I can't waaaait until I have enough cash to buy this. I have a sneaking suspicion that, at least here, I might be alone in that feeling. Either way, it's going on my Christmas list.
A random review from Amazon:
Her music is so powerful is gives people "the runs". WOW. But no dance beats? What is this world coming to? Who needs actual musical ability when you can have looping synthesizer beats? I swear to God, if I hear one more piece of actual music, I'm going to go postal. I don't want lyrical content. I want videos with T&A, so that I don't have to pay attention to the "MUSIC". Go pray at the alter of Kylie Minogue. She just got a new boob job, dude.
What SomethingAwful had to say about it:
"brooding teenage girls" - well, I fit into that category, so I feel obligated to go out and buy this puppy :grin
I didn't think many people here would like Tori Amos. I thought there might be just one fan somewhere, though, since people here don't appear to be as metal-orientated as at TGC.
The songs are about Tori's experiences, Kas, but the lyrics aren't "I was raped, oh I was raped". It just so happens that SomethingAwful is a satire site and picked up on perhaps the worst experience in Tori's life. It's good music. I'd suggest having a listen to a few tracks before knocking it/her. :)