Posted On:
Feb 6 2003 9:21pm
I think it should be pointed out that poor dead Brian Moore plagiarized the entire essay, and lied about it to his Christian group and his parents.
Some Christian.
Posted On:
Feb 6 2003 9:38pm
I don't know whether he plagerized the essay or not...the point is that it is a touching story...
Christians are humans like everyone else...although they strive to do what Christ would want them to, it doesn't mean that we can't make mistakes. I think plagerizing is wrong too...but the essay is getting circulated, and that's something powerful.
Posted On:
Feb 6 2003 9:48pm
Why would a Muslim, Jew, Sikh, Hindu, or Buddhist not be offended by someone "sharing" with them a tract which states that their faith is false and Christ, and the belief that he is the son of God, is the sole savior?
Let me put it to you this way: it doesn't matter how you meant it, or what it is you believe. It's what that story preaches that is the issue: TRF is a multicultural site, and is not the place for internet missionaries or tracts which could be very easily taken offense to by those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith.
Once you acknowledge having read this, I will be deleting the post in question, and those following it.
Posted On:
Feb 6 2003 10:08pm
If what you say is true, then I will now ask for every mention of the F word, the D word, the S word, etc, to be forbidden, as it spits in the face of my religion. Literally.
Every religion believes itself to be the one and only. Every religion believes that they are going to heaven, and everyone else will burn.
Sam, every religion has hypocrites. Every religion has liars, thieves, etc. Every religion has Trojan horses, fakers, and twofaced members. Why do you demand a high standard of Christians? Why say "some Christian" as if you expected them to be perfect? Christians are susceptible to the same temptations that you are. And Christians fall just as hard, if not harder than you do.
Gash, because of the recent reply you deleted, I suggest closing the thread now.
Posted On:
Feb 6 2003 10:13pm
No, the thread must remain open so that people such as yourself and preach your right wing beliefs onto everyone while people such as myself, our beliefs are instantly deleted.
Go preach to some poor starving people in another country and offer them food and shelter, if only they will be come christians like you.
Offer them clothing and medical care, if only they will take Jesus as their savior.
Go preach to someone who gives a @#%$, because I sure as @#%$ don't.
Posted On:
Feb 6 2003 10:18pm
Your post violated the OOC rules.
When was the last time this board had a post by a Christian, displaying his faith?
Posted On:
Feb 6 2003 10:20pm
(2/6/03 10:16:17 am) <-------------
.....and what OOC rules did I violate? Speaking about my spiritual beliefs?
Yes, I can see how that would be a problem.
Posted On:
Feb 6 2003 10:23pm
Okay, okay, enough.
No more religious topics on TRF.