Nuclear weapons being used in Iraq
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: Oct 1 2004 1:01am
LOL @ milkshake.
Posts: 455
  • Posted On: Oct 1 2004 1:38am
Demosthenes X
They are doing their job, Dolash. They're paid to sing Bush's praises. And they do.

Idiot. Everyone knows that the American Media is run by liberals. And the last time I checked, Bush was Republican.

So be quiet about things you know nothing about.
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: Oct 1 2004 1:41am
LOL @ Logan, though I doubt that one was intentional.
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Oct 1 2004 1:46am
Good grief . . .
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Oct 1 2004 2:50am
Idiot. Everyone knows that the American Media is run by liberals. And the last time I checked, Bush was Republican.


Which explains this:

"...liberalism is not a philosiphy, liberalism is a mental disorder."
-Michael Savage

"They're a bunch of gutless, spineless cowards!"
-Sean Hannity (on liberals)

"God days, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours."
-Ann Coulter

"We need to exceute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. otherwise they will turn out to be ourright traitors!"
-Ann Coulter

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to christianity!"
-Ann Coulter (on 9/11 terrorists)

"It is true that if you are poor and can't afford a good laywer, your odds of going to prison skyrocket. But you know what? Tough!"
-Bill O'Riely

Oh, and need I mention Fox "News"?

Yup... it's a liberal paradise down there. How did you say it...? Ah, right, "idiot".
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Oct 1 2004 2:42pm
Joren Logan
Idiot. Everyone knows that the American Media is run by liberals.

So be quiet about things you know nothing about.

Oh boy.

First of all, there is a conceptual bias about the media. The media is said to be liberal. But as I pointed out...

Media is popularistic. They pander. The fact of the matter is is that everyone is a journalist... they see something, they talk about it. But few people can make money doing it. You do that one of two ways; hop in bed with a big corporation or the government, or shilling out to a majority opinion. Like it or not, all media is biased.

But is the media liberal, as so many conservatives complain?

The answer is no.

The media as noted above is popularistic. They aren't going to publish something that is going to piss off the market they pander to. If the media in question is, say, the radio, owned almost entirely by conservative conglomerates that love their big government tax cuts, they aren't going to publish, for example, "John Kerry doesn't like war... go vote for him!" as it would be stupid. New York, is a traditionally democratic state, and thus in it's television and print advertisments, you see a liberal bias. And yes, there is a liberal bias in New York. But one key thing to note is that when the New York Times publishes an article that is factually innacurate, they can be sued for defamation if it is later proved innacurate. So saying that because they represent a liberal arguement, they can't be trusted, is stupid. If they bullshit they get called on it.

People say, that CNN is liberal. This is absurb. Have you ever watched BBC, or even better, CBC? CNN is popularistic and for a long time coddled Bush, but they aren't going to insult Kerry because if he gets into office, they'll need to coddle him too. It seems to me that Conservatives have this viewpoint that if it isn't rapidly conservative, like Fox News, then it's liberal. Let me make this completely clear: if you hold Fox News as the central point of media, you're either Bill O'Reilly or completely retarded. Although I guess it's pretty much the same thing...

Media is popularistic. Sometimes it is liberal. Sometimes it is conservative. But on the whole you can be sure of only one thing. If you have lots of money, a radio station somewhere will promote your agenda as the gospel truth. Right wing, or left. Never forget that cash is what the media seeks, and not the truth.

The New York Times does not overestimate the situation, at least not statistically. A viewpoint is one thing but numbers can get them sued.

That was in response to someone saying that the Liberal media was exagerating how bad the situation in Iraq was but it's certainly relevant here.

Also, some stats: A poll said that of all the people in Journalism who vote, 90% vote Democrat. First, I have no source for that as it was raised in a debate and the source was never documented. But let's for a minute assume that it's true. That includes all the people who regularily write editorials for the newspaper and also shock jocks/shock and awe article pupblishers, and photographers. That's a huge amout of people voting democrat, sure. But that 10% that votes conservative JUST HAPPENS to own the media outlets in question, ensuring that the liberal bias is turned down. In edition to this, it's no doubt skewered by the fact that the largest employer, the newspaper, is likely the one that leans farthest to the left and that the smallest employer, radio, leans much farther to the right.

Take Clear Channel. You've heard of them. Thanks to recent reforms in radio conglomaration laws, Clear Channel was able to buy the largest radio station, whether rock or talk, or both, in 247 of the 254 major US Markets and now owns, in addition to it's myriad conservative radio stations, 1200 rock stations in the United States alone. On those rock stations, in 2002, Clear Channel banned over 250 songs they felt were controversial and innapropriate considering that the nation was about to go to war. Now, banning Bombs over Bagdhad is probably for the best, but they went on to ban John Lennon's Imagine and the entire Cat Stevens discography. Stevens makes sense, afterall, since he is a filthy Muslim who supports terrorism (hisssssss), but John Lennon? Imagine? Probably the most pro-peace, soft rock song ever penned by a noted peacenic, banned? Why? Because people who wanted peace might have played that song and made people think? Or maybe they thought he was John Lenin and banned him for being a filthy fucking Communist? Only they know. What is important is that in the future, Clear Channel will move into television (they've already started) and when media-anti-trust laws are reformed (something Bush was pushing for before his ties to Enron leaked and he backed away from most corporate law agendas), Clear Channel will buy a lot of television stations, and then you can say goodbye to shows about fags (Will and Grace) and education (Blue's Clues) and get used to a lot more shows about violence (pro wrestling), rednecks (Jerry Springer, pro wrestling), and god (Touched by an Angel). And then, you'll be rid of the liberal media. Except maybe CNN.

Oh, yeah. CNN. People who say CNN is liberal need to watch something other then Fox News. For all it's liberalism, CNN spends half an hour promoting an America where illegal immigrants do not get drivers liscenses and can't vote for Democrats, but are still required to work for Conservatives as Lou Dobbs says "companies that hire workers in Canada are traitors! Down with NAFTA! War with Canada!" For all it's liberalism, CNN spends four days at the RNC, just like it spent four days at DNC, and doesn't cut away from the RNC to discuss the Swift Boat ads with it's panel, like it did at the DNC. For all it's liberalism, CNN just ran a half hour expose devoted to the forgery of the Bush records brought up by Rather, when the discovery/presentation of those documents merely garned a 7 minute session with Paula Zahn. But, Sean, you say... this is Ted Turner's network! Devoted atheist and liberal emofag! Uh... no. While Ted Turner may be both an Atheist and a liberal emofag, he was removed from power in the AOL/Time-Warner merger and eventually quit entirely. He has no power, or even a job at CNN, which you can't say for Bob Novak, whose son works as a publicist for the Swift Boat veterans and he outted a CIA agent because her husband spoke out against Bush. But CNN is liberal. Yep. About as liberal as the KKK.

The liberal media is a complete falacy. Media is populartistic, thus, it panders to the party in power. The only media that doesn't is Fox News, which might as well be named the Neo Nazi News Network for all of it's racism, homophobia, religious elitism, and staunchly pro-war policies in it's reporting and editorials. But yet, the liberal media myth persists. It's because of people like you, Logan, people who are stupid enough to believe they are told by salty old bastards who drink a lot of beer and think that if you ain't white, you ain't right. And because of people like you, I'm going to have to make posts like this until I die.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Oct 1 2004 11:02pm
Idiot. Everyone knows that the American Media is run by liberals.

So be quiet about things you know nothing about.
Yeah, especially since the majority of major American media outlets are run by a handful of massive conglomerates. And you know how liberal those mega-corporations can get.