fry them.

Gue: Well, lets just say that my two newest threads are not agreeing with his marriage.

Gash: Well, hes just Gash and hes damn proud of it, he would say.

I swear, the only one I talked to today that actually acted civil to me was Ken's brother Steve, who stopped by with his wife and 2 kids to drop something off for the girls.

I must be cursed. I really must be.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jan 25 2004 1:21am
I hate everyone.
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Jan 25 2004 1:28am
*raises eyebrows*

So then its not just me?

Or especially me?
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jan 25 2004 1:29am
No, it's everyone. I feel a pretty equal amount of enmity towards everyone.
Posts: 1087
  • Posted On: Jan 25 2004 1:46am
Okay, I heard from Gash and he has a logic reason, I know what Ken's problem is, so that leaves Gue.

*wonders what his excuse is as she bangs forehead into wall*
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 25 2004 2:01am
We men usually get irritated when a woman chooses the wrong time to do something.

Like turn the vacuum cleaner on in the middle of a movie.
Posts: 1109
  • Posted On: Jan 25 2004 2:08am
by the way Gash; I have a sticker I have that you might like:

"Im not racist, I hate everyone equally."
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Jan 25 2004 2:08am
what Kas said
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jan 25 2004 3:24am
I bought one of those but I decided not to put it on my car. Having a bunch of bumper stickers makes you seem like a tool, and I've already got my NDP one.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Jan 25 2004 3:31am
Gash is very pissed. Especially at me. Which reminds me, unblock me.