Posted On:
Mar 12 2012 2:56pm
Just finished it on Saturday.
I loved that musical score that came on when you old buds from previous games offered their "last stand" moment.
Apparently, I had forgotten that Miranda Lawson died in my previous game and I was just getting my groove on with her. Nothing like a galactic invasion of murderous machines to put a cramp in one's style.
All in all, I enjoyed the game but now I want to go back with Mass Effect 1 and redo all my choices again.
Posted On:
Mar 12 2012 5:19pm
So you must have sided with Jack during her little spat with Miranda in ME2? That seems kinda weird, if Miranda was in your "groove."
I finished ME3 Thursday, so many great moments in that game.
Still trying to figure out the ending(s). Perhaps it is the girly (more emotionally prone) gamer in me, but in the gravity of the moment it initially felt like a kick in the gut.
Now several days later, well... it still seems like quite the thinker. Still not sure how I really feel about that last 15 minutes.
Posted On:
Mar 12 2012 8:48pm
Actually, I did side with Jack because I thought her argument (at the time) made more sense and I did not think the game/Miranda would penalize me for the rest of the entire game by giving me the cold shoulder.
I mean come on!
I did not start a relationship with Jack. I just thought her argument was better at the time.
I kept bringing Miranda with me on missions to see if any new dialogue opened up but the damage had already been done. She eventually died in the final attack (I think that was when it was).
Women are vicious. The game got that down pat.
Posted On:
Mar 12 2012 10:15pm
15 hours in... I am required to play again after this as Femshep... for more information... check out the podcast thread... Jennifer Hale intimidated me into agreeing to do so
Posted On:
Mar 13 2012 3:18pm
Omnae, did Wrex survive for you in ME1? If not, you need to go back and make sure he lives so you can relate certain instances when I call you a Krogan man.
Intimidated? Perhaps Jennifer Hale must have used her renegade voice on you, Bane?
Really though, if you don't play femshep you're missing out!
When I first picked up Mass Effect 2 (did not play ME1 until much later), I actually was against the idea of femshep and refused to roll one because Bioware marketing touted Shepard as a badass male character and I wanted to play 'the' Shepard. Enjoyed the play through, but not enough to really get into the Mass Effect universe.
Then someone harped on me for so long about how you haven't experienced Mass Effect until you've been a femshep that I gave up, dusted off my copy of ME2, and gave femshep a whirl... and wow, what a different experience. Just can't give Jennifer Hale enough credit for how the quality of her voice acting gives depth to the character. She nails pretty much every line, and in retrospect even caused me to feel Mark Meer was a bit flat at times with his tonality and intensity after hearing some of the same lines voiced by her.
So now, I am addicted to Mass Effect.
Posted On:
Mar 13 2012 10:04pm
I sobbed like a little baby on Tuchanka. If you play paragon and made certain choices, that last scene with Mordin is heartbreakingly beautiful. The ending of Rannoch did the same thing, but it didn't hit as hard because it happened too quickly.
I haven't beaten it yet, on Priority: Thessia. I'm putting it off to get my galactic readiness rating up to 100%, because I'm a perfectionist. Unfortunately, since I also started late, most of the gaming community has beaten it before me and are loudly complaining about the ending, so I'm a little terrified to finish. Somehow I haven't been spoiled yet, people are doing a really good job of being cryptic, but that only makes it even worse.
Speaking of which, anyone have it for PC/playing multiplayer? I'm not a huge fan of "horde" mode co-op multiplayer, its really fun the first time but super boring and repetitive every time after. But I have to do it for the readiness, so I'd prefer to do it with people I know. My Origin ID is Corusca. I will say that, even though I'm not a fan, the co-op is really well done.
Posted On:
Mar 14 2012 10:20am
I have it on the PC and am also a perfectionist, hit me up for some multiplayer Zark. I have off work for like the next 8 days. My Origin ID is Razormoose.
Posted On:
Mar 14 2012 1:59pm
Man, I ended the game with the galaxy at 50% readiness. It took this old man a little while to realize that I could search the systems with Reaper icons and outrun their ships chasing me. I am curious now to see what happens if I end the game with the galaxy at less than 50% readiness.
I just couldn't side with the Geth. I actually replayed that whole dang mission to side with Tali's people because Tali had to go and get all dramatic when I figured Geth Tech would be better at my side than Quarian tech.
What is it with Mass Effect women?
Zark: I feel the same way with horde mode. I got into Firefight on Halo ODST but after a while it was just too repetitive. Actually, it would have been cool if you could save your progress and return later to go to higher levels but I just don't have 10 hours to play at any one sitting. I have not tried the multiplayer on Mass Effect tho. I restarted the whole series for that "perfection" you and OS speak of.
As for that ending...
Thessia... ugh. - be prepared for a new creature that is just going to piss you off.
OS: Oh yes, the Krogan survived. I actually felt a loss with ME3 that there was no Krogan onboard to banter with. I did get a kick out of their personalities. :D
Posted On:
Mar 14 2012 2:33pm
I've always played dudeshep but after interviewing her, I have to do otherwise now. I promised, several times.
Wrex died in mine but I saved Maelon's data so that was good.
Posted On:
Mar 14 2012 4:01pm
Awww, Omnae has a soft spot for Tali. All this grousing about 'women' but I think he actually likes it since he went out of his way for them!
You should try for a perfectionist paragon play through Omnae. From what you've hinted at experiencing in your first play through, I think it would be a whole new story for you.
Zark... can't wait to hear your thoughts on the ending. Sounds like you are approaching the game very similar to how I did, and I am curious to see if you have the same reaction I did.
Bane... Wrex's part in ME2 and 3 are a good time, you should try a play through where he survived Virmire! You can do it when you play as femshep. :p