Funny that, as ambassador of newbdom, I get such a dubious inclusion. While it may be the truth, there comes with that realization a certian awarness that even I can be a nice person, tending towards the warm and welcome. And indeed, as TDA can and should attest, I was that and would like to continue to be however; in the face of events like this thread (and others) even I can grow weary of attempting to reinforce the same lessons time, and time again (I am no fan of dead horses, nor the beating of).
TDA, you've been offered some very sage advice by the community but, or so it seems, you prefer to fly in the face of that. While this may be attributable to youth, you have to acknowdledge and respect that the average age of TRF'ers, and by default or average maturity level, is in constant progression. Certianly you are no InuYasha... and I hold out hope that you'll grow in to a productive, valued member of the community.
Having stated that...
The source of your percived animosity from me, to you, is incorrect. You feel that I was trying to exclude you from the BHG. This is not the case. Park has no authority over what or who is allowed in the Guild, it was a mistake for him to extend to you the olive branch of friendship under false pretenses. Which is not an attempt to deminish the work done by Park, but simply to observe that there is protocol and procedure. If you wish to join the Guild, the person with whom you should speak is me, not he. When you came to me the first time I told you exactly what I still feel to be the valid truth; you need more practice and growth as a TRF'er before you consider joining a faction like BHG or, particularly, BDE (you could not have chosen a more complex faction).
Take your time. Grow and learn.
And remember, I am not your enemy. In my harsh tones I convey a knowlegde of my very own and it is your choice what you do with that. The same can be observed of each and every member of TRF, both ways.
Good luck.
Leia; that post of yours, if edited, would be a perfect "Read This Warning" for new members. Copied, posted and stickied?