Posted On:
Dec 24 2005 2:37am
No, really?
Christ, we've got a bunch of fucking scientists.
Posted On:
Dec 24 2005 3:52am
I'm just saying that even among the religous nuts are a few fruits of modern thought...or laziness...
Posted On:
Dec 25 2005 1:49am
Actually, there is a crucade of sorts happening right now, the war against terrorism.
Posted On:
Dec 25 2005 3:27am
No, actually, it's not a crusade. We never mentioned anything about religion when we went to war, the Isla...errr...Idiots over there in the Middle East declared it a Holy War, aka, a Jihad, when we went to make them pay for 9/11.
Posted On:
Dec 25 2005 5:57am
One problem I think many of you have is a false definition of what Christianity, true Christianity, actually is. For example, I would hesitate to call the actions of those in the Crusades "Christian," as they were not following the teachings of Christ. Those people murdered those who would not convert to Christianity, which is hardly exemplifying the love and sacrifice of Christ.
A true Christian is one who believes that Jesus, who is God, came to earth in human form. He lived a perfect life, teaching love and holiness, justice and mercy and the way in which they work together. He angered the religious leaders (who, by the way, were like many Christian leaders today - Jesus called them "whitewashed tombs," clean on the outside but full of filth on the inside) to the extent that they plotted to have him killed. Then Jesus, who was and is God, gave the greatest example of everything he had been teaching; He laid down His life for humanity, that each individual's sin might be forgiven. He shed His perfect blood as a sacrifice, the last Passover lamb, that people might be forgiven. Three days later, He arose, conquering death and giving the individual the ability to reestablish his/her relationship with God.
What most people miss is that Jesus did not teach a path of death, of forcing others to convert, and He most certainly did not teach His followers to condemn others. His life was just the opposite. He defended an adultress, he forgave the sins of those who messed up. There was a woman from Samaria who had had five husbands and was living with another man, which to a first-century Jew was a horrible crime. Yet Jesus forgave her. Those He raved at were the finger-pointers, the hypocrites. Those who pointed their fingers at others while their sins were just as great.
Those who call themselves Christians and then alienate other people just like themselves who happen to believe something different are wrong. Plain and simple. And they are a blight upon our faith. Now, that doesn't mean I or any other Christian believes that the person who believes differently is right. Jesus said that He was the only way to heaven, and that is the belief of a Christian. However, that doesn't mean we cannot go past that and see the person behind the faith, it does not mean that we should not be kind or accepting of the person. I, along with many Christians, believe that sex outside of the man-woman marriage relationship is wrong, but that does not mean that I will condemn a person for participating in such an activity. I believe that my sins are just as great in the eyes of a holy God. I deserve punishment as much as the worst criminal in history. The only difference is that I have made the choice to accept Christ as Savior.
I hope you all read through this. It is not, contrary to what some of you may think by now, an attempt to shove my beliefs down your throats. I simply have read some seemingly derrogatory comments about "Christians" and wished to defend and justify my faith.
As for the holidays, which is the actual topic of discussion, yes, the Christian church adopted certain days, such as December 25, as dates for Christian holidays in order to attempt to draw more people to a belief in Christ. However, as for the stories behind the holidays, well, Christmas is a celebration of the advent of Christ. The incarnation, the birth of God as a human. He was born to die, really - his purpose was to save mankind, which is what Easter celebrates. I'm not sure exactly why that date was chosen. Biblically, the date of the resurrection of Jesus is somewhere between 3 and 6 days after the Jewish celebration of Passover, which is what Easter celebrates. As for the stories being fictional - I guess that depends on your beliefs. If Jesus is God, and these things did happen, then while there may be similarities in the stories, there is really no connection. If the first statement isn't true, then Christians are, as the apostle Paul said, of all men most miserable.
Thank you for sticking through this. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, as it was not my intention to do so. I hope this has cleared up some questions or at least provided a new light with which to view true Christianity.