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The Hulk, This Time More Incredible!
Again?! Geez, this is just overdoing it.
Nah; this one looks like they'll get it right, and Edward is a fantastic actor. I'm quite looking forward to this one.
Right? When do they ever get remakes right?
Great actor... doesn't seem right for the role.
We'll see.
We'll see.
last I heard on this film, they were having alot of post filming problems in that Norton is a huuuuuuuge control freak and has been known to try and take over the films he's in. He wants rewrites in the Hulk script and basically is trying to uproot the director so they're fueding.
So we'll see how long it takes before this thing hits the screens with that kinda fighting going on...
So we'll see how long it takes before this thing hits the screens with that kinda fighting going on...
downey jr. will be making a cameo as tony stark in this one too, to tie it with iron man.
i think norton will make it work.
i think norton will make it work.
I just present the facts.
On a more personal note; I'm just glad it's not Edward Norton and Ang Lee.
On a more personal note; I'm just glad it's not Edward Norton and Ang Lee.
ang lee blows.