Making racial, gay, and any other offensive jokes...
  • Posted On: Feb 13 2004 2:00am
Don't you hate it when people tell you not to use "gay" incorrectly. When they obviously know you mean stupid. Why do they get upset? I mean, in the past, gay meant happy, but it slowly changed to homosexual, so why can't it change again.

About racial jokes, I just hate the fact everyone uses the term "African-Americans' to describe black people. I mean, just say black. We would know if you are trying to be offensive or just using the term to refer to them.

Anyone else feel like carrying on this rant? I'm kind of bored right now.
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Feb 13 2004 2:05am
Stop trying to be cool.

Wallow in your ignorance.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Feb 13 2004 2:45am
Most people I have asked prefer the term black to African American.
  • Posted On: Feb 13 2004 4:15am
My city is nearly 100% italian so there's only about 6 black people and I've never had a chance to ask any of them their opinion.
Posts: 405
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2004 7:19am
That's because they know that the term "African-American" was invented by Republicans to replace other less friendly terms, and when someone says "African-American" they're still thinking said less friendly term.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2004 7:32am
Don't you hate it when people tell you not to use "gay" incorrectly. When they obviously know you mean stupid. Why do they get upset? I mean, in the past, gay meant happy, but it slowly changed to homosexual, so why can't it change again.
Most people who @#%$ and nitpick about thrownaway word use are the ones who are insecure about their own prejudices. They know that at the end of the day they are, as a product of their environment, scared to @#%$ death of anything remotely different.

They're also the ones who take the most shallow view of racism and hate; so long as no one is saying n***** no one is being racist, and as long as no one is saying faggot no one is being homophobic.

They see no problem with intrinsic religious and cultural hatred of homosexuals, or the fact that the people on Friends are almost 100% white. They laugh at racist jokes and oppose affirmative action. But they'll be damned it they'll let you call that spammer a faggot.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2004 3:32pm
Hey, I don't like people using gay as an insult because that suggests in some way that if someone is homosexual they're less of a human being. Not because I want to mask any homophobia. I hope Gay Marriage rights win, and act no different around the actual homosexuals in my high-school then the way I act around heterosexuals.

And I have yet to ever have to correct anyone (except my dad when he said "eskimos") about race, but if someone called an afro-american black, that's fine because I'm white. I don't go around trying to spell caucasian, or Negro, or African-American. Hell, if possible I don't even think about race. And it's accurate, anyways.

So I don't think such broad generalizations on your part are correct this time, Gash.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2004 6:26pm
I think they are. How many gay people have you met, Dolash?
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2004 6:55pm
*thinking* four.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2004 3:04am
Politically Correct terms are stupid.