Ya that is very out of line, like Dolash said they meant well and if you think about it Communism could have worked one day... with proper resources and management... like little rats in a cage; democracy obviously isn't working either, somehow 90% of Americans hate Bush and think he's a moron, but he somehow won the second election?
Feminism damaging...? maybe if you think about the poor guys who come home to a wife cracking her whip.
As for Darwin, I don't even want to get started on how ignorant that is... Social Darwnism has always occured I don't see why he would be villianous for being right...
Oh and deff. add the Bible and Qoran (or however its spelled) to the list considering how many acts of terrorism have occured because of the Qoran based on killing the infidels and land. Not to mention the damage of the witch trials, Crusades and Inquisition....that occured through the Bible.
This list smells of being made by American's. No offense against America, but there are some ignorant bastards in your country. I'm sorry but if Russia won the Cold War, they say that Adam Smith's books are the most damaging (and I agree to).
Charles Darwin's book is one of the best things to have happened to mankind, you relgious mad men!
Disclaimer: The views of one Irtar Mal'Gro do not reflect those of TRF, and are just the ramblings of the Anti-Social Socialist.
I`ll be excited when america will have it`s first woman president cause we here in finland have one, the second woman president in the world, but then she has no true power really...We have the stupidest prime minister...he just dropped the hole issue of russia offending finish air space! he propably even cleaned the shoes of that russian prime minister when they met....Oh back to the matters at hand...
Crusades...I see them as a way for european christian to go chopping some heads at jerusalem and so on...I don`t really believe in god....Damn i`m such a pagan :p joke....I do belong to the lutcheric church allthough, but i don`t really go there....
Incorrect. The opinion on Bush in America is split pretty evenly, though his approval ratings have recently slipped slightly under 50%.
I thought about commenting in this thread (on topic) but I decided it against it because a majority of the RPers on this sight are liberal, and so my more conservative views aren't well accepted. :p
I will just say that Communism will never work effectivly in any country. It removes any incentive to go above and beyond the call of duty, and thus a medocrity and apathy set in among ordinary people. Plus, much like George Orwell said, "All the animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."
Well there you go, I started to talk. (Prepares for countless retorts and criticisms)
Well there you go... 9 out of 10 rule... I didn't know what the fuck I was talking about.. see I'm right.
I haven't really gt anything against Bush except he really isn't that smart... he's not as wise or witting as our President should be... not to say he isnt doing fine right now I just enjoy laugh at him when he says incomptent things like he said a while ago about the President being a good speaker, smooth etc... then going "ah... uh".
Our debt is always fucked up.... except when Clinton was in office. As for the thousands dead they died for a good cause, although I think now we be the time to leave Iraq the fuck alone, they have their own government set up; its time to leave. But thats what we get we we put a horse back riding, golf-playing Texan in office (who has lived off daddy all his life) sigh* maybe I do have more against him than being an idiot.