The Poetry Thread
Posts: 152
  • Posted On: Jul 26 2006 2:33pm
I've decided that perhaps it would be nice to read some of the poetry that I write, and other members poetry as well. I'll post a couple of poems below and I hope that you enjoy them.

The Landscape Mind

The window to my mind,
Much like a portal to atrocity,
So many thoughts and memories,
Stemmed up into this landscape,
The way the hills are my moods,
Often flat like my sadness,
Sometimes so high that they reach the sky,
These are the times when I fly.

The trees and the flowers,
They are the memories I have,
Dead plants are horrid,
Blooming are perfect,
These are the ways, the interpretation,
The deadness the memories, I’d rather forget,
The blooming the memories, I wish to behold,
This is the landscape I’ve built.

Life's Wonders

As I walk through the fields,
Sending tranquillity through.
The morning hue on the grass,
Filling my soul with pure joy.
The birds of true beauty,
Singing songs of such wonder.
The wonderful colours,
Causing peace and serenity.
The beauty of this calm world,
Making others sense love.

As I walk through the forest,
The rustling leaves utter soothing.
The branches of the great oaks,
Showing the greatness of life.
The overcastting shadows,
Never affecting this peace.
The sun and the sky,
Looking wonderfully joyous.
The clouds and the darkness,
Far away and so distant.

As I walk through the city,
The electric lights shining down.
The city’s wonders and greatness,
Giving me hope and such strength.
The buzz of excitement and happy people,
Showing life at it’s greatest.
The paths and the walkways,
Looking beautifully inspiring.
The lovers just walking,
Showing me hope and faith.
Posts: 157
  • Posted On: Jul 27 2006 9:04am
Some all time classics from Benjamin Zephaniah:

Little Miss Muffet,
Sat on her Tuffet,
Eating organic pears.

Along came a spider,
disguised as her driver,
to nibble her carob eclairs.


The Grand old Duke of York,
He could not count to ten,
when he got to four and a half,
he had to start again.

On exam day he started at none,
and slowly progressed to one.
By the time he got two, three and four,
his memory had gone.