Well, her first name was Alice or something. But you know what people are gonna do with that...
Like "I'm Sandy, Sandy Beach", only better!
I thought that was AI at first (ai), which is the abbreviation of Artificial Intelligence.
You would, nerd boy.
How is AI Coholic funny?
How is AI Coholic funny?
It just occured to me that being named Artificial Intelligence would be strange, and could cause problems in school.
I browsed that google. Found a white supremist site. Was greatly disturbed. That girl is doomed to have her ass up her throat for life. Whether it be because she turns out to be a white supremist herself or not...the name gurantees it.
I have to wonder how humanity has lasted this long when we're stupid enough to believe in racial superiority... and whether we even deserve to be here with those kinds of attitudes.
Well, considering the people giving Archie the names have to provide SS#'s or the immigrant equavalient of it, the names and numbers have to match in the system or no go... so you can't lie, or your told your uneligible to work in the USA and the company can't hire you :-p
True enough. People are still stupid enough to try, though.