Post your Wallpaper 5 maybe?
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jan 23 2005 1:44am
There are just so many jokes to make, Exar, I almost can't decide. I'm going to let you piece this one together yourself. Just pick whichever combination of these suits you best.

- Indeterminate, random, ugly background in your signature.
- Presence of 300-pound men unable to walk without assistance in your signature.
- Shitty cutting and blurry image which seems reminiscient of... guess which Microsoft program.
- Day-glo green text the color of the balloons at my nephew's birthday party.
- Ability of my nephew to spell. (Greater than yours.)
- Age of my nephew. (Four.)
- Completely unrelated presence of four rappers in a sig insulting TGC and declaring yourself a Jedi Knight.
- Ridiculous facial expression on Notorious B.I.G. which makes it seem as if he suffered brain damage in a tragic car accident.
- Annoying and pervasive gangster slang which makes you seem as if you were hit by the same car.
- Fact that you are from the suburbs and should shut up about "gangsters" and talk like the other people on this geeky message board.
- Fact that you took pictures of yourself wearing $300 jacket and posted them on TGC, then have the audacity to talk "ghetto".
- Age you looked in the photograph. (14.)

I'm sure that as you post more stupid things, I'll be able to think of more jokes. For now, whenever you post something, read it over and then review the above remarks and try to figure out what my response would be like.
Posts: 939
  • Posted On: Jan 23 2005 1:50am
Oh, i wanna see a photo of this ghetto fool.
Posts: 154
  • Posted On: Jan 23 2005 1:59am
Gevel, you're kinda creepy.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jan 23 2005 2:07am
Yeah, I even heard in another thread that I was a queer. Thank god we have gangster-mimicing, slur-spitting fourteen year old internet tough guys like you to make TRF a friendly and welcoming place or I don't know what we'd do.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Jan 23 2005 7:03am
I <3 Gash.
Posts: 49
  • Posted On: Jan 23 2005 6:27pm
Yes, I know daft means stupid, because my Mother uses that word all the time whenever she calls someone/something stupid.

Why do you think I took offense the first time he said it to me?
Posts: 49
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2005 5:58pm
Remember the desktop screenshot I was trying to show you on my Vaio? I put the wallpaper on my laptop and did a screenshot that way, and here it is. I like this better than the red and blue.
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2005 7:31pm
In preperation for the holidays, I changed my wallpaper. Actually did this a few weeks ago, good to get a head start.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2005 7:38pm
... Denise Richards...
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2005 7:48pm
I hate crowded desktops. I actually have an OSX Dock emulator, but I installed it 'cause it's not quite as powerful as the real OSX toolbar and doesn't do me any good.

Waiting for the next release...