Posted On:
Jun 30 2004 11:56pm
I liked the Pitch Black movie, however, almost all my predictions made at the start of the movie came true. I was even able to guess precisely how many survivors would make it to each phase of the film, which isn't to say it was a bad film, merely a predictable one.
I can hardly comprehend the connection between the two movies, as all they seem to share is Riddick, but meh, I'll still watch it.
P.S. Vin is in Saving Private Ryan?
Posted On:
Jul 1 2004 12:33am
I've heard the game tie-in, Escape from Butcher Bay, isn't bad.
Posted On:
Jul 1 2004 3:07am
It's not too shabby. Anyways the Tie-In from Pitch Black to Chronicles is this: Riddick is on some conquered world and some mercenaries come to claim him for the bounty placed on his head by the Holy Man. Riddick goes and finds him only to learn that Jack has been placed in prison. That's the tie in.
Posted On:
Jul 1 2004 4:40am
Dolash: he plays the tough-looking guy who writes a letter home, then gets killed by the sniper in the town where the "fake" Private Ryan is. The other members of the team then spend the rest of the movie copying out Vin's letter, as it keeps getting trashed up.
Posted On:
Jul 1 2004 1:18pm
Oh, that guy. I always felt sorry for him, but he seemed a little too short to be Vin. I'll have to rewatch that.
Posted On:
Jul 1 2004 5:37pm
Escape From Butcher Bay is not bad?? Its revolutionized, once again, XBox graphics! Its one of the only games remotely based on a movie to actually be good! Its right up there with Halo!
Posted On:
Jul 2 2004 6:01pm
I did read a review that said it was pretty good, and the graphics were extremely impressive and revolutionary. I think it was on gamespot.com, which is one of my preferred sources of gaming news. (WTF?)
No, seriously.