Posted On:
Jan 26 2005 3:16pm
He/She/it has always found a way around our defenses.
Our defenses being that blind sniffer dog that stands at the door, and dolash.
Posted On:
Jan 26 2005 4:14pm
And he/she/its stupidity. Xilen made some dumbass mistakes every time we've caught it.
Posted On:
Jan 26 2005 6:56pm
For your information, that is Jade, the one who keeps flushing people down the toilet to Coney Island.
Posted On:
Jan 26 2005 10:00pm
Jade has a toilet fetish.
Posted On:
Jan 26 2005 10:07pm
Just like I have an Ahnk fetish.
Posted On:
Jan 26 2005 10:41pm
You're a filfthy beast Kraken, a filthy beast with a terrible mustache.
Posted On:
Jan 26 2005 11:14pm
*rolls eyes*
I assume someone has a problem with me replacing Xilen as Centrality Leader? Or is that someone thinking 'better Jade than Xilen'?
And for the record, Gue offered me the job.
*is guessing Grevious knows her well enough to know she plays Rebekah, and only flushes people down Beff's toilet to Coney Island so they can be further away from her*
Posted On:
Jan 26 2005 11:22pm
1) Its the latter. We hate Xilen.
2) I would imagine Gue offered you the job, since you're kind of RPing as a member of his faction and he hasn't said anything so far.
3) Either that, or Gue told him.
4) Stop being so paranoid. ;)
Posted On:
Jan 26 2005 11:41pm
Its actually neither.
I assumed you were Xilen since he/she/it was the leader of the centrality, and consequently I didn't know you were Jade under a different account.
Still nothing a ban won't cure.
Posted On:
Jan 27 2005 12:59am
Oh comes the dawn.
Stephanie Sapphire was Xilen?
EDIT: Gue said hed rather not have me do any fleeting -since the last time I fleeted was basically a disaster-, and Id rather NOT do any fleeting. Me and fleeting do NOT get along. LOL