Match wits with Darth Vader
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Jul 22 2005 2:06am
There is no power greater than the Dark Side!!

I don't know if anyone has seen this before, but even if you have, its worth looking at again.

If you answer honestly, there is litteraly nothing he can't guess. If you do manage to stump Vader, a rarity, then you imput what you were thinking and it becomes an option for Vader to guess.

Anyway its a very good program. I've shown it to my friends, who think about things like "Sex", and Vader still guesses it.
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: Jul 22 2005 3:38am
It took him seven or eight guesses to get "Ink."
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Jul 22 2005 3:58am
It took 29 questions for him to get "telephone". He guessed "telephone cord" before that...

Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Jul 22 2005 4:49am
He never got Ant, although he did get Fire Ant at 25.

He got Battleship at 19. That impressed me.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Jul 22 2005 6:20am
Rainbow in 17.
Never got condom, had to submit it.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Jul 22 2005 6:30am
Yeah I had to submit Vibrator as well.
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Jul 22 2005 8:07am
I had to submit owl
Posts: 147
  • Posted On: Jul 22 2005 9:04am
It took him 29 questions to figure out: pizza
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: Jul 22 2005 11:54am
I had to send "Sleep."

I has to send "A Sock."

And WHY does a plastic king dude come up and whisper in his ear??

To his credit, he got "Bantha" quickly and without any other guesses.
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Jul 22 2005 5:17pm
Thats the "Burger King"!!!

I think the game, was at one time, an advertising gimmick for the Burger King Fast Food Chain.

How effective he guesses is also influenced by how well you answer his questions. If you say, irrelevant, as every answer, I doubt he'll get it. :b