Warhammer 40K
Posts: 118
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2007 12:45am
Ok, seeing as how I've gotten bored watching the ping-pong game of moral debate in Travesty, I have a more interesting question. Does anyone know of any Warhammer 40K roleplayng sites. I've never really found any minus the one I helped support before it fell through due to so few members. I just find the concept intriguing due to its history and fiction.

Anyone know any or perhaps interestied in establishing one?
Posts: 421
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2007 1:09am
I like 40K, but I don't know of any RPing sites for it. If I stumble by one, you'll be the first person I tell though. ;)
Posts: 257
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2007 1:18am
I used to know a really great one on invisionfree but not sure if its around anymore, i've tried to find them before believe me though, its near impossible to find one.
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2007 3:09am
Sites, no - but I do play.
Posts: 118
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2007 3:52am
Oh? What do you play Telan?

And as the lack of sites, would anyone be interested in establishing one perhaps?
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: Dec 21 2007 9:46pm
40k online - (google it , it'll be there)

The best I've found, that and the Warseer forums.

(I'm a Guardsman, myself... ;) )
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Dec 21 2007 10:46pm
I rp the Imperial Guard, if you even had to ask.

I took a regiment from the IG Codex and expanded upon it. I created the Death Korps of Krieg (Totenkorps den Krieg) using models from the Steel legion series. I painted the uniform jackets a blood red, giving the soldiers dark grey breeches and black jackoots with matching helmets, their face masks emblazoned with a spread-winged Imperial Eagle.

My armored units also stray from normal with the core of my formation being a company of Ravagers (as I've named them) which are scale models of Pzkfw VI Tigers with the 88mm removed, replaced with a Vanquisher cannon; story-wise, they are lightly armored heavy-cannon units that can fire and redeploy with some speed. My Armored Personnel Carriers are Sd Fkz 251 with suitable modifications such as dozer blades, sponsons, and the appropriate banners and such.

AS for artillery, I have used the 88mm in its original model with addition range finders and target acquisition devices attached.

My unit is the 117th Jaegerabteilung. I do it mostly for the modeling fun, having only played two Ork opponents - both of whom fell as if they were Polish infantry units....
Posts: 118
  • Posted On: Dec 24 2007 2:32am
Cool, I'm looking into Chaos myself. Either World Eaters or Alpha Legion, both severely different.

World Eaters just draw me from their sheer assault oriented insanity, plus I like the blodd red and bronze/gold color scheme mixed in with their emblem of jaws around a planet.

Alpha Legion just sounds pretty wicked due to their emphasis on infiltration which is possible even with the new codex they put out. Plus hitting the opponent from multiple angles. Their background is simply just amazing as well. If I find 40K rp, I'd probably play an Alpha Legion guy.
Posts: 142
  • Posted On: Dec 27 2007 6:25am
As a Grey Knight player I would suggest going with Alpha legion purely because they are undivided. I have played both and Undivided Chaos is only limited by imagination as to the creatures and models you can make if you make your own figures. Pure Khorne is cool and the world eaters look good. I have cheeked out Warseerer and they do have a forum for writing but it is not real active. If anyone finds a good site for 40 k or creates please let me know. I have myself been looking for such a site.
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: Dec 28 2007 7:34pm
40k online, telling you man, they are active, and better than Warseer, IMO.
