The books aren't official (Reasons)
  • Posted On: Nov 24 2001 7:57pm
I win! *raises roof* :p
  • Posted On: Dec 18 2001 2:38am
You all are forgetting a humongous addition to SW via the EU....


HEEELLLLLOOOO the CENTER of the Galaxy...
Posts: 219
  • Posted On: Dec 18 2001 3:44am
I believe Coruscant was mentioned in script drafts.
  • Posted On: Dec 18 2001 4:32am
Yes, yes it was. It was originalyl going to be part of a huge scene; then they scrapped it.


The people who make EU gave Coruscant life beyond theory. Ditto for Corellia, and... oh, yeah, evey other god damn SW planet.
  • Posted On: Dec 18 2001 5:49am
They scrapped it until the SE RotJ, where they showed maybe a 10 second clip of the statue of Palpy/Sideous being torn down. I doubt many new people whose first time ever watching SW knew where the hell that was.
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: Dec 23 2001 11:14pm
DS speaks the truth.

However, there are some really low quality books in the EU. My opinion is that some should be, and others shouldn't be.
  • Posted On: Jan 7 2002 2:33pm
In my personal opinion, they are official until said otherwise. I was quite disappointed with NJO...but after reading most of it...I grew intrigued. I was not fascinated and absorbed like other SW books, but I was intrigued about the YV.

We really have no right to say what's official and what isn't. A LOT of things would not be there if it wasn't for EU...nine out of ten things RPed here would be incorrect if we only went by the movies. There would be no Victory Star Destroyers, Carrack Cruisers, Lancer Frigates, TIE Defenders, Interdictors, TIE Advanced, Assault Gunboats, Missile Boats, Modified Frigates, Modified Corvettes, MC200s, MC100s (I think...I am not very knowledgeable about Mon Cal ships), Dreadnaughts, Gencore Shields, Sun Crushers, Maw, Helska, Yaga Minor, Chandrilla...and the list goes on and on. When a crappy movie comes out, you can't say, "I'm just not accepting that movie because it sucked." It becomes story line and must be tolerated.
  • Posted On: Jan 8 2002 3:04am
The MC-200 is an MCF design. The only Mon Cal Cruisers in the movie were the MC-80 and the MC-90. The only ships that would exist would be:
MC-80, MC-90, Home One, X-Wing, A-Wing, B-Wing, Y-Wing, TIE Fighter, TIE Advanced X-1, Death Star, Death Star II, Imperial-Class Star Destroyer, Super Star Destroyer, Lambda Shuttle, Stormtrooper, AT-AT, AT-ST, Ewok Hang Glider, Naboo Starfighter, J-Type 327 Nubian, Trade Federation Battleship, Droid Starfighter, C-9979 Landing Ship, AAT, MTT, Battle Droid, Destroyer Droid, Millenium Falcon, Corellian Corvette, Nebulon-B Frigate(Medical), Snowspeeder, Landspeeder, Gungan Battle Wagon, Gungan Shield Projector, Gungan Catapult, STAP, Slave I, Jabba's Sail Barge, Jawa Sandcrawler, Speeder Bike, Podracers(I don't really want to bore you with all the different names)
I put this list together off of memory, so if anyone can correct me, that would be great.
Posts: 224
  • Posted On: Apr 17 2002 5:05pm
Back to snack and Gash's argument, it was in effect a childrens story as it was based on the simple good V evil genre, something which started out with childrens stories, although a little less macabre.

And the only reason the books were allowed to be made was because no movie studio wanted to make follow-ups to the Originals, they did not want to see luke skywalker and his scoobie gang getting old and dying. Thus, the books were allowed, which by the way i believe are very high quality.

The only reason the prequils are now being made is that they link with the creation of the heros, not their inevitable deaths (ie the last 3 movies, there were 9 originally i believe).
  • Posted On: Apr 17 2002 7:03pm
Uhg.. I can't believe I didn't spot this part sooner...

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote>Quote:<hr> There would be no Victory Star Destroyers... TIE Advanced...<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END-->

I'm pretty sure there was at least one VSD in either ESB or RotJ. If not, they'll make their apperance in Eppy 3.

And as to the TIE Advance.... ANH: Vader's TIE Fighter was the model for the TIE Advance, if not the first TIE Advance ever seen.