Like "I'm Sandy, Sandy Beach", only better!
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Apr 9 2005 6:17am

Awwww, cutie pie! Poor child, why did her parents have to name her so?
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Apr 9 2005 7:09am
Fair amount of chatter over the 'net about it too. I'm guessing that this is exactly what the parents wanted.<o =""></o>

This also brings up an interesting question about children, and the internet. Here we have a baby named to generate controversy. How is she going to feel about this as she grows up? How is she going to feel about any potential 15 Minutes of Fame she may receive? What happens when she goes to school, and everyone knows all about her birth, has seen her short TV spot, and has photoshopped images such as this one ready at hand to tease her with? Similar questions arise with the Star Wars Kid, Judo Jump Man, Achia, Crazy Chinese Firecracker Boy, and numerous other people who have achieved notoriety on the web for their ludicrous videotaped actions.

*thoughts fueled by five cans of diet coke and head cold drugs.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 9 2005 12:43pm

*thoughts fueled by five cans of diet coke and head cold drugs.

Suuuuuuuure Kas, 'head cold' drugs.
Posts: 455
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2005 12:20am
*tries to delete thread*
Posts: 76
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2005 1:32am
Poor kid...
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2005 5:12am

I think its great!

*thinks up some names for his own*
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2005 11:08am
Seth Vinda

I think its great!

*thinks up some names for his own*

Wow. Has anyone read some of the (other) message boards currently discussing this topic? Some awfully bitter people spend their days surfing the net.

But there have had to be names like this in the past, right?
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2005 12:45pm
'Aryan Justice' could be a normal name if you said it right.
Posts: 666
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2005 2:59pm
There's a right and wrong way of saying it?
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Apr 10 2005 5:04pm
1. It'd be ironic if she were black.

2. Who surfs hospital birth sites?

3. lol.. *wonders what names Seth thought up*