Posted On:
May 14 2007 4:40pm
When Toby cried, everyone in the theatre laughed. When Spider-Man took a moment to make a character of, and include a cameo, the American Flag, everyone groaned. And when Mary Jane said she just wanted Peter to understand, the guy behind me said, "Why is it that all they ever want is for us to understand." We all laughed and it was one of the funniest points in the movie. Heh, the theatre I was in seemed to attract a plethora of insults and jibes aimed at the screen.
That, by far, was more entertaining than the actual movie.
Posted On:
May 14 2007 5:04pm
Haven't seen it yet, don't think i'll waste my money. One thing; Matrix 3: Most wanky 'emotional' one yet. X Men 3: Most wanky 'emotional' one yet. Spiderman 3: Most wanky 'emotional' one yet. All sucked. Coincidence? I think not.
Posted On:
May 14 2007 5:10pm
Ahh.. damn. With Shrek 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean 3, this does not bode well at all.
Posted On:
May 14 2007 7:53pm
Maybe we'll get an animated Ogre sex-scene.
Posted On:
May 14 2007 8:27pm
Or not. The POTC III trailer looked pretty good, my hopes are high.
Posted On:
May 15 2007 12:45am
After how they ended Pirates 2, I think I'll wait until it hits the bargain bin.
Posted On:
May 15 2007 7:09am
I missed the POTC 3 trailer because some newbie was working the day I went to see S3. Got sound for the preview but no visual. Visual came up just at the very start of the movie. Anyway, I personally liked S2 the best, didn't care too much for S3.
Posted On:
May 15 2007 6:26pm
Haven't seen Spiderman 3 and don't intend to. At least not in theaters. I did, however, go to Island of Adventure (the sister park of Universal Studios) yesterday and met spiderman and got my picture taken with him. I'm excited for Shrek 3.
Posted On:
May 15 2007 6:45pm
POTC 3 looks like it will be good, but then again movies have that wonderful way of sucking ass every now and then.