What Does Russia Think of You?
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Nov 6 2004 5:49am

“In my opinion there are possibilities to forge the elections results and these possibilities are caused by serious, as we see it, violations of the electoral law,” the MP said in a telephone interview.

Full Story - MOSNEWS
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Nov 7 2004 4:41am
Closed, for the following reason.
If people want to open up a topic for discussion, go ahead, this is encouraged. But you must provide some relevant, accurate, and intelligent discussion yourself, <I>first</I>. This requirement is quite lax on posting links to funny videos, games, images, and the like, but for serious topics (politics, religion, etc), it is not and should not be. I'll be closing any topics that do not meet these criteria.