Thanks for the information Bhindi.
Star Wars: Battlefront confirmed
I envisioned a Star Wars Fleet game on the Homeworld engine. 3D views, asteriod mining, shipyards producing ships. The Homeworld engine, with a few modifications, I think would make the perfect Star Wars RTS Fleet game.
Homeworld, with a lot of modification, could do a good SW RTS.
I prefer the star Trek mods for Homeworld....
Woah, big avatar...
Star Trek compared to Star Wars is an ant to a deity.
you are a fool
Star Trek has a larger expanded universe, more books, more screen time, etc.
Unless you're comparing IC forces, in that case yes, the Empire (heck, even the Republic) could walk over the Federation & Co.
Unless you're comparing IC forces, in that case yes, the Empire (heck, even the Republic) could walk over the Federation & Co.
A Corellian Corvette could probaly wipe out most of the starfleet of the Federation. A ISD Mark II could dominate anything and everything, unless they all combined into a single armada. has some interesting articles on this topic.